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Inuyasha stared silently at the spot that Kikyo had been just a while ago. He had failed her. He had promised to protect her, to not let anyone touch her. He couldn't believe that she was gone like this. He had finally acknowledged that Kikyo was a threat to his friends, namely Kagome, but his bond with Kikyo was undeniable. After they destroyed Naraku Inuyasha had planned to go to hell with Kikyo. She would finally be done with this parody of life. But it wasn't supposed to turn out this way. He was responsible for her fate.

He had promised to protect her and he had failed. He knew he should be seeking vengeance for Kikyo's death. Who would have thought that it would be Kagome who would destroy Kikyo? Inuyasha shook his head in frustration, hair whipping wildly. He had thought to protect Kagome from Kikyo, but in the end it was Kagome that destroyed Kikyo and not the other way around. Could he take vengeance on Kagome on behalf of Kikyo? How could he? He couldn't bring himself to hurt Kagome. After all the things they'd gone through. She was the one that taught him to trust.

Inuyasha growled in frustration, frowning. His head hurt. Thoughts of Kikyo and Kagome swirled in chaotic bits of memory until he could no longer distinguish one from the other. Inuyasha grabbed his head with a clawed hand, trying to still the mad spinning. Out of the corner of his eyes he saw a figure start towards him. Her lips seemed to be moving yet he couldn't hear anything over the rushing in his ears. Inuyasha eyes narrowed in confusion as the figure seemed to flicker and it was no longer Kagome standing before him but Kikyo. Kikyo Inuyasha stepped closer to the figure, intent on encompassing her in his arms. The figure blurred yet again and he blinked his eyes rapidly, trying to clear his vision. His smile faltered as his perception slowly sharpened. The figure before him had changed once more.

Standing in front of him was an unsteady Kagome. Superimposed on Kagome's figure was the image of a sad Kikyo. Inuyasha was taken aback by the despairing look in Kikyo's eyes. They seemed to blame him for being unable to protect her, for failing to avenge her death. He was staggered by the condemnation in her eyes. While he fumbled to come to grips with the vision the figure's eyes fluttered closed and fell in a faint. Before she could hit the ground, however, Sesshoumaru had her in his arms.

Sesshoumaru never took his golden eyes off him as he calmly supported the girl. Why was that bastard just staring at him? And why did he have Kagome, or was it Kiyo, in his arms? Inuyasha gave a quick shake of his head. Sesshoumaru had no business holding either of them in such an intimate embrace. He didn't even like humans.

"Teme. Let go of her."

Sesshoumaru eyed Inuyasha evenly without relinquishing his hold on Kagome. Something was wrong with Inuyasha. Something about the hanyou's gaze bothered Sesshoumaru. That raging violenceThe youkai lord's gaze sharpened as he made the connection. It was the same as that time, when Inuyasha had attacked and killed those villagers. It was the same look of insanity although it did not appear as serious this time around. Inuyasha's tenuous hold on sanity was most likely due to the fact that he still held Tetsusaiga.

"Let who go?"

At those words, everyone had their attention centered on the youkai lord. There was no taunting quality to the words. It was posed as a simple question. It was odd that Sesshoumaru would ask such a question of Inuyasha. But stranger still was that Inuyasha seemed to be having difficulty with that simple question. The hanyou's eyes showed surprised uncertainty at the unexpected question. Dread settled over the group at Inuyasha's continued hesitance. It was becoming obvious that something wasn't quite right with Inuyasha. Quite possibly he was losing his grip on his sanity once again as his youkai blood took over.

Kagome slowly regained consciousness, aware of a sense of warmth and security. Disturbing the blanket of warmth was a prickling sense of wrongness pushing her towards consciousness. Her eyes focused more clearly and she became aware of a charged atmosphere. Still feeling weak, Kagome merely tilted her head slightly and gripped the edge of Sesshoumaru's kimono for balance. What's going on? She raised questioning eyes hoping to find the answer from Sesshoumaru. Instead, she found that her lifemate had not turned to look at her despite the movements she made as she woke. Her lifemate felt tense although Kagome wouldn't have noticed if she had not been in his arms. Sesshoumaru's body seemed poised for action and Kagome flattened a calming palm over his tense chest.

"Who is that you think I should be letting go of?"

Kagome gazed at Sesshoumaru strangely at those words. What a strange question And why does he have to let me go? I'm feeling quite nice where I am, thank you very much. Kagome mused over the confusing question. Her amusement seized abruptly as she completely shook off the fuzziness from her fainting spell. There was only one person who would tell Sesshoumaru to release her. Inuyasha. Kagome's head whipped to face Inuyasha. The hanyou wore a strange expression of confused rage.

What is wrong with Inuyasha? Why can't he answer? Watashi wa Kagome! He should know that by now. That baka! Kagome's heart froze in horror as a hand rose to cover her gasp of realization. There was only one person Inuyasha would ever mistake her for. Tears filled her eyes at her next thought. A person that she had just destroyed; a person that Inuyasha cared for deeply: Kikyo.

Kagome tried to remember what had happened when she had destroyed Kikyo along with Naraku. She did remember, and with stunning clarity, what had occurred before she had passed out. She remembered seeing Onigumo's soul and the determination to stop Naraku. It was as though something within her had clicked into place. She was aware of what she was doing and the gathering of power. But, it was as if her body acted on it's own and remembered her fright at the lack of control. Kagome would have panicked except there was a presence that seemed to cover her in calm. The aura felt similar to that of the Shikon no Tama but how could that have been possible? It had not mattered. Kagome had known with absolute certainty that the presence was there to help her and that it was good.

Kagome eyes squeezed closed in pain. She had not meant to or wanted to kill Kikyo. Simply, she had been unable to prevent the release of all the gathered energy. She had not had the capability to stop the release of energy or controlled what it would destroy. That Naraku had dragged Kikyo to her death was unexpected. It was an accident. But in a way, it had still been her fault. Kagome had known that whatever stood in the path of the orb of energy would be destroyed but could do nothing to stop it. So now, because of her, Inuyasha was in this state of grief. I have to do something. I can't let Inuyasha suffer like this! Kagome began pushing insistently against Sesshoumaru's chest wanting to go comfort Inuyasha. Sesshoumaru didn't budge at all and only pulled her against him more securely.

"Do not move."


"Inuyasha does not know what he is doing. He does not even know who you are. I will not allow you to be hurt by accident."

Inuyasha growled angrily at the exchange. He only saw that the youkai lord was not releasing the woman like he told her to. Sesshoumaru was holding her too close and it maddened him. He squinted angrily as his vision seemed to be suffused with red. The hanyou couldn't seem to focus his thoughts. Why was he so angry at the youkai standing in front of him again? Who was the woman again? Inuyasha shook with suppressed frustration. Amid the turmoil only one thought remained and Inuyasha latched on to the thought as a lifeline. Kill. With a roar Inuyasha launched himself at Sesshoumaru amid cries of shock from the others.

"Inuyasha. Dame! You'll hurt Kagome-sama!"

Miroku dropped his outstretched hand in defeat. Inuyasha had not even acknowledged the shout. Sango was less patient than he and had already threw Hiraikotsu at Inuyasha in the hopes of distracting the deranged hanyou. Anticipating Inuyasha's attack, Sesshoumaru was already a distance from the hanyou. The youkai was not certain of Inuyasha's abilities when he was in youkai form. It would not do to put Kagome at risk because of a miscalculation. Sesshoumaru pondered what to do with Kagome while he fought off Inuyasha. In her weak state, she would not be able to protect herself from Inuyasha. As though Kagome sensed his unwillingness to part from her she gently placed a hand on his arm.

"Daijobu. Miroku will protect me."

Sesshoumaru eyes bored into Miroku's considering his abilities while the nervous houshi sweat-dropped as he withstood the intent perusal. There was not much choice. From the look of the situation, even were he to flee with Kagome Inuyasha would give chase. The only way to return Inuyasha to normal was to knock the hanyou unconscious. With Inuyasha in his youkai form knocking him out might pose somedifficulty. As was demonstrated by the earlier attack, Inuyasha no longer recognized Kagome or any of the others. The youkai exterminator would not last much longer against Inuyasha. He had to decide now. The houshi sighed with relief as the lordly youkai finally turned back to Kagome. With a curt nod towards Kagome and a warning look for the houshi Sesshoumaru turned back to Inuyasha.

The ensuing battle was long. Inuyasha seemed to have lost his ability to feel pain and he attacked Sesshoumaru persistently despite the punishment dealt to his body. Sesshoumaru's calm in battle enabled him to react accordingly while Inuyasha was controlled by rage and this determined the result of the battle before it even began. Despite the fact that Inuyasha was in his youkai form, the hanyou was no match for Sesshoumaru although he did manage to get some blows in. The result was that Inuyasha was slowly worn down and now lay panting on the cold ground struggling to rise.

Sesshoumaru watched the hanyou attempt, unsuccessfully, to get to his feet despite fatigued muscles. He knew that Inuyasha was at his limit but yet it appeared the hanyou was stubbornly maintaining his youkai state. Every so often, the youkai lord would sense a strong whirl of emotion emanating from the hanyou. It was incongruent with Inuyasha's present state. In his youkai state, Inuyasha should only be able to feel the joy of battle but yet Sesshoumaru sensed the grayness of grief at moments. At other times, Sesshoumaru caught glimpses of confusion in Inuyasha's disturbed aura. Inuyasha was running hard from the grief mentally, trying to suppress the feelings and that it was maintaining his youkai state was probably a side effect. Inuyasha would only stop if he were he to be knocked unconscious but that would only be a temporary solution. Unless Inuyasha solved his conflicts, upon returning to consciousness his confusion would return once more.

Kagome's anguished eyes watched Inuyasha's pained effort to get to his feet. He had to come back to himself. The longer he remained in his youkai state the more it ate away at his sense of identity. At this rate, he would forever remain in his youkai state and would become a creature that will kill until it is destroyed. It seemed as though Kikyo's death had triggered Inuyasha's loss of control. Kagome didn't know how to help Inuyasha. Even if they were able to return Inuyasha into himself by knocking him unconscious, once he came back to himself he would be facing the grief of Kikyo's death again. At that thought, something drew her gaze to Sesshoumaru and she realized with a start that he was watching her.

Inuyasha has to be destroyed.

Sesshoumaru's words were not spoken but it seemed that Kagome felt the words rather than heard them. Even as Kagome processed the shocking thought she recognized a sense of suppressed regret in Sesshoumaru's mental touch. No! Her mind rebelled against the idea. She couldn't let Sesshoumaru kill his own brother and she could not let Inuyasha die like that. Kagome panicked as Sesshoumaru drew Toukijin from its sheath and Inuyasha finally managed to get to his feet. Incredibly, Inuyasha was still growling as he wobbled unsteadily towards Sesshoumaru as though he still planned to fight the youkai lord. Sesshoumaru flicked Toukijin with a quick movement and the blade's sharp edge glittered. Inuyasha was within striking distance. Kagome's eyes squeezed tightly shut.


Kagome heard the swish of Toukijin as it cut through the air and the dead silence that followed. She was afraid of what she would see if she opened her eyes but she painstakingly opened them. Afraid, Kagome chose to watch the reactions of the others. Sango, Miroku, and Shippo looked as though they were in shock with their jaws hanging. Screwing up her courage she turned and saw Sesshoumaru holding Toukijin with its tip to the ground, thankfully free of blood. Her lifemate looked bemused as he gazed at the hanyou at his feet. Inuyasha's face was smashed into the ground. Kagome rushed over to Sesshoumaru's side.

"You can't kill Inuyasha!"

Sesshoumaru raised a brow at her shout and she reddened. Kagome raised tear bright eyes to her lifemate.

"Trust me."

Sesshoumaru slowly nodded and Kagome gave his hand a grateful squeeze. She knelt beside the fallen Inuyasha and said his name softly. There was no reaction from the hanyou and Kagome was about to call his name again when she saw a twitch. Inuyasha's ears had twitched and were turned towards her. Kagome felt hope rising within her.

"Inuyasha... I know you are hurting right now. I know how much you loved Kikyo."

A soft, sad laugh escaped her lips.

"I even heard you promise to protect her in the forest that day. Honto ni gomen nasai, Inuyasha. I did not mean to make you break your promise to Kikyo. I," Kagome cleared her throat gently and her voice was teary as she struggled to continue. "I never meant to kill her Inuyasha. I couldn't control the power that was pouring out of me and I couldn't hold onto it any longer. I didn't know that Naraku would drag her to death with him like he did. I know it doesn't matter now that I say I couldn't control it. It doesn't take away your pain. But, I wanted you to know that I wouldn't deliberately hurt you like that."

The hanyou remained motionless and Kagome continued after a short pause.

"I know you can hear me but if you don't want to say anything that's fine. You couldn't answer the question of who I was earlier. I'm guessing that you were confusing me with Kikyo again. I don't know if you recognize this but watashi wa Kagome. I'm not just a reincarnation of Kikyo. I'm not even entirely certain how reincarnation works. But, it is certain that I am not Kikyo. Kagome wa Kagome. Kikyo wa Kikyo. I'm not a replacement for Kikyo in your life but I am your friend no matter what happens."

Kagome rose to her feet and turned to face Sesshoumaru. With a surprised gasp, she found herself caught in Inuyasha's arms. Inuyasha's face was buried in her hair and he whispered her name hoarsely. Kagome's wide eyes took in the arms holding her in place and then raised them to Sesshoumaru's eyes. Her lifemate's face was devoid of emotion. She couldn't see what Sesshoumaru felt seeing her in Inuyasha's arms this way. Kagome tried to catch a glimpse of his feelings through their link but was unable to penetrate the psychic wall that Sesshoumaru had erected. Inuyasha continued to hold her for a long moment. Finally, the hanyou regained control of his emotions. They separated awkwardly and Kagome turned around to face Inuyasha. He looked like a lost puppy. Kagome smiled faintly at the reserved hanyou.

"Arigato, Inuyasha, for forgiving me."

This time Inuyasha did not stop her as she turned away from him. He felt weary. For most of his life he had searched for the Shikon no Tama. At first it was just so that he could become a full youkai so that he would not have to be vulnerable that one day he became human. Then, he had met Kikyo and he had wanted to become human so that they could live their lives together. But Naraku had caused them to betray each other and Kikyo had died while he was sealed to the God Tree. Upon being freed from Kikyo's spell he had wanted only to become a full youkai. At that point, he had no other reason for possessing the Shikon no Tama.

Now, the Shikon no Tama was complete and the only thing left to do was to merge the shards into one entity. He realized he no longer knew what he wanted to do with the Shikon no Tama. Would he lose his sense of self if he were to become a full youkai? He had always thought that if he were to become a full youkai he would be better, stronger. But now, he was no longer sure of that. He would become stronger but wasn't he already strong enough? No matter how strong one was there would always be someone stronger. To be the strongest was to be constantly challenged by those who wanted the title of strongest. Was that what he really wanted?

Inuyasha raised his head and found Kagome walking away from him, towards Sesshoumaru. His heart clenched painfully as she stood at his half brother's side. Did she now prefer Sesshoumaru to him? Inuyasha managed to drag his gaze away from Kagome to study Sesshoumaru. The youkai lord's eyes were blank as they stared back at Inuyasha. Suddenly, Inuyasha remembered a time when he had hung to Sesshoumaru's hem at every chance he got. He had adored his older sibling and hadn't understood when his okaa-san had insisted they leave. He remembered the intense sense of betrayal at seeing Sesshoumaru rip his beloved okaa-san apart. Inuyasha grew angry at the memory of the ancient grudge. As though seeing the direction of Inuyasha's thoughts Sesshoumaru spoke without inflection.

"Inuyasha. Your mother was already dead when I ripped her body apart."

"You lie." Inuyasha growled.

"I have no reason to lie to you. Believe what you will."

With those words Sesshoumaru turned away from Inuyasha. The hanyou stared at the ground, wrestling with the idea that Sesshoumaru had not killed his mother. Meanwhile, the youkai lord proceeded to stare into the night sky and within moments a large shape flew into the clearing. Ignoring the small group that stood in the clearing Sesshoumaru waited for Aun to land. Rin jumped off the two-headed beast's back as soon as it landed and rushed happily towards Sesshoumaru. With a big smile the little girl handed the youkai lord a daisy and immediately turned and leapt into Kagome's arms for a quick hug. Kouga limped into the clearing having seen the final battle from afar.

Miroku cleared his throat, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

"Kagome-sama, something needs to be done about the Shikon shards."

Miroku pointedly looked over to where Sango crouched over her otouto worriedly. The boy had not retained consciousness. Kagome nodded in understanding and strode next to the taijiya, placing a sympathetic hand on Sango's shoulder. None of them knew what would happen once the Shikon no kakera was taken out of Kohaku. So far, the Shikon no kakera had been sustaining Kohaku's life but the shard was also corrupted with Naraku"s evil. Although Naraku could no longer control the boy, the tainted shard had to be removed from his body. Sango had survived the removal of the Shikon no kakera that had been placed in side her but what if Kohaku could not handle the trauma?

While these thoughts coursing through their minds, Sango made a decision. Pulling a small knife out of a sheath strapped to her thigh, she cut the rope that constrained Kohaku to the tree. Gently, she positioned the limp Kohaku so that his back faced her. Kagome gasped as Sango cut the boy's top open exposing the back of neck. Kagome nodded in understanding as she caught a glimpse of Sango's determined eyes. The taijiya made a careful incision where Kohaku"s neck met his back exposing the blackened Shikon no Kakera. Sango motioned Kagome over and the young miko cautiously retrieved the Shikon shard, purifying it with her touch.

No sooner had Kagome walked away with the Shikon shard than Kohaku's body began to convulse. Sango cried out at the violent shudders racking her brother's body. She wrapped her strong arms around Kohaku's body trying to still the shaking. Eventually, the shakes began to diminish and Kohaku lay lifeless in Sango's arms. Tears ran from Sango's open eyes as she continued to hold her brother tightly to her. With trembling hands she placed a finger underneath his nose, hoping to feel breath. It was not to be. Kohaku had not been able to withstand the loss of the Shikon no kakera. Sango collapsed over her brother's body, sobbing.

Kagome covered her mouth to quiet her own crying as she stared at the sad girl before her. She could imagine the pain that Sango was going through. It would be the same for her if she were to ever lose her brother. She fell back a step at the sad scene ahead of her and bumped into something solid. Sesshoumaru. The youkai lord looked at his lifemate, crying for another's loss. It was not something he fully understood but seeing tears in Kagome's eyes made his heart clench strangely. Sesshoumaru did not like her tears. Taking a clawed hand, he gently tilted up her chin and tenderly wiped her tears. After a moment, he released Kagome and turned towards Sango and Kohaku.

Striding over to Kohaku's body Sesshoumaru unsheathed the Tenseiga. Startled by the sound Sango was shocked to see Sesshomaru standing there. The youkai lord's eyes were unreadable and she grew angry at the youkai. Thinking that he was trying to do something horrible to Kohaku's body, Sango rose into a battle stance. Standing in front of her otouto's body she scowled angrily at Sesshoumaru. But before she could even blink the youkai stood over Kohaku's body and swung his sword in two arcs. Shocked by Sesshoumaru's strange actions she ran over to examine her brother's body. There were no cuts from Sesshoumaru's sword. All of the sudden, Sango felt a movement beneath her hands. Staring down at her hands she noticed that Kohaku's chest rose and fell slowly. Kohaku's brow furrowed and he slowly opened his eyes. Beyond words, Sango gave her brother a quick hug before pulling back to take a good look at him.


"Oneesan... Where am I?"

"Yokatta. You remember me."

"Ne, oneesan, daijobu? Of course I know who you are. Why wouldn't I -"

Kohaku froze. His eyes were wide and unseeing as tears ran unheeded down his face. In his mind, he saw himself as he killed his unsuspecting father and the deadly blow he had dealt Sango. Kohaku wrapped his arms around himself and rocked himself slowly as he sat on the cold, hard ground. No No I didn't do those things! It wasn't me! The anguished pain in his young face struck Sango painfully. Sango slowly placed her hand on the traumatized boy, willing him to break free of his shock. She knew that he had recovered his memory but what such a memory could do to his young mind she didn't want to even consider. Gathering Kohaku into her arms she stroked his hair soothingly.

"Kohaku, it wasn't your fault. No one knew at the time the kind of evil creature Naraku was. He was the one that controlled you and made you do those things. It's not your fault. It was only your first time out on a hunt. Many stronger than you have fallen to him. Don't blame yourself."

The words seemed to hit a resonant chord within Kohaku and he began to shake uncontrollably. No longer was he silent as he sobbed into his oneesan's arms. Sango continued to murmur comfortingly in her brother's ear and smoothing his hair. Her own eyes filled as she repeated over and over that it wasn't his fault. It was finally over and Naraku was dead. It was unthinkable that she could not help Kohaku get over this and come back to himself. They deserved to be happy after all they had been put through. Finally, the sobbing quieted. She hugged him tightly once more before holding them apart to stare into Kohaku's eyes.

"Okaeri nasai, otouto."

Kagome smiled up at Sesshoumaru with teary eyes full of gratitude and love.

"You're happy?"


Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow. Humans. He'll never understand them. They cried when they were sad. They cried when they were happy. He sighed inwardly as Rin began running around in circles shouting about how he had saved Kohaku the same way he had saved Rin. He couldn't deny that some undefined feeling had warmed his heart at the scene before him. And the look that had been in Kagome's eyes exhilarated him more than any battle ever had.


Sesshoumaru turned towards the taijiya.

"Arigato. Honto ni arigato."

Although Sesshoumaru merely inclined his head regally, as though it was simply a small deed Sango was indescribably grateful. Wanting to share her happiness, Sango turned to Miroku. The houshi smiled back and she was taken aback once more at the warmth of his smile. With a start, Sango had a sudden thought and rushed over to the houshi. Miroku looked at her blankly as the taijiya grabbed his curse hand and gazed at him with hoping eyes. Miroku studied his cursed hand intently. After a brief hesitation, Miroku took hold of the rosaries that sealed his Kazaana. Receiving an encouraging nod from Sango, he removed the rosaries with one quick motion, eyes closed tightly against the result. Hearing nothing of the winds produced by the void, he opened his eyes. Sango smiled widely and showed him his palm, free of the Kazaana. Joy flowed through Miroku, and impulsively, he hugged Sango to him. The taijiya blushed prettily.


Sango's smile slowly faded to be replaced by a scowl. He never changed.


Miroku rubbed his injured head beaming despite the pain. He was finally free of the void. Never again would he worry that he would meet his end the way his father did. He would not have to fear that when he passed on to the next world all that would be left of him was a great crater. He happily watched as Sango stalked away from him. Now, he would have a chance to offer her happiness.

"Feh. Why don't you come out now Kagura? It's no use hiding."

Everyone started in surprise, except of course, Sesshoumaru who had known Kagura was there and Kouga who had announced her presence. Kagura ignored everyone and walked steadily towards Kagome. Sesshoumaru gave her a look but otherwise did not move from his position beside his lifemate. Kouga and Inuyasha were not as lax and began growling from where they stood. Only sparing them each a brief glance, Kagura once again focused her attention on the miko girl. When she was an arm's length from Kagome she extended a closed fist towards the girl. Kagura loosed her fist to reveal two Shikon shards, the shards that she had stolen from Kouga. Kagome stared at her curiously. When Kagura continued to gaze at her steadily Kagome slowly extended her own palm out. Kagura dropped the shards into Kagome's hand and retreated a couple of steps.

"I have no use for those. And I do not wished to be hunted by those who want the Shikon."

Turning to leave, Kagura was stopped by Kouga's angry holler.

"You will pay for killing those of my clan!"

"I killed them, but it was not by choice. I only followed Naraku's orders, as you would also if he held your life in his hands. It is basic instinct to preserve one's life. But if you insist on wrecking vengeance on me, find me when you think you're up to the task."

With those words Kagura escaped by virtue of her transforming feather leaving a sputtering Kouga behind.


Kagome dreamily stared at the moon, happily ensconced in Sesshoumaru's arms. It had been a month since the destruction of Naraku and they spent almost every moment together. They were seated below an ancient tree and both faced the bright moon. She gave a happy sigh and marveled again that the battle was finally over. No more Naraku. No more searching for the Shikon shards because now, all the shards were accounted for. No more heartbreak. She snuggled closer to Sesshoumaru's body at the thought and his arms tightened slightly. It was wondrous that she had found love in his arms. Sesshoumaru was not as cold as he once was. When he smiled one of his rare smiles, just for her, she sometimes forgot to breath. He was still arrogant of course, what was the Lord of the Western Lands without his arrogance after all? But now, she found even that arrogance appealing. Well, at times, other times it was just frustrating.

Slowly her happy mood began to wane as worries began to intrude once again. Tomorrow was the big day. Tomorrow, they would have a small ceremony that would make the Shikon no Tama whole once more. Kagome was terrified. She had no idea what would happen once the Shikon no Tama was whole once more. From what they had figured out, Kagome had come to the Sengoku Jidai because she was needed. A great evil that was Naraku had appeared in their world and they had needed her and the power of the Shikon no Tama. Now, that Naraku was gone this world no longer needed her. And once the Shikon no Tama was whole, there was no telling what would happen to her.

What if she was sent back to her world? It wasn't that she didn't want to return to her world. She wanted to be able to hop between worlds as she had been doing. It was true that it wasn't doing much for her schooling though. But, she did not want to be separated from Sesshoumaru now that she had found love. Then there was Inuyasha. Kagome wasn't sure if he had recovered from Kikyo's death. Strangely, he seemed embarrassed by her presence. Shippo would miss her. She smiled remembering the overjoyed face of the kitsune as he had leaped on her when they had met up. Sango and Miroku would miss her but they had each other. Kagome would also miss Kaede now that she viewed the old miko as a foster grandmother.

Sesshoumaru looked down at Kagome as she made a small sniffling sound. He knew that she was worried about the morrow. Sesshoumaru rested his chin on her shoulder. He didn't know what would happen tomorrow but there was no sense in worrying. What will happen will happen. He knew there was a possibility that Kagome would be returned to her time. But, he had already made his decision to make her his mate and he had no regrets. Sesshoumaru smiled faintly. But she was very upset at the prospect and had told him many times how upset she was.

Kagome had not exactly told him in words that she was upset; it was more through her actions. Kagome seemed to get angry with him for no apparent reason lately. She would get sad and teary when she thought he was not aware. When Sesshoumaru asked her what was wrong she would deny that there was anything wrong. Sesshoumaru sighed inwardly. The girl was making him soft. But he couldn't deny that he was happier than he had ever been in his long life.

Surprisingly, he had discovered the reason behind her behavior from an unexpected source. Inuyasha had inadverdently blurted out what could be bothering her during one of his rants. To his amazement, the hanyou had believed Sesshoumaru's confession that he had not killed Inuyasha's mother. Even more unexpected was that the half-brothers were on speaking terms. It had started out as a confrontation about Kagome but somehow had resulted in Inuyasha blurting out his feelings to his older brother. Inuyasha's words were that Sesshoumaru should tell Kagome you love her or she might get some fool idea that you don't. Sesshoumaru had raised an eyebrow at the hanyou. Inuyasha had flushed but remained adamant that Sesshoumaru should tell her. The hanyou had been gruff when he grumbled out that I don't care about you I just want her to be happy.

So now, Sesshoumaru's buried his nose in her fragrant hair. Taking a deep breath he allowed himself to enjoy her sweet distinctive scent. Kagome didn't seem aware of his actions and he lightly touched his lips to her neck. She was startled at the gentle touch and Sesshoumaru felt a shiver go through her body. Sesshoumaru kissed his way up her neck, slow and teasing until he reached her ear. Blowing lightly he smiled as she shivered again.




Kagome eyes widened in shock and she spun around in Sesshoumaru's arms. There was no way that she could have mistaken what he said. He had whispered it right into her ear. Sesshoumaru was saying he loved her. The words that she had been waiting for this whole time, he had finally spoken. She had known that he loved her but hearing the words from his own lips were something else altogether. Staring into his sincere golden eyes she couldn't believe how perfect her life was at this moment. She had made the smartest decision in her life by choosing to let go of Inuyasha. By doing so she had found this unbelievably handsome male. He was kind in his way and he loved her, for her. It was all that she had ever wanted from love. Kagome flung herself into his arms and held him tightly to her.

"Aisheteru, aisheteru, aisheteru!"

Sesshoumaru's deep chuckle followed the fervent declaration. He was truly content.


It was the day of reckoning. Today was the day the Shikon no Tama would be whole once more. Kagome closed her fist around the large piece of Shikon retrieved from Naraku and the smaller shards from Kouga and Kagura. Sesshoumaru watched as her eyes closed and she began chanting an ancient spell that would bond the shards together. A white light spilled forth from her closed fist, slipping through her fingers to shine brilliantly. Almost as quickly as the light had flash, it faded and Kagome opened her fist. Sitting in the middle of her palm was the now whole Shikon no Tama. Everyone began to talk excitedly about what to do about the Shikon no Tama while Kagome just stared at the ball in her palm.

Kagome felt a strange sense of panic and raised frightened eyes to Sesshoumaru. The sounds were dimming. Within a blink of the eye, Sesshoumaru had her in his arms and was holding her tightly. With a low moan Kagome felt her body losing sensation. No! Oh gods no! For the second time, she saw Sesshoumaru's panicked face. She was slipping through his arms as her body lost its coherency. One moment she was in the Sengoku Jidai, and the next she stood in her courtyard. Tears fell softly as Kagome slowly slid to the ground in a faint.
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