Penname: thehotty [Contact] Real name: Megan
Member Since: 05 Aug 2007
Membership status: Member

Inu Yasha: Hey! TH! Get out here and introduce yourself!

Kagome: You know, we can't do it for you!

thehotty: *mummbling* All I wanted was a 'here's TH!,' thank you very much... but noooo, can't even do that.

Naraku: Kukukukuku.... they are useless beings. That's why I don't waste my time with them.

Sesshoumaru: Shut up hanyou. Your voice annoys me.

thehotty: Alright, no fighting today. I have to tell these people about myself, and you're all going to help me.


thehotty: Get over it, because you all are. I'll start out. I'm thehotty. I am very excentric and you'll find a veriaty of stories from me when I get that far.

Kagome: Excentric, my ass. More like disturbed and disgusting.

Naraku: I like it. She's very good at letting you know what's happening without giving the details away.

Sango: It's called an imagionation. Something you don't have, you coward.

Miroku: *nods sagely* I may not agree with what TH writes, but at least it is in good taste after the first details.

Shippo: TH's really kewl. She gives me candy and crayons and draws with me and she's really good at it. She likes nature too!

Rin: Indeed. Rin likes it when TH is nice to Rin and Shippo.

Jaken: Stupid human! Only you would like that immortal ningen!

thehotty: *glares at Jaken* What was that, you toad?

Jaken: Ahem, nothing, my Lady. I was just saying how beautiful and kind you are.

Inu Yasha: Right. You stupid toad. You were ragging on her again.

thehotty: *punts Jaken* Maybe he won't come back this time.

Kagome: We can only wish.

Sesshoumaru: I've been trying to get rid of him for centuries. He always comes back.

*Kouga zipps through the room and stops in front of Kagome*

Kouga: Decided to leave this group and join the wolf pack yet?

thehotty: Kouga! There you are, you can help tell everyone about me!

Kouga: *groans* I forgot they hung out with you...

thehotty: Shut up and talk, mangy wolf. I'll sick Myouga on you if you don't shut your trap.

Kouga: TH's really sweet and she's always nice to everyone, no matter how many times I ram my sword through her unholy fucking heart. *rams it in for good measure* She doesn't mind dying and coming back because she likes being Immortal for a fucking wench.

thehotty: *growls* Damn you, you fucking mutt! *rips sword out of chest* How about I shove this fucker up your ass!!!!!

*chases after Kouga while wagging the sword about*

Miroku: *sigh* I guess I owe you ten dollars, then?

Sesshoumaru: Indeed. Kouga is to stupid to resist doing that.

Inu Yasha: No way am I giving you ten dollars! You fucking cheated!

Kagome: Sit! He didn't cheat! He's just smarter then you.

Sesshoumaru: Thank you, my love.

Kagome: Welcome, darling.

Shippo: We'll come back after TH is done beating up Kouga.

Rin: Bye everyone!!!!!


thehotty : Fuck! * Pant... Pant* That wolf's going to kill me.

Inu Yasha : No, Naraku's going to kill you.

Naraku : Kukukukuku!

Sango : Oh, shut up already! You're already in a cage for a reason!

Kagome : Because he's gross and even more of a dog then Sesshoumaru, Kouga and Inu Yasha put together?

thehotty : No, because I like to torture him.

Kagome : O.o Ok then...

Sesshoumaru : Should we continue with telling people about you TH?

thehotty : Go for it. See if I care.

Sango : She's a great leader! Better pack alpha then any of the guys could dream to be!

Inu Yasha : I RESENT THAT!

Miroku : O.O I didn't know you could resent anything!

Kikyou : Trust me, he does.

thehotty : *glomps Kikyou* MY LOVE HAS RETURNED TO ME!

Kikyou : *Shoves TH off* Woman, just because we were drunk and you can't say no to any dare doesn't make me your lover, even if I had a roffy in my drink. Thanks a lot, by the way, Miroku.

Miroku : *Grins widely* It was my pleasure, Lady Kikyou! And only if you had agreed to such activities instead of the use of drugs, you would have acted the same way upon seeing our fair TH.

Kagome : Excuse me, what the hell happened?

Sango : Uh, it was a night of pure drugs, alcohol and un-adultered smut. I just wish that I hadn't been talked into it.

Kikyou : But SANGO! You told me you loved me!

Miroku : And if I remember correctly, I heard you all say you loved me.

thehotty : It was the X talking, that and you were the only one with a dick.

Miroku : How sad. *Pouts*

Inu Yasha : Ok, what the hell did you all do with Kikyou?

thehotty : Like Sango said, drugs, alcohol, and unadultered smut. We aren't actually allowed to say what fully went down in that house to anyone else.

Sesshoumaru : Though we could all plainly see what happened without you talking.

Miroku : True, but we can't confirm your assumetions.

thehotty : Well, either way, wave to the pretty people out there everyone and say ja ne!

All : Ja ne!

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