Penname: Anime_Queen_14 [Contact] Real name: tasia shareef
Member Since: 13 Mar 2009
Membership status: Member

Im a total anime fan. Inuyasha is a clasic to me althouh i dont watch it any more i own a sesshomaru doll that sits prowdly on my desk. i also own 21 inuyasha mangas and a poster. Im not much of a writer but if you have a story that you dont feel to go about im good at reviews. i have helped some friends and fellow inuaysha fan fic writers out of slumps having todo with their oppion of their writing. i dont tell people what they want to hear i tell the truth so all out you people who think i was just saying that about your stories stop it now because i dont do things like that.

Beta-reader: No
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Reviews by Anime_Queen_14
Summary: Rin seems to be the normal little girl until she runs into Naraku's little baby incarnation and then things get a bit out of control. Chances are given and wishes are granted and it seems to be the happily ever after until five hundred years later. Ever wonder why there aren't any demons running around in modern Tokyo? This is the aftermath of it all....
Parent Series: None
Categories: Action/ Adventure, Romance > Sesshoumaru/ Rin
Characters: Rin, Sesshoumaru
Challenges: None
Stories: 0
Open: Closed [Report This]
Reviewer: Anime queen 14 Signed half-star
Date: 16 Mar 2009 Title: The Sacred Demon Chronicles

you should let people read it, it sounds like a good story!

Summary: Past Featured StoryIt's mating season for youkai and Kagome has returned to her own time to take her exams, leaving her hanyou lover in a state of sexual frenzy. Sexual mayhem and hilarity ensues when he tracks her down in her time to get what he needs. Warning, Inu/Kag smut overload!

Fanfiction Feature

Categories: Adult
Characters: Inu Yasha, Kagome Higurashi, Kagome's Mom
Series: None
Chapters: 33 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 37376 Read Count: 149469
[Report This] Published: 14 Oct 2007 Updated: 14 Oct 2007
Reviewer: Anime queen 14 Signed
Date: 17 Mar 2009 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

awe dont tell me your done its a good story


Author's Response: Yeah, it's done. A lot of my readers did not want it to end, but the conflicts in story were resolved. I am glad you liked it.

Summary: Two years after the downfall of Naraku, Kagome is still fighting demons, in both the literal and figurative sense.  Seperated from her group, she finds herself in big trouble and runs into the most unlikely savior.  Accidentally, she enntwines their fates eternally...
Categories: Angst/ Drama, Adult, Romance > Sesshoumaru/ Kagome
Characters: Inu Yasha, Kagome Higurashi, Kohaku, Miroku, Rin, Sango, Sesshoumaru, Shippo
Series: None
Chapters: 21 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 205162 Read Count: 14774
[Report This] Published: 28 Oct 2007 Updated: 25 Jul 2013
Reviewer: Anime queen 14 Signed
Date: 26 Apr 2009 Title: Chapter 1: I

it's so weird that sesshomaru likes kagome i'm more of a inuyasha kagome romance person so im personaly hoping kagome goes back to inuyasha and sesshomaru gets his memory back but it's you story so write it how you want it.

Author's Response: Oh, you should not read further, then.  It won't end well for you.  This is supposed to be a Sesshoumaru/Kagome story, so I'm sorry if you're disappointed, but if you were up to date on this story, you'd be awfully mad at me.  I don't recommend you keep reading.

Reviewer: Anime queen 14 Signed
Date: 28 Apr 2009 Title: Chapter 1: I

sorry that was a typeo i am more of a inyasha kagome fan over kikyo inuyasha but i do like sesshomaru kagome stories if they are well written like yours great job. i was thinking about another storie when i typed my last review.:) great job at first i thought it was going to be boring but you proved me wrong

Ps: is kagome ever going to go back to sesshomaru i mean that would be awsome but what about the baby?

Author's Response: I hope this new chapter answers your questions.  As for Sesshoumaru, you'll see him soon.  :]

Reviewer: Anime queen 14 Signed
Date: 21 May 2009 Title: Chapter 18: XVIII

i feel sorry for kagome, what did she do to deserve that? i hope sesshomaru will come for her and i hope she can handle it.

Author's Response:

It's kinda complicated.  Directly, she didn't do anything.  Inuyasha made a wish on the jewel.  It wasn't his job, and on top of that, the wish wasn't completely selfless.  It was HIM that was directly responsible for what happened.  INDIRECTLY, however, it IS Kagome's fault.  By keeping the jewel around and not wishing it away like she should have because she was afraid, she made it possible for Inuyasha to use the jewel, so both of them were punished by the souls within the jewel.  Because it wouldn't have happened if she had taken care of it a long time ago, she had to suffer more.

He will.  ^^

Reviewer: Anime queen 14 Signed
Date: 08 Aug 2009 Title: Chapter 19: XIX

yay thanks for making it so long but why did you have to stop iwanna know what happens when they meet PLEEEAAAASSSSEEEEE UPDATE SOOOON!

Author's Response: Sorry!  :D  Hopefully it won't be too long, but I have SO MUCH STUFF to do!

Summary: Past Featured Story

InuYasha is an eccentric, reclusive rock star who hires Kagome as his personal assistant. She gets in a lot of shady, dangerous situations helping him look for the missing Shikon no Tama formula.

Fanfiction Feature

Categories: Angst/ Drama, Action/ Adventure, Romance
Characters: Inu Yasha, Kagome Higurashi, Miroku, Sango, Sesshoumaru
Series: None
Chapters: 72 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 118792 Read Count: 48827
[Report This] Published: 23 Dec 2007 Updated: 10 Feb 2010
Reviewer: Anime queen 14 Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star
Date: 29 Mar 2009 Title: Chapter 55: Chapter 55 Revelations

this isn't the rite chapter its under the name chapter 55 but the title above the story is 57. there are two chapter 57s but i love the story any way

Reviewer: Anime queen 14 Signed
Date: 06 Apr 2009 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1 The Interview

the suspence is killing but i can't wait till you update this story just please put chapter 55 in. how often do you update?

Author's Response: I have 62 chapters up. I do not update as much as I used to, but will try and update more frequently - I would like to finish this story. Only I am not sure how many sure chapters it will take to finish it LOL! But, I do know how it will end. :)

Reviewer: Anime queen 14 Signed
Date: 13 Apr 2009 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1 The Interview

im glad that you havent stoped writing because i love your stories..

PS:there are 62 chapters up but, if you look on the table of contence insted of having chapter 55,56,57 if you click on 55 to read it it says chapter-57 revelations. so even thoe every thing looks normal you actualy have two chapter 57's. ^_^

Summary: Kagome finds herself homeless thanks to her rowdy roomies and has to move in with her best guy friends… and Sesshoumaru. He finds him self suffering from a strange combination of ailments, something his father calls simply ‘The Syndrome’. Will he be able to survive the symptoms so he can live to gain the cure?
Categories: General, Romance, Adult, Romance > Sesshoumaru/ Kagome
Characters: Bankotsu, Inu Yasha, Jakotsu, Kagome Higurashi, Miroku, Sesshoumaru, Shippo
Series: Sunset's Sess/Kag
Chapters: 57 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 280965 Read Count: 73917
[Report This] Published: 17 Jan 2008 Updated: 11 Jan 2014
Reviewer: Anime queen 14 Signed
Date: 21 Sep 2009 Title: Chapter 39: Chapter 39 - A Distinct Possibility

oooh  intresting i hope the next 2 chapters come soon i say two because you always do the past then the present and the past is getting kinda boring so yeah

Reviewer: Anime_Queen_14 Signed
Date: 24 Mar 2010 Title: Chapter 42: Chapter 42 - As Close to Poetry as You're Gonna Get

I like it and all but all this past present past present stuff is a little annoying this is just my oppinion but maybe it would be better if we just focused on sess and kag other than that i like it

Author's Response:

The past/present pattern is here to stay all the way to the end of the fic. I really love being able to give background like I am without having to use flashbacks, and the past chapters are some of my favorites. Some people don't like them but most love them like I do, and I really think that all the other characters are important to the fic too, even if it is a Kagome/Sesshoumaru-centric fic. Besides, Sess and Kag are still the focus of the past chapters too!

 If it hasn't become obvious yet, I don't like to rush things. I don't jump right to mating without any real plot or character growth and I don't plan to start. If you don't like the layout of the fic, there's a million others on this and other sites to chose from. Thanks for reading though!

Reviewer: Anime queen 14 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 22 Apr 2009 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1 – Four Guys, a Girl, and Some Chinese Takeout

I hope you and your family are well. I love your stories and i hope you will keep adding chapters to this storie soon i love it.

Reviewer: Anime queen 14 Signed
Date: 14 Jun 2009 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1 – Four Guys, a Girl, and Some Chinese Takeout

I'm glad that you upated again i love this storie and i hope  to see some new chapters soon'

~Write on

Reviewer: Anime queen 14 Signed
Date: 30 Jun 2009 Title: Chapter 37: Chapter 37 - The Chase is Half the Fun

yay yay yay yay this has to be like my favorite story great job Write on!!!!!

Summary: After the defeat of Naraku, InuYasha uses the jewel to become full youkai. Saddened, Kagome leaves for her own time, undecided wheher she can still love him this way - and the well closes. InuYasha swears if he has to wait 500 years to see if she still loves him, he will.
Categories: Angst/ Drama, Adult
Characters: Inu Yasha, Kagome Higurashi, Miroku, Sango, Sesshoumaru
Series: None
Chapters: 19 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 35557 Read Count: 15982
[Report This] Published: 29 Mar 2008 Updated: 21 Jun 2011
Reviewer: Anime queen 14 Signed
Date: 06 Apr 2009 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1 Prologue

i love the story and i think its sad that inuyasha got such a rude hello from kagome i also thought it was sad yet heard warming that inuyasha waited all that time for her. (it's only sad that the well closed)

A Miko's Pet by Sunset Miko Rated: NC-17 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 34]

I will no longer be updating my stories on this site. New chapter(s) have been posted to this fic on the sites I continue to use. See my profile for a list of where you can find my up to date work.


Kagome’s attempt at spring cleaning leads to interesting discoveries and Kagome teases Sesshoumaru until he can’t take it anymore. Their time together, however, unleashes something in Kagome. (Formerly 'Chronicles of the Moldy)

Categories: General, Angst/ Drama, Adult, Romance > Sesshoumaru/ Kagome
Characters: Inu Yasha, Kagome Higurashi, Sesshoumaru
Series: Sunset's Sess/Kag
Chapters: 20 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 44637 Read Count: 10815
[Report This] Published: 08 May 2008 Updated: 18 Jul 2014
Reviewer: Anime queen 14 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 21 Apr 2009 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 4 - Uh Oh

you should keep going this is a great storie.

Adoption by Keva Rated: X starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 171]
Summary: FeatureKagome is abandonded by her father and gets adopted by neighboring college boys.
Categories: General, Romance, Adult, Romance > Sesshoumaru/ Kagome
Characters: Kagome Higurashi, Sesshoumaru
Series: None
Chapters: 25 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 139934 Read Count: 57079
[Report This] Published: 21 May 2008 Updated: 23 Jul 2012
Reviewer: Anime queen 14 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 20 Apr 2009 Title: Adoption

FINALY, its about time sesshomaru admited he like kagome even if it was only to himself. gread job,Write On! Thanks Keva, About how many chapters do you think this storie will be? LOL

Reviewer: Anime_Queen_14 Signed
Date: 24 Mar 2010 Title: Adoption

Awsome! i cant wait to keep reading! so how's life been? i cant wait to read about the court hearing

Reviewer: Anime_Queen_14 Signed
Date: 09 Feb 2010 Title: Adoption

wow this is the second story in a row that made everything between sesshomaru and kagome a dream plus this is chapter 42 and the other one is chapter 41 lol cool, good chapter

Reviewer: Anime queen 14 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 18 Apr 2009 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

*Sheesh sesshomaru deflae your ego about 10 noches get off your bigg butt and appologize to kagome!*

Great chapter although i feel sorry for naraku having to deal with all this crap with kagome.

Reviewer: Anime queen 14 Signed
Date: 20 Sep 2009 Title: Adoption

awe poor naraku thanks for updating

Reviewer: Anime queen 14 Signed
Date: 06 Jul 2009 Title: Adoption

cool so ur gonna finish up this story?

Reviewer: Anime queen 14 Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 10 Apr 2009 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

this may sound weird but naraku is fun. i cant stand it in an anime, tv show or what ever but if the character is fighting and they are all mad and screaming it's not that intresting. i love it when naraku smiles during a fight he has fun and isnt all serious plus he is pretty cute. i also like sesshomaru but it's weird how he was drunk its funny to imagen. great work! WRITE ON! how often do you post?

Author's Response:

Naw it's not wierd. I get more 'I didn't like Naraku but after reading this I think I love him.' emails and reviews then you can imagine. This was initially a challenge; write a fic that would make people like or love Naraku and thus farI think I've been doing an awesome job of it. Naraky is my fav character and I just love him.

I don't have a set update schedule but I do announce the status of my fics through my group and give dates on when things are going to be updated. I don't do the email thing due to my work and way too many email addresses to keep track of; hence why I started my group. Oh well it's up to you.

Thanks for reading. Much love. Keva

Reviewer: Anime queen 14 Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star
Date: 27 May 2009 Title: Adoption

i wiah this chapter was longer so i knew what was going to happen to sesshomaru(chuckles)i love naraku in this story.

Reviewer: Anime queen 14 Signed
Date: 01 Jul 2009 Title: Adoption

awe it's over already poo i wanted to know what he was going to say but there is one thing i dont get stubaki was going to kiss sesshomaru and kei was gonna kiss kagome but then it just jumps to the fight what happened inbetween? great job ~Write On!