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Author's Chapter Notes:
I know, It's short... but here ya go!
“K-Kagome!” Inuyasha yelled as he jumped down to where she lay. He grabbed her wrist and found the pulse relieved that she was still alive. “Kaede, She’ll know what to do.” He stated as he picked Kagome up and ran faster than he ever had in his entire life.

Kaede was sitting in her hut making food for Miroku, Sango, and, Shippo who were looking at a magazine Kagome had in her back pack.

“Come ye young ones. Ye meal is ready.” Kaede said. Everyone came inside and they all sat down to eat. “KAEDE!”

“Was that Inuyasha?” Sango asked.

“No, it couldn’t have been. He always tries to insult me with age” Kaede said. As Inuyasha burst through the door. He ran to the middle of the room and with one hand picked up the large metal pot and moved it.

“She fell. She still has a pulse. It’s all my fault. Oh, God it’s all my fault!” Inuyasha said as he collapsed to the ground letting everyone see his tears. Kaede began taking off Kagome's clothes as a very perverted Miroku jumped in to help undress her.

“You dumbass! Can’t you see Kagome's hurt and Inuyasha is in pain! Cant you just keep your perverted thoughts to yourself for once!” Sango yelled and hit him aver the head four times with her Hiraikotsu. “I’m sorry Inuyasha. We’ll wait outside” Sango said as she grabbed Shippo and dragged Miroku out by the ear.

“Kaede please, you’ve got to help her.” Inuyasha pleaded.

“I will do everything in my power to help her” Kaede said.

Amoung the trees a very mysterious demon was listening in.

“Heh. It seems she didn’t fall hard enough. I’ll just have to think of some other way to kill the miko.”
Chapter End Notes:
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