It was a beautiful and quiet night in the Feudal Era, Inuyasha and his group was at the main house on the village of Kaede eating their dinner. The girls were reading some books that Kagome had brought from her world.
"What are you girls reading?" asked curiously Miroku
The girls didn't answer they just showed the title of each other books to the boys.
"Snow White? Sleeping Beauty? Red Riding Hood? Aren't you too old to read these fairytales books?" asked Hakudoshi
"Humm...maybe but that doesn't stop us from reading sometimes these ones" said Kagome
"Come on, you girls don't have age to read these kind of silly fairytales" said Inuyasha
"Silly? You think fairytales are silly?" said Sango
"Yeah, they are all about helpless women needing big, strong men to come and rescue them. Plus, they're filled with evil witches. " said Akago
"Do you REALLY believe in these stories? Ladies in danger, charming princes, wicked witches...these kind of things don't exist!" said Kohaku
"No, we don't believe in it but that doesn't mean we don't like reading these books, you should read it, it helps you seeing the difference between good and bad" said Rin
"Well since I was born I never heard about big bad wolves devouring little girls. You want my advice? You should leave the fiction and concentrate in the reality" said Sesshomaru
"Whatever" said the girls
Meanwhile, at the other side of the Feudal Era, in a castle a old man was cleaning a mirror while talking with his apprentice who was polling crystal shoes, yes these strange objects belonged to the fairytales and there were more objects in that room. Suddenly the picture of a blond woman appeared in the mirror, that woman in fact was an evil witch.
"Aren't you dead yet?" asked the woman in an aggressive tone
"Ha, still so bitter after all these centuries. Some things never change." said the old man as he turned around without noticing that the mirror was balancing "Edward my boy, be careful with these shoes, those are not just symbols, they're pieces of history."
"I understand" said Edward while placing the shoes on the table and giving them a last clean
"Never forget the power of every fairy tale emanates from each of these. Their magic continues to shape every child born, even to this day. Which makes the task of preserving and protecting them much greater." continued the old man, the mirror where the evil witch was arrested keep going down and the witch was praying for it to fall so she could be finally free, the old man stopped walking and when he turned around he noticed the mirror
"No, the mirror, don't let it fall!!" yelled the old man, Edward immediately run to the mirror but it was too late, the mirror fell on the floor and broke, a white light came out of it and the figure of the evil witch appeared right in front of the old man
"Thanks so much to you, I thought I would never get out of there" said the witch as she grabbed the old man by the neck and tightened the grip, the old man couldn't breathe and the witch, as the minutes passed, was tightening even more the grip, the old man died and she threw his lifeless body to the ground, Edward didn't had time to help his master, he was too shocked with the scene. The wicked witch turned around to face Edward and walked to him
"Now this, is the beginning of the story" she said
"Who are you..?" asked Edward
"I'm from the fairytales, you don't remember? Evil witch, magic mirror, speaks only the truth? Perhaps this will help: Freedoms lost must be unwitting, into the glass to do my bidding." Said the witch, the spell sucked the apprentice into the mirror and the witch continued "Now, amuse me. Not that you have any choice. Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who is the most powerful being in this world" asked the witch.
"You're stronger than most beings I see, yet truth be told there are seven more powerful than thee" answered the apprentice as the mirror showed the pictures of Kanna, Kagome, Kagura, Sango, Rin, Ayame and Gina.
"We'll see about that" said the wicked witch
The next morning, back to the main house...
The girls had fallen asleep on the floor, covered by a blanket and the books were on their laps, the boys walked in.
"Girls!" said Miroku making them jumping up
"Where is the jewel?!" said Kagome
"Wow, wow calm down" said Inuyasha
"Ohhh, I think I had a nightmare" said Kagome
"Yeah, the fairytales strike again." Said Hakudoshi
"Shut up" said Kanna
"You girls fell asleep on the FLOOR reading these books" said Akago
"So what? It wasn't that bad" said Gina
"Whatever" said Akago
"Yeah whatever, we're getting some breakfast since you guys didn't waited for us to wake up and already ate!" said Sango
"Our stomachs didn't want to wait for the sleeping beauties to wake up" said Kohaku
"Humph" said the girls while walking out
Meanwhile, back to the castle, the wicked witch is there looking at the images of the seven girls in the mirror. The images disappear and the apprentice appears.
"Wanna see more?" said bored Edward
"No, I think I've seen enough to know how to kill them." Said the witch
"Powerful thought you are, I doubt it can be done. For good magic protects them." Said the apprentice
"Still, I wonder if it can protect them against such powerful magic we have here. Certainly worth to try" said the witch
"But using the props for evil could..."
"Change the meaning of fairytales? Shift them away from good? So be it" she said as she opened the book of fairytales "Let's begin with Snow White, she was an easy prey. Woodsman, come forth." The picture of the Woodsman appeared in front of the witch. "Bring me the heart of the being which is white as snow" she said as she picked up an axe and gave it to him.
"As you wish" said the Woodsman and with that he leaved.
"Now, mirror, mirror, show me the girl who's been burned by love" said the witch