Rated: G
Categories: Humor, Angst/ Drama, Action/ Adventure, Romance Characters: Custom, Inu Yasha
Challenges: Make it or break it challenge( good for begginers)
Challenges: Make it or break it challenge( good for begginers)
Series: Tagumon/Solaris and Inuyasha
Chapters: 8 Completed: No
Word count: 2660 Read: 53459
Published: 04 Sep 2010 Updated: 07 Feb 2011
1. Chapter 1 Inuyasha and the group return to the Present?! by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (139 words)
2. Chapter 2 Solaris Tortured Solaris' 2nd Soul by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (265 words)
I drown In Quicksand And Have My body Strapped to the wall...
3. Chapter 3 Solaris Sees the past in Death by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (433 words)
I am dead Now
4. Chapter 4 Solaris tells about the past by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (204 words)
Okay I know it used to be tagumon but I'm writing Solaris) any way i tell Inuyasha about my childhood in the very future in 2105
5. Chapter 5 Hitaru Family and the gifts from the Mind by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (722 words)
I dont know what to write any way Just start the chapter....
6. Chapter 6 :The Earth Realm of Meadows: Saying Farewell to the Future + The Foretold past. by Tagumon [Reviews - 1] (435 words)
It seems as If death grows closer as we are toyed with in this Empty Palace...
7. Chapter 7 THE FINAL VILLIAN by Tagumon [Reviews - 0] (224 words)
ZOMG very short chapter srry....
8. Chapter 8 The End or is it by Tagumon [Reviews - 1] (238 words)
God Knows What will become of these stories
lol name of song