Chapter 4 - The bloom of a love
Some days passed since Hakudoshi got some of his memories back, the memories of his dear father...
Sometimes it was difficult for him to remember who was who but he always had his family support, they were always there when he needed. Sometimes he would lock himself in his room while viewing some other albums to see if he could remember anything else.
Someone knocks at the door and Akago went to open it.
"Oh hey Kanna, come in"
"Thank you" she said as she stepped in the house, Akago closed the door.
"How is your brother?" she asked
"Locked in his room, viewing some albums"
"Do you think he will mind if I go there?"
"Mmm I think he would like to have some company, go ahead and try"
Kanna nodded and walked upstairs that leaded to Hakudoshi's room, she exited a little bit before knocking at the door softly and opened a little.
"May I?" she asked politely, Hakudoshi looked up at her a little surprised but then nodded; she smiled kindly at him and closed the door behind her.
"How are you?"
"Okay I guess..."
Kanna sat down on his bed and looked at the albums
"Did you remember anything else?"
"" he said a little disappointed but Kanna started cheering him up
"Don't give up, recovering all of your memories when you suffered amnesia it's not easy but you will see you will remember everything soon"
"You can always cheer me up..."
"Good, that's what I'm here for" said Kanna and smiled kindly at him, Hakudoshi smiled back a small smile
"Well...maybe I should leave, I just passed here to see how you were" said Kanna as she stood up from his bed, Hakudoshi also stood up, wanting to take her to the door.
The two walked to the door but before Kanna could reach it, she tripped on the carpet and was about to fall when Hakudoshi caught her in his arms just in time. Kanna looked at Hakudoshi and both the young albinos blushed at the situation since they never had been so close to each other before...
"H-Huh...thanks" said Kanna as she stood up but the red blush was still there in her face.
"Your...welcome..." he said still a little embarrassed as he let Kanna go
Kanna opened the door, looked one last time at him, smiled at him and left the house leaving the heart of the young boy beating more faster...