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The next morning, Inuyasha and Kagome walked to Miroku and Sango's home.

"Miroku? Songo?" Kagome yelled.

"They're not there?" Inuyasha asked from outside.

"No.. Well, we better find them.  If they left their kids with Kaede, and Songo's weapon is gone, then did they go to slay a demon?" Kagome asked Inuyasha, walking back over to him.

"I dunno, something seems suspicious about this.." Inuyasha frowned.

Kagome hopped onto Inuyasha's back, and they went back to Kaede's.  As they were talking with her further on the Hurukai statement, Kagome gasped.

"What is it Kagome?" Inuyasha asked, grabbing Tessaiga.

"Don't you sense that?" She whispered.

Inuyasha flinched. "Yeah, now I do!" He stood up, and went through the door outside.

"You stay here, Kaede." Kagome said, grabbing her bow and arrows.  She walked outside after Inuyasha, who was looking up at the sky, frowning.

"Inuyasha?" Kagome touched his shoulder.

"Look at the sky." He said.

Kagome did so, only to gasp when she sensed at all of the demonic aura gathering in the sky.  The sky turned from a gorgeous blue to a dark purple, with thunder clouds swirling around.

"This scent.." Inuyasha growled at took out his Tessaiga. "Kagome, it's Hurukai! Stay back!"

Kagome nodded and went back into the hut.  "Kaede, we need to get somewhere safe! It's Hurukai!" Kagome grabbed Kaede, Sango and Miroku's kids, and they raced outside and took off into the oposite direction.  "Where can we go?"

"I know where," Kaede replied.


"Damn it," Inuyasha cursed.  You better be safe, Kagome.  He took out Tessaiga and waited for the demon to form.  "Come on out and fight!"

Just then the clouds thundered, and a whirlwind came down from the sky, only to clear with Hurukai standing there.

"Where is the priestess?" The demon growled.

"Like I'd tell you!"  Inuyasha charged after Hurukai, with Tessaiga at the ready.  "Looks like you'll be fighting me instead!"

"Wind Scar!" he yelled, and a jet of Inuyasha's demonic energy flew right to Hurukai.  But it didn't hit.

A barrier?

"My turn, half breed!"  The demon swung his claws out, and Inuyasha barely dodged it with Tessaiga.  While Inuyasha was trying to push away the demons hand, Hurukai brought down his other arm and swiped Inuyasha in the side.

Inuyasha yelled, and skidded backwards on the ground.  "Bastard!" He yelled.  Slowly his Tessaiga turned red, transforming into his red Tessaiga.  "I'll break you're barrier for good!"  He jumped up, charging back at Hurukai.

Inuyasha was able to cut through the barrier, but Hurukai dodged Inuyasha's attack with incredible speed.  "Hmph. Such Impudence."  He growled.  "Now die, half demon!" Hurukai charged at Inuyasha before he could move away, and cut him deep into his back.

Inuyasha fell,  landing face-first on the ground and slipping in and out of conciousness.  "Damn it," He growled, and Inuyasha slowly got back up.  "Looks like you'll be more of a challenge than I thought,"

"Hmph.  So you're still alive, half breed?"  Hurukai observed.

"Damn right!  Like I'm going to go down so easily!"  Inuyasha yelled.  He cringed from his injuries, but used his Tessaiga to support himself to stand up.

"This should finish you off,"  Hurukai started to charge a beam of power, just like yesterday.  " I'm going to use that demonic energy of yours,"

"What?" Inuyasha said.  Just then Tessaiga transformed back to a dull old sword, and Hurukai's power beam became more bigger and powerful.  "Damn it! He took Tessaiga's demonic energy!" That means.. I can't use the Backlash Wave to send back his power beam!


A sacred arrow buried itself deep into hurukai's side, and made him stop his charge beam.  Tessaiga's demonic energy returned at the same instant.

Inuyasha turned around quickly.  "Kagome!"

Kagome was standing there, out of breathe from running back to help Inuyasha, still in the position of releasing her arrow.

"Ahh, so there you are wench." Hurukai stated.

"Kagome! What the hell are you doing! I told you to go and hide and take care of Lady Kaede!" Inuyasha protested.

"Miroku and Sango came back.  They are watching over Lady Kaede and their kids." Kagome replied, not taking her eyes off of Hurukai.  "Once they finish helping Kaede, they will come here to help us.  Shippo is also back from training.  Kaede is explaining everything to him." Kagome looked at Inuyasha since the first time she got there.  "You said you would protect me Inuyasha, so, I will protect you too!"

"Kagome.." Inuyasha whispered.

"How discusting.  A mortal priestess and a half demon fighting together.  Makes me sick. "  Hurukai spat.

Inuyasha turned back to the Demon and growled.  "I don't want to hear another word.  Wind Scar!"

"Go!" Kagome shot another arrow, and it combined with Inuyasha's Wind Scar like it had done so many times on their old ourney to defeat Naraku.

"I don't think so."  Hurukai's eyes turned bright red, and another barrier formed.

"Damn! That demon put up another barrier!" Inuyasha said.  The Wind Scar completely disappeared, but Kagome's arrow hit the barrier, and went straight through to hit Hurukai in the chest.

Kagome can break through barriers now?  Inuyasha thought.

"Curse you, priestess.  I will kill you."  Hurukai said, after the arrow disapeared from his chest and left a big wound in it's presence.

"Oh no," Kagome whispered in fear.

Inuyasha jumped infront of Kagome and stuck his arm out infront of her.  "Over my dead body."


"Well, that can be arranged!"  Hurukai chuckled.

Suddenly Sango's weapon, Hiraikotsu, flailed past them and skimmed the ground infront of Hurukai, startling him.  Kagome and Inuyasha turned around and saw Sango and Miroku on Kirara, with Sango grabbing here Hiraikots as it came back to her.

"Inuyasha, Kagome, are you two alright?" Miroku asked, getting off of Kirara as they hit the earth next to Inuyasha and Kagome.

"Yes, we're fine." Kagome said, relieved.

Everyone turned back to Hurukai.

"How will we defeat this demon?" Kagome wondered aloud.

"If I had my wind tunnel I could suck him up, but it's long gone now." Miroku stated.

"Damn it, that isn't helpful thinking Miroku!"  Inuyasha yelled, hetting Miroku on the back of the head.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome protested.

"Die!"  Hurkai's beam charged at them.

"Kagome!" Inuyasha yelled, picking her up and moving out of the way.  Sango and Miroku jumped onto Kirara and dodged it, too.

Inuyasha landed a few yards away.

Damn, what are we going to do?

Chapter End Notes:
Chapter 3!  Reviews are welcome, and If you like, comment!  If you don't, tell me why. :)
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