A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other

Here is my challenge for you guys, I want to see a fanfiction where Kagome is not with Inuyasha, or Sesshomaru, I may write those but honestly I get sick and tired of reading them.

The pairing I am wishing for for this challenge is Naraku/Kagome. I would like it to be in the normal anime universe, however you want to fit it. Also I would like it to be a chapter story, at least 5 chapters with 1500 words each.

All other pairing are up to you, just no yaoi or yuri, or incest...... there is no deadline on this challenge....

Categories: Romance > Naraku/ Kagome, Adult, Romance Characters: Kagome Higurashi, Naraku

Alright, so there's a pairing that I would like to see, an uncommon, likely unthought of pairing.

Kagome and Byakuya

I think he's a cool character, and doesn't get enough attention. I have but a few rules.

1. This is not to be some trashy novel, with bondage at every turn. If I want porn, I'll go to adultfanfiction. No rape either, unless it has some serious, important role in the story.

2. This is more a request than a demand, but please don't rush the romance. I don't really enjoy it when the character's see each other and go, 'Oh my, it seems I love you! Have my babies!' Seriously.

3. Use spell check, have a friend/beta look it over, I don't care how you do it, just PLEASE make it readable. I don't feel like deciephering text chat....

Other than that, go crazy. I'm not a huge fan, but you can go AU if you want, I know that it's easier for some people. I'm not going to apply a time limit, rather an entry limit. I will only judge the first 5, if I get that many. If I get a few, say 3 or 4, and then nothing for a while, then I'll just judge those. Best of luck! And for a prize... I don't know... Maybe I can write a fic for ya? I can't do lemons, or yaoi/yuri. I have nothing against them, I just don't have the talent for em.

Categories: Romance Characters: Byakuya, Kagome Higurashi
Summary: Stories entries must be new and specifically written for this challenge. It can not be place on a existing story. This is flameandfreeze is must involve Sesshomaru and Kagome together.
  1. It is a chapter story.
  2. The minimum chapters is 20. There is no maximum chapter that you can do.
  3. Romance is a must genre. Your pick on the rest.
  4. Rating: T, M or MA are allowed.
  5. Time Line: Feudal Era Time or Modern Time
  6. Plot line - An Unexpected Request- either from Sesshomaru or Kagome.
  7. Prologue and Epilogue can be allowed and will be included in the number of chapters you have.
  8. Limes and Lemons can be involved but please place it in the rating proper in.
  9. You need to make the admissions to have 2000 words or over. That is not including author note of chapter and title of teh chapter.
  10. Naraku needs to be alive and cunning in a few plans. -Your idea with each plan.
  11. Inuyasha is mated with someone of your choice but not Kagome. New character or old character.
  12. Miroku and Sango are together.
  13. Shippo is older and is looking to mate. His height is a bit taller from Kagome`s height.
  14. Rin is alive. She is around between the ages of 15 to 17 years old.
  15. Kagome is 23 to 25 years old.

No dead lines and this not a contest either. So you can take your time.

You can place this challenge any on fan fiction sites, like fanfiction, Dokuga, Inuyashafanfiction, M, PD, DA, AFF, and LJ. Just send the link to flaming witch of fire
Categories: Romance, Action/ Adventure, Angst/ Drama, Humor, Romance > Sesshoumaru/ Kagome Characters: Kagome Higurashi, Sesshoumaru
Summary: You can do any kind of cross-overs, it has to be angsty.
Categories: Crossover, Angst/ Drama, Action/ Adventure Characters: Kagome Higurashi

Fanfiction only. Sesshomaru and Kagome story. Chapter story only.

Sesshomaru and Kagome - pairings the rest are up to you.
Rating: M or MA
Time line: Feudal
Plot line: Some to do the blood and trust need to be within it. The rest is up to you.
Genre: Romance and you're pick.

Posting: You can place this challenge any on fan fiction sites, like fanfiction, Dokuga, Inuyashafanfiction, M, PD, DA, AFF, and LJ. Just send the link to flaming witch of fire.

Categories: Adult, Romance, Romance > Sesshoumaru/ Kagome, Angst/ Drama, Humor, Action/ Adventure Characters: Kagome Higurashi, Sesshoumaru

FanFiction entries must be new, specifically written for this challenge.
 All entries must involve Sesshoumaru & Kagome as the main characters. Their relationship must be the focus.
 Other pairings are allowed in.

 Genre: Horror, thriller and kind that is dark but it also has to ave Romance in it. Dark Romance It also needs to be scary.
 Rating: MA

Warnings are needed with the story when they are needed. Like rape, limes or lemons, gore and so on.

No dead lines and this not a contest either. So you can take your time.

You can place this challenge any on fan fiction sites, like fanfiction, Dokuga, Inuyashafanfiction, M, PD, DA, AFF, and LJ. Just send the link to flaming witch of fire

Categories: Action/ Adventure, Romance, Adult, Romance > Sesshoumaru/ Kagome Characters: Kagome Higurashi, Sesshoumaru

With this challenge that I am issuing, I appreciate great imagination and wild circumstances and scenarios. Be it, that Sesshomaru is turned into a Cat, (Actually possible! There's Dark Miko out there you know!) or InuYasha is hurled into the future and goes to Kagome's school. I have several rules that MUST be followed... Please?

 Rule 1. It must include the love triangle of Sesshomaru/Kagome/InuYasha and possibly Kouga, too. 

Rule 2. Kagome must end up with either one of our favourite Dog Demons.

Rule 3. No OC's aloud! They seem to really annoy me. They are only allowed if they are minor characters. Like servants in Sesshomaru's house of the West or Kagome's friends from school etc...

Rule 3. No Kikyo bashing! As much as I dislike her character (NOT HATE), I find it that she was really misunderstood in her personality. People always portray her as either a Slut in high school AU's, or an evil villian full stop. I really am not particularly fond of her, but I still resect her circumstances during the situations she put in,

 Rule 4. They must be half-demon and full demon. I don't want Kagome being turned into a half-demon or something bizarre. Please.


Chapters - At least 1,500 words long please. Chapters? I'm not fussed.

The build up also needs to be gripping and wanting to read more. And not straight up 'I love you's' either. 


Categories: Angst/ Drama, Romance, Romance > InuYasha/ Kagome Characters: Kagome Higurashi

Fanfiction stories must and need to be new and explicitly written of this challenge. Entries must involve Kagome and Sesshomaru as the main characters. Their relationship must be the focus.

You can make a chapter story. You need to make the admissions to have 4000 words or over. You do have a minimum and maximum of chapters.Minimum is 12 and maximum is 60.

Sesshomaru and Kagome are mated and have been for 500 years or so. But Sesshomaru gets Kagome mad and he had to get her back with gems.

Each gem has to have a different meaning to them. Look up about gems and their meanings.

They do have children/pup. One child/pup needs to be full demon. One child/pup needs to be half demon and one needs to be human.

You need three children/pups within this story. You can have more. They do need to make appear in the story. Doesn't matter of how many times they do.

Shippo and Rin are mated to either different demons or each other.

Genre: Romance and your pick

Rating: Your pick

Flashbacks towards the past are allowed, we would like to see how the got mated. If Naraku die in battle or not. Limes and Lemons are allowed.

No dead lines and this not a contest either. So you can take your time.

You can place this challenge any on fan fiction sites, like fanfiction, Dokuga, Inuyashafanfiction, M, PD, DA, AFF, and LJ. Just send the link to flaming witch of fire

Categories: Romance > Sesshoumaru/ Kagome, Romance Characters: Kagome Higurashi, Sesshoumaru

Fanfiction one shots or stories must and need to be new and explicitly written of this challenge. Entries must involve Kagome and Sesshomaru as the main characters. Their relationship must be the focus.

You can make either a one-shot or a chapter story. Either way you need to make the admissions to have 6000 words.
The settling is in the half in the feudal era time and the second half is in modern era time. There is no limit to the chapter stories, but there is a minimum is more then 10 chapters

Genre- Romance and you can pick the others.
Rating: Your pick
Prologue can be included as it will not count as a chapter. Same with a Epilogue. Limes and Lemons can be involved but please place it in the rating proper in.
No dead lines and this is not a challenge either.

You can place this challenge any on fan fiction sites, like fanfiction, Dokuga, Inuyashafanfiction, M, PD, DA, AFF, and LJ. Just send the link to flaming witch of fire.

Categories: Adult, Romance, Romance > Sesshoumaru/ Kagome Characters: Kagome Higurashi, Sesshoumaru

Fanfiction entries must be new, specifically written for this challenge. All entries must involve Sesshoumaru &Kagome as the main characters. Their relationship must be the focus. Chapters stories are allowed. You're chapter stories can be setting in any time and or place.

Rating: Is up to you.

Genre: up to you again
Challenge is to take all the holidays you know and make a story with them in it. Be creativity with them.

 This challenge has no dead line or is not a contest.

You can place this challenge any on fan fiction sites, like fanfiction, Dokuga, Inuyashafanfiction, M, PD, DA, AFF, and LJ. Just send the link to flaming witch of fire

Categories: Romance > Sesshoumaru/ Kagome, Romance Characters: Kagome Higurashi, Sesshoumaru

 who can make the longest ADULT  inuyasha/kagoma  story

  stick to the past   this is NOT an A/U   you can add a char. if you want  but inuyasha and kagome are the stars  

 rule one-  story must have at least 5,500 words a chap.

 rule two- story must have at least 50 chaps.

 rule three- inuyasha and kagome must start out at the age of the manga   and live up to 1000 years old

 rule four- you can not skip more than 5 years every 4 chaps.

 rule five- story must have large amounts of lemons/lime every 2 chaps.

 rule six- kagome must have a least 10 hanyou kids and 3 human kids(yes you can mate the humans to a demon or hanyou)

      thay can live in the past or in kagomes time

 rule seven- kagome must have a bow made of inuyashas fangs (powers are yours to pick) it must be made by totosey

 rule eight- story must be single spased

 rule nine- kagome must have a firerat 

  this is one story not two or three  if you wish to make a secound limet rules aply

 this story can have yuri


Categories: Adult > Yuri, Action/ Adventure, Adult, Romance > InuYasha/ Kagome Characters: Kagome Higurashi
Summary: First it is a Sesshomaru and Kagome pairing again. They are my favorite pairing.There is no dead line. Chapter story is a must for this challenge.

Okay, something went wrong with a battle with Naraku. Kagome and Sesshomaru are gone to a different island. be imaginative

Time: Feudal era.

Genre one: ROMANCE! and HUMOR!

You can pick the rest. Ijust listing the Genres for you.  Hooror and Thriller are allowed too.

Fanfiction entries must be new, specifically written for this challenge.  chapters stories are allowed.Limes and Lemons are allowed.
Rating is up to you.Other pairings are allowed.

You can place this challenge any on fan fiction sites, like fanfiction, Dokuga, Inuyashafanfiction, MM, PD, DA, AFF, and LJ. Just send the link to flaming witch of fire.
Categories: Angst/ Drama, Romance, Romance > Sesshoumaru/ Kagome, Adult, Action/ Adventure Characters: Kagome Higurashi, Sesshoumaru

 Kouga and Kagome HAVE FOUND THEMSELVES IN A SITUATION where they have been cursed and can't get out of it. even though Kouga like's it he still has to win Kagome's heart in order for the curse to lift. But the problem is will Inuyasha allow this to happen even if it will kill them both? 


  1.  the story has to have a plot leading up to where Kagome and Kouga gets cursed.
  2. the story has to be for this challenge only
  3. must warn if there are lemons
  4. must show how they got through day to day things (bathing, eating, ect.) 


Categories: Humor, Angst/ Drama, Action/ Adventure, Romance, Adult, Romance > Kouga/ Kagome Characters: Kagome Higurashi

Challenge: Cross-over (Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood/ Black Butler/ Itazura Na Kiss/ Fruits Basket) with one of thoses anime titles listed above. If you have a different anime please send me a message by going to my profile and messaging me through

Reasoning: I want to see how fanfiction writers combine two different worlds. Of course though there has to be rules.

Rules: 1. If there are pairing they must stay within the anime they came from. They can mingle and be friends with others from a different anime, but Inuyasha people must be with Inuyasha people, and the same goes for the other anime.

2. Main characters, Inu/Kag (as a couple)

3. Please no homosexual character, I have nothing agaisnt it but I'm not very fond of reading Roy and Ed getting it on, or Kagome and Sango either. Unless the character calls for it like Grell, Jakotsu, Kikyou (from Itazura Na Kiss), etc...

4. The era doesn't matter, past, present, it doesn't matter to me. As long as the era chosen fits with the anime chosen. 

5. Make it work! I really want to read a good crossover, so please have the time period and characters being used make sense with the plot. 

Tips: Here is a huge tip on how to make a good cross-over fanfic. The charcters being used in either anime (for whatever world -the said anime- is placed in) don't have to be exactly like the chacters they are in the actual anime series.Charactes from the show it's being crossed over with could just be there, already with in the story. There is no need for the well to 'suddenly have Kagome end up in some different time period that isn't the feudal era or her home town' and nor is there a need to have another anime charcter come bursting out of nowhere (or the well) in to the feudal era (unless it makes sense of course).

Example: Edward Elric doesn't have to magically end up in the feudal era, he could just automatically be there with some secret of alchemy.

 I made two cross-over fanfictions on, I read them know and I can't help but to think what the hell was I thinking. The Naruto one (which is as anime I can't stand, so don't bother asking -_-) had a good plot and a reason why they ended up in the fedual era, but it's kind of a draggy feel once the Inu group has to explain everything about demons and the shikion jewel, and the subjugation beads, and the well...see takes up too much time and a perfectly good chapter. 

Please do your best and do not be afraid to inbox me for questions or support! :D


p.s. for the catergory options I just put down some type that I like. It doesn't have to all of them, just one or some. Or whatever you perfer. 

Categories: Romance, Crossover, Romance > InuYasha/ Kagome, Humor, Action/ Adventure, Angst/ Drama Characters: Kagome Higurashi

The challenge is to create in a modern AU setting.

In this setting, kagome never falls through the well, but meets Inuyasha after the sacred arrow either is removed or wears off. Create a romantic fic, you can have demons be either known of within human society, or you can have them remain in the shadows.

Categories: Romance Characters: Inu Yasha, Kagome Higurashi

Fanfiction one shots or stories must and need to be new and explicitly written of this challenge. Entries must involve Kagome and Sesshomaru as the main characters. Their relationship must be the focus.

You can make either a one-shot or a chapter story. Either way you need to make the admissions to have 8000 words.
Rin needs a mother and Kagome is it. This challenge is to see how creativity you can get with a old subject.

Genre- Romance and Humor wile the rest you can pick the others.

Rating: Your pick

Prologue can be included as it will not count as a chapter. Same with a Epilogue. Limes and Lemons can be involved but please place it in the rating proper in.

No dead lines and this is not a challenge either.

You can place this challenge any on fan fiction sites, like fanfiction, Dokuga, Inuyashafanfiction, M, PD, DA, AFF, and LJ. Just send the link to flaming witch of fire.

Categories: Action/ Adventure, Romance, Adult, Romance > Sesshoumaru/ Kagome Characters: Kagome Higurashi, Sesshoumaru
Summary: Authors Only!!- I have nothing against artists at all, i just love reading stories instead.

Stories entries must be new and specifically written for this challenge. It can not be place on a existing story. This is flameandfreeze is must involve Sesshomaru and Kagome together. Other pairing are allowed and welcomed in.

Chapters- 30 to 80
Rating- MA
Time Line- Feudal Era
Plot line- Sesshomaru has pups and Kagome is the only one that can save them. - Your idea from there on.
Number of pups- Between 6 to 18 , oldest pup is male. Your pick on the rest of the genders.
Genre- Romance, Action, Drama and Horror. - This if they can have them all. You pick on two more also.
Limes and Lemons are a must have. Non-con can be within too but make sure you have a note at the front of the chapter and where it begins and where it ends.

Prologue and Epilogue can be allowed and will be included in the number of chapters you have.
You need to make the admissions to have 4000 words or over. That is not including author note of chapter and title of the chapter.
New characters are needed. Either bad or good, and must have a reason to be here and not for jealousy reasons. Like Sesshomaru or Kagome is trying to get back at each other for something.

Naraku is alive and can be the reason that Kagome can only save the pups or not. Kikyo is bad and is in legal with Naraku.
Kouga/Koga is dead by Kagura. The two wolves with him are alive and wound. [Your pick if there are with Kagome or with their pack]

Inuyasha is alive, Miroku is alive and Sango are alive, but either one or two or all are injury or either captured by Naraku or a new character [bad guy or gal].

Rin and Shippo are alive and are around ten years old. Kagome is around 19 to 20.

No dead lines and this not a contest either. So you can take your time.

You can place this challenge any on fan fiction sites, like fanfiction, Dokuga, Inuyashafanfiction, M, PD, DA, AFF, and LJ. Just send the link to Fire Witch 55
Categories: Romance > Sesshoumaru/ Kagome, Action/ Adventure, Romance Characters: Kagome Higurashi, Sesshoumaru

Fanfiction entries must be new, specifically written for this challenge.


All entries must involve Sesshoumaru & Kagome as the main characters. Their relationship must be the focus.


 One-shot and chapters stories are allowed.

 You’re one-shot or chapter stories can be setting in any time, place or season.

 Stories can be of any setting, genre, and rating.


 Challenges have no deadline, so you can complete them at your own pace.


Other characters are allowed to as you can have them like this.


Or any kind of way you want.



Title: My wonderful Shot Gun Wedding  
Author: Esteemed Author
Prompt: My Shot Gun Wedding Challenge
Genre: Romance
AU/CU: Canon Universe
Rating: Use the system you like best: G, PG, PG13, R, NC17 or K, K+, T, M, etc.
Warnings: Different people are squished by different things, so please disclose the usual culprits: sexual situations, innuendo, profanity, character death, angst, fluff, etc.
A/N: Do you have anything to tell us? If your entry is part of a series, you might provide links to the beginning of the story here. Just keep it short, please.
Summary: Give us a teaser!




Categories: Romance, Humor, Angst/ Drama, Action/ Adventure, Romance > One-Shots, Romance > Sesshoumaru/ Kagome Characters: Kagome Higurashi

Fanfiction or art are allowed here, entices must be Sesshomaru and Kagome. This isn't a contest and it doesn't have a dead line either. This story or art work is at your pace. Banner might be made. but don't expect them as i don't know who to do banners.
This challenge is all about flowers and what they mean.

Plot line- you decide.
Chapters: 10- 12
Each chapter has to be with a new flower.
Rating: You're pick. Limes, Lemons are allowed. just make sure you are placing the art work or story in the right section.
Genre: Romance - you're pick
Time line: Modern time

If you want to do this challenge twice you can, but only one can be posted here. If you are doing it twice, make the second one in the feudal era time.

You can place this challenge any on fan fiction sites, like fanfiction, Dokuga, Inuyashafanfiction, MM, PD, DA, AFF, and LJ. Just send the link to flaming witch of fire.

Categories: Adult, Humor, Angst/ Drama, Action/ Adventure, Romance, Romance > Sesshoumaru/ Kagome Characters: Kagome Higurashi, Sesshoumaru

Fanfiction stories must and need to be new and explicitly written of this challenge. Entries must involve Kagome and Sesshomaru as the main characters. Their relationship must be the focus. You can have others within this story.

You can make a chapter story. You need to make the admissions to have 4000 words or over.

Flavors: Chocalate, Vanilla, Mint, Strawberry and many more flavors.

Maximum 20 chapters  - Remember you need 20 kinds of flavors.

Genre: Romance and your pick

Rating: M - sorry Kiddies! If you are legally age to have sex in your country then you are allowed to do this challenge

Settling: Up to you.

Lemons are needed.

No dead lines and this not a contest either. So you can take your time.

You can place this challenge any on fan fiction sites, like fanfiction, Dokuga, Inuyashafanfiction, M, PD, DA, AFF, and LJ. Just send the link to flaming witch of fire

Categories: Adult, Romance, Romance > Sesshoumaru/ Kagome Characters: Kagome Higurashi, Sesshoumaru

Alright, all I'm looking for is a cute confession scene. NO SEX!! K? K. You can choose from one of these pairings:


  • Miroku/Sango
  • InuYasha/Kagome 
  • Sesshoumaru/Rin(if you make it so sesshy is the one confessing,that would be AWESOME!!!)
  • Kouga/Ayame
There's no word limit,and I'm just looking for a one-shot. Well, hope you respond!



Categories: Romance Characters: Ayame, Inu Yasha, Kagome Higurashi, Kouga, Miroku, Rin, Sango, Sesshoumaru

im am challengeing every one to wright a good yuri

min chapters/ 15

min words per chapter/ 4500

characters/ kagome, sango, rin (18 years or older) or any of your fav female characters

male characters/ any

and NO AU plzz

Categories: Romance, Adult Characters: Kagome Higurashi