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The Ultimate Destiny

Chapter 4: The Battle between Two Demons

Morning came earlier than usual as the suns rays hit the earth’s figure. A bird chirps from its perch on a branch of a tree. The bird then spreads its wings open and swoops down towards the ground. Carefully, the bird lands on the ground and digs its beak into the hole that is in the ground and pulls out a worm. It turns its head slightly to the side as the bird hears footsteps coming towards its direction, so the bird’s spreads its wings again and takes off into the blue sky.

Just then, a white cloaked figure appears out of the forest along with three others, a toad, a dragon, and a human girl, and last but not least…the stoic lord himself…Sesshomaru…

Unfortunately for him, he had a lot of things on his mind…like how to destroy Naraku and what that strange yell of ‘silence’ was all about.

Sesshomaru growled at the thought of it.


He frowned at the mess that had been his camp. The only time he had seen that many demons was when Naraku was attacking him…but those demons did had the smell on Naraku at all. They had only been running/flying away from the loud outburst that was made.

Sesshomaru growled in frustration. Oh how he really hated being confused at these situations! It wasn’t the demons that got him confused…it was the outburst.

Jaken, the green toad, who is also a servant to Sesshomaru, spoke up.

“Milord? What aids you milord? Does it have to do something with th—“

Of course, he never got to finish on the count that a pebble had landed in his mouth. He tried to pry it out but it wouldn’t budge. He started to say something, but all it turned out to be was a bunch of muffles and grunts..

“Silence, Jaken.” Sesshomaru said coldly. Jaken stopped and just stood there. Sesshomaru then turned around, facing the opposite way of the camp and started to walk off.

“We leave now.” he stated. ‘I also must find out what made that noise…so I will head North and start there…

Jaken scoff which probably meant a ‘Yes milord’ to Sesshomaru as Rin answered with a ‘Yes Lord Sesshomaru’ as they followed their lord into the forest, leaving behind a much messed up campsite.

End flashback

So that’s how it ended up to this. He…Sesshomaru…walking around the whole damn land trying to find that demoness…and to his utter amusement…kill her. He let a small (evil) smile grace his lips. She shall perish…no, he thought...she will perish. He sniffed the air and almost mentally slapped himself.

That’s if he can find her…


Inuyasha raced through the forest. Along side him was his friends, Sango, Miroku, Shippo, and Kilala. Inuyasha gave a short sniff at the air and then announced,

“I can smell her! She not to far off! I’ve got a good whiff of her scent!” Inuyasha yelled out to his friends. The others nodded and sped up their pace.

Hang on Kagome! We’re coming!

Kagome mentally sighed. Here she was, stuck with two demons! Not one but two! She muttered curses under her breath. Once she tried to go near Ka-Su and the thing starts to growl at her! Her!

Damn dragon…’ she thought.

As Kagome was lost in her thoughts, she never saw that Ketaramaru had stopped…and so ran into her. She let out an ‘eep’ and rubbed her now sore nose. Ka-Su saw this and made a hissing sound. Kagome looked at the dragon, wide-eyed. ‘Did that…did that thing just laugh at me’ She stared at the dragon and what-do-ya-know…there was a grin. ‘She did!! OOOHHHH just wait until I get my hands on th—

“It seems we have a couple of visitors…” Ketaramaru grinned as her eyes turned red.

…and it seems that Inuyasha is with them…” both she and her beast said.

Kagome’s eyes widened. ‘Oh no…

“…not now…” Kagome whispered. But it was too late.

He had arrived.


Sesshomaru was now speed walking. He could smell that miko, his dim-witted half brother and his pack. If the miko is there, he thought, then maybe she is there. Sesshomaru’s eyes flashed from red back to gold as a grin was placed on his face.

Prepare to die…


“KAGOME!!” Inuyasha and the rest of the group yelled. Shippo’s eyes were beaming as he jumped off Miroku’s shoulder and ran towards his adoptive mother. He didn’t pay attention to the demoness and the dragon that was beside her as he jumped into Kagome’s arms.

“Kagome! I missed you soooo much!” he said as he tried his best to hold in the tears.

“Yes…I’m sorry Shippo, but I had to get away from Inuyasha since he was being an idiot” she said, as her eyes locked gazes with Inuyasha’s.


“Yeah! Inu-baka is really stupid! He wouldn’t even tell which way is right of left!” Shippo laughed. Everyone laughed at that except for Inuyasha and Ketaramaru, whose eyes were focused on Inuyasha form.


“THAT’S IT!! YOU LITTLE CHICKEN SHIT!! GET OVER HERE SO I CAN GIVE YA A GOOD POUND’N!!” Inuyasha roared and ran after Shippo who was running away from Inuyasha. (He had jumped out of Kagome’s arms when he said that last statement. Go Shippo!!)

“Kagome, help me!!” Shippo whined.

“INUYASHA, SI—” she never got to finish on the count that Ketaramaru had just beaten her to it. Inuyasha was sent flying into four trees.

“INUYASHA!!” the gang yelled. They started to run his direction, but a violent grow from the demoness stopped them.

Do not interfere with my prey…or you shall die.

The group blinked but complied to her wishes. Upsetting her further could make matters worse. Inuyasha started to stir a bit before getting up. His body already covered in cuts and bruises. He hissed at her. She hissed back. Inuyasha grabbed the hilt of the Tetsaiga and drew the blade out of its sheath. Instantly, the blade grows in size. Ketaramaru snarled at the blade and took a step backwards.

“You’ll pay for that bitch! WINDSCAR!!” Suddenly, four yellow sparks of light form on the ground as they cut through the ground. Ketaramaru howls and jumps, avoiding the attack.

Then, a pinkish cloud surrounded Ketaramaru as it then shoots around in different directions before crashing into the ground.

“Oh shit….GUYS!! YOU BETTER RUN IF YOU KNOW WHAT’S GOOD FOR YA!!” Kagome yelled across the field. Suddenly, a loud howl was heard from within the cloud along with a huge thundering earth shake. Everyone fell down.

“DAMMIT!! WHAT’S GOING ON HERE?!” shouted Inuyasha.

“INUYASHA!!” yelled Kagome.

“WHAT!!” Inuyasha yelled back.



“WELL, WE’RE GOING TO BE RELIVING THAT SITUATION RIGHT NOW!! EXCEPT IT’S WITH HER!!” Kagome yelled, as she points in the direction of where the pink cloud started to subside. As the cloud vanished, a huge white dog stood where the demoness once was. The three tails swaying back and forth, the massive jaws ready to rip apart anything it touches, the massive paws ready to swipe, and the blood shot red eyes watching Inuyasha’s every move. (Sorry if it’s not a very good description…basically the whole chapter may not be really well done…)



Ketaramaru growled and lunged at Inuyasha. Inuyasha mentally cursed and jumped to avoid the attack. However, Ketaramaru saw this coming and with her massive jaws, she clamped down on Inuyasha’s tiny form. Inuyasha howled in pain. Kagome gasped. “INUYASHA!!”

Blood started trickling down the over grown dog demoness’s (spl?) lower jaw as she hissed in pleasure.

How does it feel, half-breed, to be defeated by a mere demoness? For me, it brings pleasure…feeling and tasting your blood makes me excited…

Inuyasha opened one of his eyes to look at her bigger one before answering.

“Not as much as it would make me feel when you die by my sword!! TAKE THIS, YOU OVER GROWN FLEE-BAG!!” Inuyasha shouted as he swung his sword up and jabs the tip of the swords blade underneath her eye. Ketaramaru releases Inuyasha as she howls in pain. Once Inuyasha landed, he turned around swiftly to face the now bloody faced dog.

She lets out a couple of whines before they turned into ferocious growls of hatred as she stared at Inuyasha. She then slowly approaches Inuyasha one step at a time. Inuyasha was out of luck this time. If he jumps, then she would most likely catch him again. Just then, the white dog was looming over Inuyasha as he literally had to crane his neck to she her face. She let out a hiss as her saliva started to form and drop towards the ground, melting the place where it had dropped at. Ketaramaru then let out a ferocious howl and lunged at him again. Inuyasha closed his eyes waiting for the impact…but it never came. Without thinking, he opened up one eye to see what it was that had stopped the attack, but what he saw made both of his eyes almost bulge out of his head. In front of him were two gigantic dogs, one hissing in pain, and the other one biting the shoulder of the smaller dog, drawing blood. (oh and remember…Ketaramaru is hiding her markings from the Inu-brothers…even if she did hide them from Kagome…she would still be able to see them cause of her miko powers) Kagome gasped.


Sesshomaru hissed as Ketaramaru’s teeth sank in deeper into his shoulder, making the blood spray all over Ketaramaru’s face. She grinned and tossed the half-sized dog over her body and into the air. Sesshomaru stopped himself in midair and lunged at her, his jaws snapping ferociously at her. Ketaramaru did the same and soon the two dogs collided with each other striking blows at one another. Paws slashing, teeth snapping, and tails whipping everything around them.

Kagome new this was too dangerous to be here and so ran towards Inuyasha.

Even though I can never forgive him for what he said to me…he’s still my friend…and I need to help him…

When Kagome reached him, Inuyasha snapped out of his dazing position and yelled, “WHY THE HELL IS SESSHOMARU HERE?!”


Inuyasha dodged the attack and ran along side of Kagome.

“Who cares! Let’s go Inuyasha! Let Sesshomaru take care of Ketaramaru!” Kagome yelled back at him. Inuyasha halted in his tracks as Kagome did the same.

“What is it, Inuyasha?”

“Did you just say that the other ditz of a mutt is Ketaramaru?!”

Kagome nodded. “Yes she is, why do you ask?”


Inuyasha then turned around and headed back towards the two dueling dogs.

“Inuyasha! Wai—” but then she stopped as her eyes gaze laid on the three legged dog. Sesshomaru was wearing out badly. Never has Kagome seen him warn out this badly before. Deep sorrow was building inside of her as she watches him struggle.


Great. Inuyasha just has to interfere with the two mighty mutts’ battle. She sighed before walking over towards them, but what she saw next made her stop in her tracks and gasp.

Inuyasha’s Windscar had formed and started to head in the direction of the two dogs, but that’s not what made her gasp. She had watch Ketaramaru dodged the attack on time, but Sesshomaru wasn’t as lucky as her. Since he was so close to Ketaramaru, he never had the time to dodge it. Kagome could only watch as the Windscar hit Sesshomaru dead on.

Sesshomaru howled in pain as the attack as several cuts started to form on his body and then fell towards the ground. Kagome watched in horror as the massive dog hits the ground as it lets out a huge shockwave through the ground. A pink cloud surrounded him and then he was in his humanoid form again.


Without thinking, Kagome ran towards Sesshomaru’s battered body. She then kneeled down next to his body. She gasped at the sight, tears started to stream down her face onto the forest ground.

His mouth was slightly open, with his head lying on its side. His silver hair was spread all over the ground and a bit lying on is face. He was lying on his back, his hand lying on his stomach. When she looked back up at his face, she notice that his eyes were also open, but blank. Nothing. Her eyes widened as she stared into the blank face of the Taiyoukai. ‘No…he can’t be…

Time had slowed down for her. She never once listened to Inuyasha’s rants and curses. She never saw the pink cloud surround Ketaramaru. The only thing she could think of was who was in front of her, right now. No movement, eyes blank, and the worst of it was that he was not breathing. Kagome felt her heart beating rapidly as the tears flowed from her face more and more. Kagome had come up with only one thought and that one thought alone.

Sesshomaru has died…


Ok...so don’t worry about Sesshomaru…when I get my next chapter up, you can read to find out what happens to them, mostly Sesshomaru, all in the next chapter, spoiler, ‘The Revealing Truth about Ketaramaru.’ So if you review I may just try and write the next story. I’ll even give you a short preview:

“My identity is nothing of your concern, miko.” stated Ketaramaru coldly.

Kagome glared at her. “If it’s nothing of my concern, then explain to us why you bare the markings of the West like Sesshomaru?”

Ketaramaru’s eyes widened. How could she tell? She hid her markings really well!

How can a mere human miko know of her royalty?

That’s all I’m going to give to you. Remember, if you want me to update you will have to review. So REVIEW PLEASE!!

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