[Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstarPrinter

Two souls are destined to become one... They just don't realize it yet. Especially our favorite hanyou, InuYasha. Join the Inu gang as they use each other to discover new things... and realize what's right and what's wrong. Hate is on the way as jealousy tears them apart and causes unwanted fights. If only they could make it to the Other Side: where there is no worries, no arguments, and most of all, no pricks. *Cough* Kikyo... Enjoy!

Horrible summary, I know -.- but people have told me this is an interesting fanfic. I suggest you read it ^^;

Rated: NC-17
Categories: Humor, Angst/ Drama, Action/ Adventure, Romance Characters: Inu Yasha, Kagome Higurashi, Kagura, Kikyo, Miroku, Naraku, Sango
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: No
Word count: 5030 Read: 235
Published: 14 May 2013 Updated: 09 Jun 2013
Story Notes:
I do not own the anime InuYasha. Rumiko Takahashi does. Though, I wouldn't mind having InuYasha as a pet dog. -Fangirling-

1. the Break Up by Pure Miko [Reviews - 1] (2139 words)

Reviews are appreciated.

2. the Bonding... by Pure Miko [Reviews - 1] (1532 words)

Chapter 2 - the Bonding (She Found Out)

Humor is in this chapter. At least I think it is o.O Lots of stuff happening from this point on. Enjoy.


3. A Nightmare by Pure Miko [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (1359 words)

Sorry it took me SO long to update! I really don't know why the story I like best gets no views but my other story which is okay gets like 5 views each week -.- I stopped updating that one for Pete's sake! Anyway, here's Chapter 3. Couldn't really decide on a name but here it is *shrugs*