In the last chapter:
-"Try as you might. Fairytale magic runs out at midnight"
-"The Woodsman failed but I won't. I'll split these little girls up and make sure none of them live happily ever after"
-"This" she said while taking off her clothes a pair of crystal shoes
- a blue light swirls around her from her feet to her head and her clothes change into a ball gown
Chapter 3: Kagome, Sleeping Beauty
The two girls got on Kilala and flew immediately after the carriage but it was gone and Ayame's screams of help couldn't be heard anymore
"We gotta warn the others" Sango said as she and Rin got on Kilala and flew to the place where they left the girls behind. They soon arrived there.
"There they are!" yelled Gina, Kilala got on the floor and let the girls get out of her back
"Where is Ayame?!" asked Kagura
"We followed her to the forest, then she stopped and a strange carriage appeared out of nothing, the shoes started to move again in direction of the carriage we tried to get Ayame and stop her from entering in the carriage but a kind of barrier stopped us and threw us to the floor, Ayame was obligated to enter there and the carriage disappeared, we tried to follow it but it disappeared like magic." Explained Rin
"This isn't good, first a woodsman attacks us and now Ayame disappears in a carriage what will happen next..." said Kanna
Meanwhile in the castle...
Once again the wicked witch was watching the girls by the magic mirror
"Everything is getting as I planned" she said while she smiled evilly
"They will find you and by midnight too" said Edward as he appeared in the mirror
"We shall see, now mirror, mirror show me the one who was born by the sunrise" she ordered
The apprentice had no choice but show Kagome's image
Back to the girls...
"We got to get a way to get Ayame back safe!" said Kanna
"Yeah" asked Kagura
"I don't know...We got to think" said Kagome
Suddenly in the main house, the wicked witch appeared in Kagome's room and placed there a distaff of wood and a spindle on it
"The Sleeping Beauty is back" she said as she laughed evilly and disappeared
With the girls...
"Got any ideas?" asked Kagome
"No...Unless...we warn the boys?" suggested Kagura
"For what? They would just say that we were being paranoiac, they would say she was just around there" said Sango
"Sango is right, the boys won't be a great help" said Kanna
"Well then we got to search her by ourselves. I'll be right back, I'll just go get my bow and arrows." Said Kagome while she got up and ran to the main house to her room. She was about to go upstairs when she heard a voice calling her. That was the most captivating and irresistible voice she has ever heard. Her chocolate brown eyes went blank and as if she was hypnotized, the girl started going upstairs that were leading to her room, where a strange light shined "Come here, dear Kagome" muttered the irresistible voice. "Up, up...Don't be afraid. You're already close."
The sorceress Kagome was looking lost in the vacuum and proceeded as an automaton. When she arrived to her room, she found a huge distaff surrounded by a halo of green light. From the shadows, came the grim picture of the wicked witch: "Look, that object so beautiful!" muttered the wicked witch. "Surely you had never seen a thing equal to this. Don't you feel a terrible desire to touch it? Come, approach your hand and touch it."
Kagome, driven by the suggestive voice, approached her delicate arm and touched with her fingertips the sharp spindle.
In that moment, a drop of blood slide down her white hand and the girl fell on the ground, as if she was dead. The wicked witch laughed before she disappeared in the smoke.
"Kagome is taking so long..." said Rin
"Yeah...This is strange" said Sango
"We should go check on her" said Kanna, the girls agreed and got up and ran to the main house, they ran upstairs and opened the door. When they found the inert body of the sorceress, they couldn't hold a cry of horror. They immediately ran to her body and tried to wake her up but no use.
"How...How this happened?!" said Sango
"Girls look! A distaff!" exclaimed Rin while pointing to the distaff and to the spindle that had Kagome's blood
"She must have touched the spindle but...why she is sleeping and doesn't wake up?!" said Kanna
"Wait...this makes sense now...Ayame... first the crystal shoes, the ball gown and then the carriage just like Cinderella and now Kagome, the distaff and the spindle with her blood..." said Sango
"...Like the Sleeping Beauty!" said Kagura
"Yes.." said Gina
"We have to do something before more things like this happen" said Kanna
"Right" said Kagura
The girls picked up Kagome's body and laid her down on the bed and covered her, they left hoping that Kagome would wake up and Ayame would return safe...