Summary: Inuyasha, Kikyou and Kagome went to highschool together. Inuyasha and Kikyou dated for three years, breaking up junior year. They didn’t talk to eachother ever again. Senior year, Inuyasha met Kagome- who healed the pain from Kikyou, and who he dated many years before marrying. Kagome and Inuyasha had two children together, and are happily married. Until one night, when going out with his friends from work, Inuyasha spots someone familiar at the bar. And who is it? No other person then his ex-lover from highschool, Kikyou.
Rated: PG-13
Categories: Angst/ Drama, Romance, Romance > InuYasha/ Kagome, Romance > InuYasha/ Kikyo Characters: Inu Yasha
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: No
Word count: 2340 Read: 7667
Published: 05 Apr 2008 Updated: 31 May 2008
1. Fresh Air by Shrine Maiden [Reviews - 0] (1237 words)
2. Sleep by Shrine Maiden [Reviews - 0] (1103 words)