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They went back to camp to see if he had went there. They all looked around. Shippo wasn't there.

"Well he couldn't have gotten too far." Miroku said.

"Keh. Who cares? Let the runt leave. We don't need the brat with us anyways." Inuyasha said crossing his arms.

"Inuyasha! How could you say such a thing! You know he's like a son to me! Would you ever abandon your OWN son when you have one?" Kagome asked a little hurt. Inuyasha's eyes widened and he was by Kagome's side at once.

"No. I would never do that! How could you ever think that? I will love any pups that we have. I know you see the runt as your child. I'm sorry." He said hugging her. He actually felt bad for saying that about Shippo.

"It's ok." She said.

"I hate to intrude on your 'little moment' but-" Sesshomaru started saying before Inuyasha cut him off.

"Keh. Yeah right. You love ruining good moods."

Sesshomaru glared at him. "As I was SAYING, this Sesshomaru hears noises coming from Kagome's bag and I also smell the kit."

"Oh." Kagome said. She looked over to her bag and sure enough her bag was moving. She smiled at everyone and put her finger to her lips telling them to be quiet. They all nodded.

"Gee, I sure wish we knew where Shippo went." She said loudly.

"Kagome, we already-" Inuyasha started saying before she elbowed him in his side.

"Ow! What the hell was that for?!"

"Shh! Just play along." She whispered. Finally catching on, he decided to play along.

"Yeah! I wish I knew where the runt went myself." He said loudly as well. The others started yelling for him also, acting like they didn't know where he was.

"I sure hope he comes back." Kagome said inching closer to her bag.

"Yeah. We wouldn't want him to be someone's dinner." Inuyasha said smirking. Kagome glared at him as she reached her bag. Jumping into action, she dug her hand into her bag.

"Ha! Got ya!" She said triumphantly. She frowned. Instead of soft fur, she felt something cold and clammy.

"Kagome? What's wrong?" Sango asked.

"I don't know. Something's not right." Slowly she pulled her hand out of her bag. Instead of holding Shippo, she was holding a snake. She screamed and flung it to the ground.

"Snake! Snake! Inuyasha kill it! Kill it!" She screamed jumping up and down.

Just then it turned into one of Shippo's toy trick snakes. She heard snickering and turned around. There he was peeking out from behind a tree.

"Shippo!" She yelled as the little fox bound away again.

"Oh that was a classic! All that jumping around and screaming over a snake! A TOY snake!" Inuyasha said laughing histarically.

She glared at him. "Sit boy!"

"Hey Kagome, isn't this the container of sugar you brought?" Miroku asked bending over to pick it up.

"Yeah. Why?"

"It's empty." He said.

"Oh no! He ate it! No wonder he's so hyper!" Kagome said sighing.

Inuyasha smirked. "I wonder wich one of you dopes is gonna be his next victom." He said with glee.

"Shut up!" They all said in unison.

"For all we know brother, it could be you." Sesshomaru said.

"Keh. Yeah right! The little runt knows that I'd knock him stupid."

"Oh no you won't!" Kagome yelled. Inuyasha just ignored her and continued talking to Sesshomaru.

"Besides fluffy, I won't be tricked like you." Inuyasha said smirking.

Sesshomaru glared. "This Sesshomaru is NOT a fluffy. Besides, I was unaware of the kit's powers."

"Keh. Whatever fluffy."

When Sesshomaru's eyes started turning red in anger, Miroku spoke up.

"Perhaps we should continue looking for our little scamp."

"Maybe we should split up." Kagome said.

"Good idea." They all agreed and split up to search for their fluffy tailed friend.


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