Amnesia by HakuKanna daughter
Summary: Kanna, a 15 year old girl and her family find a boy named Hakudoshi, unconscious in the forest. They take him in and take care of him but when he wakes up, they find out that he has...amensia
Categories: Angst/ Drama, Romance Characters: Hakudoshi, Kanna
Challenges: None
Series: Hakudoshi x Kanna fanfics
Chapters: 6 Completed: No Word count: 4588 Read: 47620 Published: 06 Jan 2010 Updated: 07 Feb 2010
Who am I? by HakuKanna daughter
Author's Notes:
Second ^^

"B-But how?! How can he have lost his memory like this?!" asked Akago, scared

"I don't know Akago...but has I told you, me and my family found him in the forest, I noticed that near the place we were, above us there was a cliff and it was broken, think a little he could have fell from the cliff and hit with his head, that could be the answer of how he lost his memory" explained Kanna

"Maybe...but what we do now?" asked Akago

"We have to guide him, principally you, you're his brother, the closest person to him, the person who knows him better." said Kanna

"I guess you're right, can you help me please?" asked Akago

"Well..I don't know your brother that well but...I guess I can give you some help." Said Kanna

"Thank you" said the boy

"You're welcome, I'm your friend, that's for what friends are here" said the white haired girl

The two friends looked back at the boy who was laid down on the bed, looking at the white roof of the room

Who am I..? Where am I..? Who are these people?' the boy asked himself

Akago approached him and sat next to him

"Do you remember me?" asked Akago to him

He only shook his head

"You don't remember your name either?" asked Akago

He again shook his head; he then looked at Akago and asked:

"Do you know who I am?"

"Your name is Hakudoshi, you're 15 years old"

"And...who are you? What are you to me?"

"I am Akago, your younger brother"

"Brother? And...who is she?" Hakudoshi asked while looking at Kanna

"She's Kanna, she and her family were the ones who found you" said Akago

"Found me? Where?" asked Hakudoshi

"We found you at the forest" Kanna said

"At...the forest..." Hakudoshi said

"Yes. Akago, maybe you could go to your home and warn Natsumi and Natsuko that you found Hakudoshi and explain what's going on with him" Kanna said to Akago. The boy only nodded and left the room, leaving both Kanna and Hakudoshi alone.

"I...want to thank you, for helping me" said Hakudoshi

"You don't have to thank me I only did what was right, I couldn't leave you, hurt like that" Kanna said while looking at him kindly. There was a knock on the door.

"May I?" asked Kita

"Sure mom, come in" said Kanna

"How is he?"

"He's good physically but...mentally he isn't..."

"Why that?"

"He...the wound he has on his head was provoked by a fall from a place very high and that made him...lose his memory" explained Kanna

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I hope he discovers everything about him soon" said Kita

"I'm sure he will, me, Akago and his family will help him find everything about him" said Kanna

"Hum...who is she?" asked Hakudoshi as he looked at Kita

"Oh sorry, this is my mother Kita" introduced Kanna

Then, two woman entered in the room, one had white/pale purple hair and pale purple eyes like Hakudoshi and Akago, her age was around the 20, she was wearing a pink and blue kimono, the other woman was 17 years old, she had black hair and pale purple eyes, she was wearing a white shirt and red pants. The name of the first woman was Natsumi and the second was named Natsuko, they were Hakudoshi and Akago's mother and older sister.

"Oh Hakudoshi, thank god you're okay!" Natsumi said while hugging him

"You worried us, bro" said Natsuko

"Huh? W-Who are you?" asked Hakudoshi

"Mother, I warned you that he lost his memory and doesn't remember who we are" explained Akago.

"Oh right...sorry...I was just so happy to see him..." said Natsumi

"Who are they, Akago?" asked Hakudoshi again, confused

"These are Natsumi, our mother and Natsuko our older sister." Said Akago

"My mother...and sister...?" asked Hakudoshi

" don't remember us? You don't remember what happened to you?" asked Natsumi

"No, I don't..." said Hakudoshi


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