Summary: It's never a good idea to get between two fighting dogs, you could get hurt.
Categories: Humor > One-Shots, Humor
Characters: Inu Yasha, Kagome Higurashi, Kouga, Sesshoumaru
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 1305 Read Count: 425
Member Since: 10 Oct 2007
Membership status: Member
I'm an InuYasha addict who started writing fanfiction in the fall of 2005. I've been honored with awards from the InuYasha FanFiction Guild, the Feudal Association, and
Membership status: Member
I'm an InuYasha addict who started writing fanfiction in the fall of 2005. I've been honored with awards from the InuYasha FanFiction Guild, the Feudal Association, and
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[Report This] Published: 18 Oct 2008 Updated: 18 Oct 2008
Reviewer: doggieearlover Signed 

Date: 19 Oct 2008 Title: Chapter 1: Everyone likes a little ass, no one likes a smart ass...

Date: 19 Oct 2008 Title: Chapter 1: Everyone likes a little ass, no one likes a smart ass...
LOL! Gotta love it when Kouga gets what's coming to him!
Author's Response: Karma's a bitch, they say, and so is Kouga... oh well, I'll have to redeem his some other time. Thank you for the review - glad I could make you laugh.