Summary: Kanna, a 15 year old girl and her family find a boy named Hakudoshi, unconscious in the forest. They take him in and take care of him but when he wakes up, they find out that he has...amensia
Categories: Angst/ Drama, Romance Characters: Hakudoshi, Kanna
Challenges: None
Series: Hakudoshi x Kanna fanfics
Chapters: 6 Completed: No
Word count: 4588 Read: 47611
Published: 06 Jan 2010 Updated: 07 Feb 2010
First Kiss by HakuKanna daughter
Chapter 6 – The first kiss
"What did you remembered?" asked Kanna
"Fall…cliff…the rocks…hit my head…" murmured him as he tried to recover himself
"Falls? Cliff? Rocks?" whispered Kanna and then it hit her
"That's it!"
"What that's it Kanna?" asked Akago
"Akago he remembered! He remembered how he lost his memory!" said Kanna, Akago's eyes widened in shock and surprise.
"A-Are you serious?!" said Akago
"Yes! Look at what he said, fall, cliff, rocks hitting on his head, everything makes sense Akago. He fell from a cliff and the rocks hit him on his head making him lose his memory. That explains the wound he had on his head when we found him."
"You're right…" said Akago still a little surprised, Hakudoshi was still half in trance, his face was completely sweaty, his eyes closed and he was still breathing hard.
"We should take him home, I think he already had enough for today…" said Kanna
Akago nodded and with Kanna's help they took Hakudoshi back home. When they arrived there, Natsumi helped them laying him on his bed and she took his temperature.
"He has a little fever…" said Natsumi worried, Kanna sat down next to Hakudoshi and rubbed his hair while he rested.
"I stay here with him Natsumi" she said as she looked at Hakudoshi's mother
"Really, Kanna? You don't mind? I have to go work but I didn't want to let him here like this…"
"Don't worry I take good care of him"
"You know you can trust Kanna, mother" said Akago
"I know…okay but if he gets worse don't hesitate in calling me please" she said
"Yes Natsumi, don't worry, you can go work restful, he is in good hands" said Kanna with a sweet smile. Natsumi nodded and left.
"I also have to go out and do some things, see you later Kanna" said Akago
"See you" said Kanna, Akago left leaving Kanna and Hakudoshi, who was still sleeping, alone. For hours Kanna took good care of him, his fever wouldn't go up or go down but she knew that if he rested well tomorrow he would be okay and back to the normal. Kanna would sometimes the wet cloth on his forehead, to help get the temperature down, she would also rub it gently to keep him fresh, and anybody who sees her would tell she was a good doctor taking care of her patient.
"M-mmm…" moaned Hakudoshi, slowly he opened his rosary eyes
"You're finally awake" said Kanna as she saw him opening his eyes, Hakudoshi's eyes focused better and moved in Kanna's direction who was looking at him with a smile.
"Kanna…what happened…?" he asked
"You remembered the reason why you lost your memory, everything was too fast for you to handle, you have got a little fever but if you rest well you will be okay." explained Kanna
"I remember…I remember falling from that cliff…because of demons that were after me…"
"For what you told us, I deduced that the rocks hit your head and that was the cause of your memory loss and that also explains the wound you had on your head when me and my family found you in the woods."
"Mmm…" Hakudoshi tried to sit up but his body was still a little mourner because of the fever and Kanna made him lay back down.
"Stay like that and rest"
"But I already slept too much…" protested him
"No protests, unless you want to stay in bed many days doing nothing and being threaded in that bed and locked in this room" said Kanna with her hands on her hips, she acted like a mother who was scolding her son or something like that, that scared a little bit Hakudoshi, it was enough for him to have a worried mother after him, he didn't need another one to scold him around. Hakudoshi slid back in the bed with the cover reaching his mouth, his rosary eyes moved innocently to Kanna pretending to look like a little angel. Kanna laughed as she saw her friend's face.
"Did I scare you that much?"
"Very much…."
"Ohhh sorry, I didn't mean to." She said as she hugged his head
"I just want you to recover" she said as she rubbed his hair
"You sounds like my mother…" he said as his head rested on Kanna's chest
"Sorry" she said as she giggled a little. Hakudoshi felt his face turning red when Kanna kissed his forehead. He didn't know what was this weird feeling…every time he was close to her; this feeling would come and travel along all of his body. Since that time she almost fell and he caught her right in his arms, the two looked at each other with such intensity and he had blushed so much as he was now but when he was away from her, that feeling disappeared….both of them looked again in each other eyes intensely just like that time…
"Hakudoshi…." She whispered low his name, Hakudoshi's hot hand came out of the covers and rubbed her face making her blush just like he was. His hand moved to the back of Kanna's head.
"Yes…?" he murmured without taking his eyes off hers
"I…I…" she didn't know how to say it, Hakudoshi used his other hand to place one of his fingers in her soft, porcelain lips.
"Don't say anything more…." He whispered and pushed Kanna's head making her approach him more and more, their sweet lips united in a soft first kiss. This kiss that both of them wanted to happen. Kanna already had a boyfriend in the past but the things didn't work out between them and they ended breaking up, but she knew that Aido never kissed in that way…so delicate…so soft…with such a passion…with such affection…and love…true love…
Hakudoshi rubbed Kanna's white hair while she rubbed his face. The two separated from that first kiss for a few minutes and looked in each other eyes again. Look where both of them could see in both their eyes, all the passion and affection they felt towards each other…
"Hakudoshi I…I love you…" she whispered
"I love you too…Kanna…" he murmured
They went back to kiss with passion, love and affection but didn't notice…that a sinister figure on the outside of the house was watching them….
"You will be mine Kanna…I promise…"
End Notes:
I will post more soon, please review!
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.