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Author's Chapter Notes:
I wish I did, but I don't own the Inuyasha characters.
"Aryana! I’m done!" Kagome came in, carrying a small tray of food.

"Thank you," Aryana took the food and walked into the enclosure.

"I brought you some food. Kagome cooked it, so there aren’t any drugs in it," Aryana sat down beside him. He picked up the chopsticks and looked down at the food.

"Thank you," he said before he started to eat. "Why is that girl staring at me? She hasn’t moved from that spot since 5:00 this morning. She just sits there, and looks at me. Then she looks at a book. Then she looks at me again. It’s really starting to bug me," he said after he was finished.

Aryana looked over to see a girl sitting on the ground, at the edge of the glass. She was watching them closely. Then she looked down and seemed to be righting something. "You are half drenched in your own blood, and you’re worried about a girl staring at you?"

He just grunted at he in response. She laughed a little before she got up and walked out of the enclosure, again. She snuck around to where she was behind the girl.

"What are you doing?" she asked, causing the girl to jump.

"Nothing!" she said before she slammed her book. She looked to be around 13, she had braces and Aryana could tell from there that she was as tall as she was. And she wore all black. Completely black or red. As Gothic as it gets.

"Who are you?" Aryana sat down on the ground beside her.

"I’m Darby. My mom and dad are in charge here," Aryana noticed the note of shame in her voice.

"Is there something wrong with that?" she asked innocently.

"Nothing besides them torturing the most beautiful thing to walk the planet!!" Darby snapped at her.

"I know how you feel. He was a lord back in his time. The most powerful thing around. And now he is brought to his knees by humans. What do they need him for anyway?" Aryana said.

"I hear them talking, when they think I’m asleep. They want to use his power to control Japan. When they find a way to drain his power, they’ll suck him dry, and there won’t be anything left but a husk. I hate both of them!" Darby fumed.

"Would you help him get free if you could?" Aryana asked casually.

"Damn right I would!" She replied without a second thought. Aryana chose to overlook the cussing of such a young girl.

"Welcome to the club," Aryana put out her hand. Darby smiled at her and shook her hand.

"If you’re going to do a jail-break, I can get the keys to the lab! I can help!" Darby said.

"Now what were you doing with all of these books?" Aryana observed the stack of books at Darby’s side.

"These are books on the feudal era, this is a journal, and this is my sketch pad," she pointed them out.

"Can I see?"Aryana picked up the sketch pad. With a nod from Darby she opened it. Page after page had different poses of Sesshomaru. Half of them had her in them. They were all so detailed, Aryana wondered how she could see so well from such a distance. But the drawings were beautiful. There were two of him in his true form, and about ten others. "Can I show them to him?"

"Why?" Darby asked.

"He was wondering why you were staring at him. That’s why I came over here," Aryana said as she stood up.

"Tell him he’s fascinating, or I wouldn’t stare," Darby beamed at her.

"Do you want to meet him?" Aryana asked suddenly.

Darby’s face lit up, "Would he let me near him?"

"I’ll ask him," she said before she walked into the enclosure with the sketch pad.

"What is that?" Sesshomaru asked once she was closer to him.

"This is why Darby was staring at you," Aryana flipped the book open to show him. He took it and flipped through the pages.

"Why did she draw all of these?" he asked as he looked at one with the two of them in it.

"She said that you are fascinating. She wants to meet you. Can I bring her in here?" Aryana asked.

"Are you asking me for permission? If my vote counts, then it would be fine," Sesshomaru nodded.

"Be right back." Aryana hurried across the enclosure, and soon returned with Darby by her side.

"Hello," Darby said softly.

"Hello," Sesshomaru looked up at her from where he sat. She smiled at him. "What is that on your teeth? It looks metal," he asked.

"They’re braces. My teeth weren’t strait, so they put the braces on to straiten them out. I get them off in a week," Darby explained. Aryana sat down and she followed suit.

"Sounds like a lot of trouble over your teeth. Why bother?" he asked.

"They say it is so I can be prettier. Like anyone can look pretty with a mouth full of metal. If I had any say in it, I never would have gotten them. I almost ran away when they told me I was getting them," she admitted. "I got in a fight over them once," she grinned.

"Do you enjoy fighting?" he asked. Aryana wondered why he was asking so many questions.

"Yes. And I never lose. I knocked out three of Carly’s teeth once. And another time I busted Emmet’s lip. I gave Betsy a black eye. Once I just beet the crap out of Darius. That is my favorite. I knocked out his front tooth, busted his lip, and I broke his nose." Darby recited all of them from memory.

"Why were you in so many fights?" Aryana asked.

"Carly kicked my dog, Emmet picked on my best friend, and Betsy hit me first. I still got in huge trouble for them."

"What about the poor Darius kid? What did he do? It must have been pretty damn bad," Aryana shook her head.

"He touched my butt," she said simply. Aryana couldn’t help but laugh. It reminded her of Miroku.

"You belong in the feudal era. People with fighting spirits need to be where they can fight," Sesshomaru stated.

"Thank you," she smiled at him again.

Back on the other side of the glass.

"Who else is in there with them?" Ponell asked his wife.

"I don’t know. . .Dear God. That’s Darby!!!!" Lonla breathed.

"What the hell is she doing in there?" Ponell shouted as he watched his daughter talk to the demon.

"Get her out of there!!" Lonla shouted at her husband.

"Wait. Look. He’s talking to her. Amazing," Ponell stopped his wife. They watched as the three talked about something they couldn’t hear.

When the two girls walked out they were greeted by the two parents.

"Who told you that you could take our daughter in there?!?"

"I asked Sesshomaru and he said that he didn’t mind," she couldn’t figure out what Lonla was angry about.

"You asked the demon if it was okay with him to take our daughter into his cage?!?!" Lonla screeched.

‘My poor ears’. "Yes. Who should I have asked?" Aryana inquired innocently.

"You see nothing wrong with taking her in there?? You are insane! How dare you put my daughter in danger?" Lonla was still shouting.

"What is wrong with taking her in there? She was not in any danger! That’s why I asked him! Not you! Darby tell them what he’s like? Did he act dangerous? Try to eat you?" Aryana turned to the forgotten girl.

"He asked me what my braces were. He thinks it’s a lot of trouble for teeth. He said I had a fighter’s spirit. He doesn’t talk much, but he asks questions. He looks like he’s in too much pain to do a whole lot of moving. He seems too nice to eat anyone," Darby said.

"You see!" Aryana raised her eyebrows at the two parents.

"You still had no way of knowing that he wouldn’t," Lonla said in defense, but she knew she was beaten.

"You see that’s why I asked him if it was okay," Aryana spoke very slowly as if explaining something to a small child.

"Look!" Ponell broke in. They all turned to see Sesshomaru sitting cross-legged, about two yards from them. He looked at them with curiosity threw the thick glass.

"When did he move? How did he move?" Lonla asked.

"He just got up and walked over here. He limped a little, and kept one hand on the glass the whole time," Ponell explained.

Chapter End Notes:
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