Rated: PG-13
Categories: Humor, Angst/ Drama, Romance > InuYasha/ Kagome Characters: Inu Yasha, Kagome Higurashi, Kagome's Mom, Miroku, Sango
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 7 Completed: No
Word count: 19800 Read: 56122
Published: 09 Jul 2013 Updated: 18 Jul 2014
1. You Have Pretty Eyes by MajorOtaku [Reviews - 5] (3514 words)
Chapter 1 - You Have Pretty Eyes
Tell me what you think :p I'm still not happy with this chapter but OH WELL :)
2. He's a Filthy Hanyou by MajorOtaku [Reviews - 3] (2580 words)
Chapter 2 - He's a Filthy Hanyou
SMILIES! Hope you enjoy this chapter. And to add to my good IYFF friend, Pure Miko: ARE YOU HAPPY NOW? Lol, it's only been 2 days.
MO* wishes you happy reading~!
*MO is me... Obviously >.<
3. Reunion by MajorOtaku [Reviews - 2] (2788 words)
Ahhh finally got this up ! :) I was originally going to upload this on the 25th but as you all know the website was down, and I have to say those were the worst 3 days of my life *sniffle*
4. Promise Me by MajorOtaku [Reviews - 2] (3869 words)
Chapter 4 - Promise Me
5. Final Goodbye by MajorOtaku [Reviews - 4] (3961 words)
Chapter 5 - Final Goodbye
Hope you like! Reviews are appreciated.
6. Dreaded Day (Part 1) by MajorOtaku [Reviews - 2] (2283 words)
Chapter 6 - Dreaded Day (P1)
This does not take place when Kagome's 15 and she's waiting for InuYasha. This is a flashback and just a informative chapter. It's about the day Mr. Higurashi died. This is part 1 of 2 :) And SORRY for the REALLY long wait. Two months! And a thank you to Sarasaurus because your reviews is what made me get off my lazy ass XD Enjoy!
7. Dreaded Day (P2) by MajorOtaku [Reviews - 1] (805 words)
Chapter 7 - Dreaded Day (P2)
Okay, okay I'm sorry! DoN't KiLl Me! Just enjoy this crappy chappie I had the audacity to share with the public!