Amnesia by HakuKanna daughter
Summary: Kanna, a 15 year old girl and her family find a boy named Hakudoshi, unconscious in the forest. They take him in and take care of him but when he wakes up, they find out that he has...amensia
Categories: Angst/ Drama, Romance Characters: Hakudoshi, Kanna
Challenges: None
Series: Hakudoshi x Kanna fanfics
Chapters: 6 Completed: No Word count: 4588 Read: 47618 Published: 06 Jan 2010 Updated: 07 Feb 2010
The first memories by HakuKanna daughter

Chapter 3 - The first memories

Who are they, Akago?" asked Hakudoshi again, confused

"These are Natsumi, our mother and Natsuko our older sister." Said Akago

"My mother...and sister...?" asked Hakudoshi

" don't remember us? You don't remember what happened to you?" asked Natsumi

"No, I don't...I don't remember anything..." said Hakudoshi

"This will be more difficult then I thought..." siad Natsumi

"Yeah...I never thought that the lost of memory was so will be difficult to make him remember all of his memories" said Natsuko

"Yes it will..." said Akago

"Humm...maybe I know something that might help" said Kanna

"What?" asked Akago

"Do you have any photo albums?" asked Kanna

"A few" said Natsumi

"Well then bring some to here, who knows it might help him get some of his memories back" said Kanna

"Right, I will get them" said Natsuko, she got up and left. After a few minutes she returned with a pile of albums and placed them on the bed.

"What's these?" asked Hakudoshi

"Photo albums honey, take a look at them" said Natsumi as she opened the first one, Hakudoshi took the album in his hands and looked at the photographs. In the first photo was Natsuko with only two years, a man with white long hair and red eyes like the blood standing next to Natsumo who was holding a new born baby in her arms.

"What is it...?" asked Hakudoshi

"It's the photograph of your sister with two years, me and you when you were born. And this man is...your father" said Natsumi

"My...father...?" said Hakudoshi


"Where is he...?"

"He is no longer with us...unfortunately..."

"He is..dead...?"


Suddenly Hakudoshi held his head tight as it started to hurt and the memories of his father started appearing in his mind:


A young Hakudoshi with only three years run around the garden of his house and hide, from his father, behind a tree as they played hide and seek. The little kid giggled low and peeked to one side of the tree to see if there was any sign of his father, he was nowhere to be found so he knew he was searching for him already. Hakudoshi hide again behind a tree and when he turned his face to the other side he met his father's.

"Boo!" said Keme

"Ahhh!!" yelled the little kid but then started laughing, Keme also laughed and picked him up and threw him in the air.


Hakudoshi, now with 10 years, played a board game with his father and siblings when suddenly someone knocked at the door.

"I will get it" said Natsumi as she walked out of the kitchen and opened the door, it was the postman, he gave her a letter and she took it, she thanked him and closed the door.

"It's for you Keme" she said

"For me?" he asked, it was strange, he rarely received letters. Natsumi gave him the letter, he took it and opened it, his kids surrounded him to see what it was.

"What is it daddy?" asked little Akago

"I uh.."

"Keme? Is everything alright?" asked Natsumi, worried as she saw her husband's face.

"I was called to go fight in a war..." he said


Keme was ready to go to the war, now it was the only thing missing...the farewells...

He kissed Natsumi and she returned it and couldn't help but let some tears fall, he wiped them away.

"Don't cry...tears don't fit you..."

"Sorry...I can't help it..." she said as she wiped another few tears. Keme knelled down and rubbed Natsuko's head and kissed her forehead, he turned to Hakudoshi whom rosary eyes were ready to burst in tears.

"There, there don't cry" he said as he wiped his son's face

"I don't want you to go..."

"I have no choice, believe me if I could choose I would stay here with you instead of going to fight..."

"...Promise you will come back?"

"I promise" he said as he hugged both his three children

"I love you all" he said

"We love you too daddy" said Natsuko

Keme let them go and hugged Natsumi who hugged him back, Keme patted Hakudoshi's head and said:

"Take care of them ok? You're now the head of the house while I'm out" Hakudoshi nodded and Keme left...and that was the last time they saw him alive because in those months he went to fight, he died in one of the battles...

End of the flashbacks...

Hakudoshi let his head go and looked at Natsumi who was looking at him worried.

"Hakudoshi are you alright?"

"Yes I'm fine...mother..."

Natsumi was surprised as she heard this and so did the others

"Hakudoshi...did you just called me mother? You remember me?" she asked

"Yes...I remember...some things..."

"What did you remember?" asked Akago

"Our we were a family..." he said


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