Penname: Sakura Higurashi [Contact] Real name: Courtney
Member Since: 03 Nov 2008
Membership status: Member
.Let's see...first a little general info

Name: Courtney (but just call me Sakura)
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Born: November 19
Occupation: College Student

On other fanfiction sites, I write under the name Sakura Okada

Hobbies: Writing, Drawing, Anime, Singing, Playing Tennis, Video Games, Reading

Writing is my favorite thing to do; I've been making up stories since I was in elementary school. When I'm having a really bad day, or just had an amazing time, i express it through my writing. Someday I hope to be a writer and get paid to do what I love, but for now, I mainly write fanfictions. I'm still a bit new to having people read my work, though, so a friendly compliment or even some constructive critisism mean a lot to me.

As for my style...hmm...I dunno what you'd classify it as. I like to write adventure/romance stories, and I usually prefer to use canon couples, although that doesn't always seem to work out. ^^;

Now for some of my favs:

Anime/Character(Not Couples):
Inuyasha: Sesshoumaru, Sango
Slayers: Xellos, Sherra,
Detective Conan: Conan, Shinichi
Tsubasa Chronicles: Syaoran, Mokona
Vampire Knight: Zero, Shiki

Anime/ Couple:
Inuyasha: San/Miro, Kag/Inu, Kik/Inu (I think both have their good points)
Slayers: Lina/Gourry, Amelia/Zelgadis, Xellos/Filia
Detective Conan: Shinichi/Ran
Tsubasa Chronicles: Sakura/Syaoran
Vampire Knight: Yuuki/Zero, Shiki/Rima

There are more, but those are the ones I'm especially fond of and tend to read about.

Beta-reader: Yes
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