Membership status: Member
Last updated October 5, 2007
The Creed of the Other Breed and all future S/K stories (including one-shots and drabbles) have been moved to my Yahoo Group and my Writing Journal.
The YahooGroup is for adults only, since it is their policy to ensure that adult content stays adult. The Writing Journal is public access, and for those who don't know, you do not have to have a membership there to read or comment on public sites. (Which the journal is.) The picture links section has been uploaded to make navigation of the Writing Journal pain-free and as easy as any other fanfiction site. The Yahoo Group already has all of my stories uploaded in RTF format. I currently only have links up for my longer stories in my Writing journal, but I will slowly add A Sentinel Mother, Conversations with a Taiyoukai, Finding You, and Hallowed Desire to it as time permits.
My drabbles, Creed of the Other Breed, and the various one-shots not published anywhere but my YahooGroup and Writing Journal are already up. Sorry, but I have no plans of moving Trust or Phantoms of my Heart anywhere else or messing with them anymore. They'll collect dust in the YahooGroup unless or until I get a wild hair and move it.