A family, composed by a man with pale peach skin, white hair and black eyes, a woman with pale white skin, pure white hair and black eyes and two twin girls, that had the same description that the man and the woman, the only difference between them was the skin, one had peach pale skin like their father and the other pale white skin like their mother, was having a walk throw the forest. The man's name was Kai, the woman's name was Kita, the name of the twin with peach skin was Kaori and finally the name of the twin with pale white skin was Kanna. Kai was wearing a light red kimono, Kita was wearing a long baby blue kimono while Kaori and Kanna were wearing long white kimonos.
"This is a perfect day for a walk in the forest" said Kita
"I agree" said Kai
Then Kanna was the only one who saw in distance someone layed on the ground, she couldn't say if it was sleeping or unconscious but she felt that the person needed help so she ran to it.
"Kanna?! Where are you going?!" asked Kaori while running with her parents after Kanna
They arrived to where the person was and figured out that it was unconscious; the person was a boy with the age around the twins, he had white/pale purple hair, and pale skin like Kanna and Kita, he was also dressed in a white kimono.
"He's hurt, he hit with his head somewhere" said Kanna
"Maybe we should take him home" said Kaori
"But...we don't even know who he is or if he is dangerous" said Kai
"Yes but we can defend ourselves Kai, and the boy like Kanna said is pretty hurt" said Kita
"Alright, I guess we can give him a chance" said Kai while sighing, he grabbed the boy and put him over his shoulder and the family walked back to their home. As they arrived there, Kai layed him down on a bed, Kita covered the boy while Kanna and Kaori took care of his head wound. Suddenly the phone rang and Kanna ran to it to and answered.
"Hello?" said Kanna
"Hi Kanna, it's me Akago." Said the voice
"Oh hi Akago how are you going?" asked the white haired girl
"Not very good, my brother Hakudoshi has disappeared, he went out for a walk last night and hasn't come back yet" said Akago in a worried voice "My mom is very worried about him, we hope nothing has happened to him..."
"Your brother you never told me you had a brother" said Kanna
"Oh that never came to my mind and...he just came back from a trip some days ago..." said Akago
"Humm..Akago can you tell me how your brother is?" asked the girl
"Humm, simple he's just like me, long white/pale purple hair, pale purple eyes, he's dressed in white clothes with two buttons one yellow and another blue, on the shirt, sleeves and pants, he doesn't wear anything on his feet. Why ask? Have you seen him?" said the boy
"Humm, Akago can you come to my house please?" asked Kanna
"I think now isn't a very good time to Kanna" said Akago
"But I think I've found your brother!" said Kanna
"What?! But you just said you didn't know him!" said Akago
"I know but I found a boy unconscious in the forest with my family! And now that you told me his description, I see that it matches with the boy I found!" said Kanna
"Ok I-I'm going right now to your house" he said before he hang up
Some minutes later, Akago was at Kanna's house, Akago was a young boy with the age around 12, he had short white/pale purple hair and pale purple orbs, he was wearing a baby blue/green kimono.
"Oh hello Akago" said Kita
"Hello Ms. Kita, Mr. Kai and Kaori" he said while running at Kanna's room, he entered there and then closed the door, Kanna was sit on her bed watching the unconscious boy.
"Good you're here" Kanna said
"I hope that it really is him" said Akago, as he walked by Kanna's side and saw the boy
"So? It's him?" asked Kanna
"Yes it is...oh thank god he's okay" said Akago while sighing in relief
"He hit with his head, me and Kaori bandaged his head" explained Kanna
"At last he's alive" said Akago
Then they heard, the boy they called Hakudoshi moaning before his purple orbs open up
"Hey big bro, you awake?" asked Akago
"Hmmm...big bro..? I have no brother...who are you two?" asked Hakudoshi, confused
"Hakudoshi, stop playing, it's me Akago, you're younger brother!" said Akago
"Hakudoshi? Who's that guy? Who are you people?" he continued to ask
"Akago...I think your worse then we thought...I think your brother...has amnesia..." said Kanna