Penname: Sesshomaru_Jen4ever [Contact] Real name: Jen
Member Since: 14 Apr 2008
Membership status: Member
Hi, my name is Jensena, but preferably Jen. Some people call me Tokyo because I love anime/magna so much, mainly Inuyasha. I have the honor of being yong author of the year in the young adult division. As you can see from my penname, I am a Fluffy Fangirl.I mean,how could you not adore Sesshomaru?!  I'm working on a non-fanfic related novel, and quit frankly, I have absolutely noooo clue What in the heck to name it. I know, I'm just rambling on and on and on and on...well, you got the picture, right? Give me a break already! I'm just a booored ditsy bubbly blonde for cryin out loud! Again with the rambling again. I swear that my fingers have minds of their own! Anyways, I will try to not let my audience (that's you!!!) be disappointed. If I do, don't take it out on me. Remember that my fingers have minds of their own!!!
Beta-reader: Yes
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Stories by Sesshomaru_Jen4ever

     I never thought I would fall in love, especialy like this. My master,Naraku, would never allow this. He's the only thing that's standing in the way to get to my beloved, that's not a very good place to be. If I know Sesshomaru like I thinl I do, than he will stop at nothing to have me in his arms.


I do not own Inuyasha and company, no mater how awesome that would be. That honor belongs to Rumiku Takahashi(did you know that Rumiku's a girl?) However, I do claim my origional characters and all sorts of copyright junk applies.

Categories: Romance > Sesshoumaru/ Kagura, Romance
Characters: None
Series: All A Mater of Perspective
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 413 Read Count: 3107
[Report This] Published: 22 May 2008 Updated: 22 May 2008