Amnesia by HakuKanna daughter
Summary: Kanna, a 15 year old girl and her family find a boy named Hakudoshi, unconscious in the forest. They take him in and take care of him but when he wakes up, they find out that he has...amensia
Categories: Angst/ Drama, Romance Characters: Hakudoshi, Kanna
Challenges: None
Series: Hakudoshi x Kanna fanfics
Chapters: 6 Completed: No Word count: 4588 Read: 47615 Published: 06 Jan 2010 Updated: 07 Feb 2010
The memory of the accident by HakuKanna daughter

Chapter 5 - The memory of the accident

In that same day Hakudoshi didn't come out of his room, his mother would bring food to him and he wouldn't come out for two reasons:

1st: He was too concentrated in viewing the albums

2nd: He couldn't stop thinking about Kanna

That sweet black look, that white hair like the snow, that pale skin...everything in her was beautiful to him. He didn't know what kind of feeling was this...since he looked in her eyes and held her in his arms that feeling started going through his body making his heart beating faster and faster.

Hakudoshi sighed and laid down on his bed with the albums on his lap...

"May I come in honey?" said Natsumi while she opened the door slightly

"Yes mom.." he said, Natsumi came in with a tray of food in her hands

"I brought you the dinner" she said and put the tray on the bed

"Is everything alright?" she asked

"I guess...I can't remember anything else...not even with the photographs..." said Hakudoshi a little bit disappointed

"You will see, little by little you will remember"

Hakudoshi only nodded, he sat up and started eating

"You know, your brother and Kanna are going out for a walk tomorrow in the morning, maybe you should go with them, maybe you will remember something"

"Humm..okay I guess I will go.."

"Well then you should rest" she said as she took the albums away from him and put them away, she walked to her son and kissed his forehead.

"Goodnight sweetheart"

"Goodnight mom.."

Natsumi walked out and closed the door, Hakudoshi finished eating and went immediately to sleep, he quickly fell asleep.

Next morning, Hakudoshi woke up and decided to go with his brother and Kanna for a walk.

"It's good you came with us Hakudoshi" said Kanna with her usual sweet smile on her face. Hakudoshi nodded.

The three walked throw the forest, while speaking or better saying while Kanna and Akago spoke, Hakudoshi keep silence in his silence, he looked like he was lost in his train of thoughts.






This time he heard it

"Huh? What?"

"I'm calling you for hours bro"


Akago sighed, the group walked throw the zone where Kanna and her family found Hakudoshi fainted.

"It was here where we found you Hakudoshi" said Kanna


Hakudoshi looked up and saw the cliff that was above them, he noticed that the tip was broken and there were rocks broken on the ground next to them, he supposed that the rocks belongs to the broken tip of the cliff. Suddenly images started coming to his head.

"Hakudoshi? What's the matter?" asked Akago worried as he saw his brother holding his head. Hakudoshi didn't answer and fell on his knees. The two friends quickly stood by his side trying to understand what was happening.

"Hakudoshi! What's the matter?! What's wrong?!"

A memory appeared in Hakudoshi's head...


Hakudoshi run throw the forest trying to foil the demons that were after him. He already tried to kill them all but every time he tried to do that they would multiply more and more, there was no choice but run away and if there was something Hakudoshi hated was to run away from his enemy. He keep running until he reached the end of the forest and there was no way out...there was a cliff...

"Damnit" he murmured and turned around when he heard the sound of the demons getting more and more near him.

"Hehehe, you're finished kid" said one of them

"You will be our lunch ahaha" said the other

"That if I let it happen!" said Hakudoshi

"Ha! You have no way out, give up kid!"

"You go to the hell!!" and with these words Hakudoshi attacked them but the same happened again, the demons multiply and they were too much for him.

One of them took the chance that he had turned his back to him and attacked him from behind, throwing him to the end of the cliff hard.

"Ghh..." Hakudoshi stood up with some difficulty but didn't noticed that the force of the impact from the last fall cracked the tip of the cliff and with the weight of the demons and his, it caused the cliff to crack more and more, when Hakudoshi heard that sound it was too late..

The cliff broke and Hakudoshi fell just like the broken rocks to the abyss, the rocks hit on his head hard and he fell on the floor, half conscious and bleeding from his head, the last thing the boy heard before he slipped completely unconscious was the voices of the demons.

End of the flashback...

"Hakudoshi!" yelled Akago

Hakudoshi took his hands off his head as the memories disappeared and breathed heavily.

"Bro what's the matter?!"

"I..I remembered...I...remembered..." he said

"What did you remember?" asked Kanna

"Fall...cliff...the rocks...hit my head...."


End Notes:
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