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Author's Chapter Notes:
As much as I want I want to, I do not own any of the charactors, just the story!
Kagome had just returned to the feudal era after a week of exams. Hopefully she passed so she could finish school next week. She had a pretty good feeling that she'd passed though. She was very happy for once. The jewel was finished and Naraku was dead.

Inuyasha and Sesshomaru finally got over their differences. At first it was weird but now the two were inseperable. Inuyasha was still an ass at times and Sesshomaru would have to put him in his place, even if she'd already sat him. It was a sibbling thing. She ought to know having an annoying younger brother herself.

The thought that put the biggest smile on her face was what was going to happen just as soon as school was finished for good. Her and Inuyasha were going to mate! She still couldn't beleive it. She remembered the night he'd asked her. They were sitting alone watching the stars when he popped the question. They decided they'd wait until school was done.

While they were waiting for school to be done, they had their own house built. When she asked why the house was so big, Inuyasha smiled wickedly and said that he planned on filling it up with his pups. He said he wanted a huge family. Kagome protested and said that two or three would be enough. That's when everyone, even Sesshomaru laughed at her. Sesshomaru explained to her that since Inuyasha was a dog demon, she would more than likely have two or more at a time. He said because of this reason they'd probably have the house full of pups in no time. What shocked Kagome the most was that demon pregnancies only lasted for four months. She smiled thinking it wouldn't be so bad. If she could handle hundreds of demons then she could handle a house full of little Inuyasha's. She giggled at the thought of having a pup just like Inuyasha. She could just see the two of them arguing now. She was brought out of her thoughts when she heard a yelp.

"Ow! I'm tellin Kagome on you, you big jerk!" She heard Shippo crying.

"Not again. So much for a good day." She said to herself. That's when she heard Inuyasha.

"Well it looks like the wench ain't here to save ya now does it? That means you're all mine now. The stupid girl just doesn't know how much fun I have with you while she's gone!" He said laughing.

"Why that little...!" She mumbled enraged.

"Inuyasha, it is very unwise and dishonorable to speak of ones mate in such a manner. Mates are to be cheerished and honored." She heard Sesshomaru say.

"Oh shut it Sesshomaru! It ain't like she can hear me. Besides, she's MY bitch so back off!"

Feeling Kagome's rage, Sesshomaru tried to get Inuyasha's attention.

"Inuyasha." Sesshomaru started.

"Can it! I'm gonna have a little more fun with the runt before the wench gets back." He said. He grabbed Shippo's tail and held him upside down. When Shippo started crying he smiled. "Aw. What's the matter? Does the little baby want his mommy?" He taunted.

"Inuyasha." Once again Inuyasha ignored Sesshomaru.

He let go of Shippo and laughed when he fell and bonked his head on a log. "Does the poor little baby have a boo boo? You poor thing." He teased smirking.

That's when everyone noticed Kagome stepping out of the forest. Well everyone that is except for Inuyasha who was having too much fun tormenting poor Shippo.

"Oh boy. He really did it this time." Miroku mumbled to Sango.

Seeing the fury in Kagome's eyes, Sesshomaru sighed. "Well I did try to warn you."

"Tried to warn be about what fluffy?"

"This Sesshomaru is NOT a fluffy." Ever since he'd made up with his brother, he had the misfortune of being called fluffy. He hated the nickname. When Inuyasha saw Sesshomaru smirk, his eyes widened.

"Sh-she-she's right behind me ain't she?" He asked too afraid to turn around.

"See for yourself." He said. Inuyasha slowly turned around to see one pissed off miko glaring at him.

"H-hey Kagome! Come here love. I've missed you." Inuyasha said nervously.

"So, did you have a nice time while I was gone? You seemed to be having a lot of fun just now." She said faking a smile.

"Oh no!" Inuyasha said. Knowing what was coming, he tried to run.

"SSSIITTT!!!" She screamed. Forest animals and birds scattered when he slammed into the ground.

"I hate these damn things!" He said trying to pull the beads off once he got up.

"Really? I love them!" She said smugly.

He snorted. "You would."

She glared at him. "Sit." Once again he found himself eating dirt.

"I think it would be wise to keep quiet brother." Sesshomaru said smirking.

"Oh shut it fluffy!"

"Sit! If you want to be ablt to walk again then you best stay away from me for a little while. Oh, and go take a bath. You stink!" She said before going to check on Shippo.
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