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Curiosity – Chapter 35 – "Leaving on a Jet Plane"


*Meanwhile – far away in Japan's countryside*

Couldn't this stupid motorbike go any faster? He needed to get to Tokyo NOW not in four hours! Why couldn't the transporter beams in Star Trek be real? It would sure get them all back to his family shrine a hell of a lot faster than a cycle that only goes forty miles an hour.

He had no idea what was wrong but if there was one thing he did know it was to trust his four legged companion's instincts. There had been so many times throughout the years that the furry beast had affected many aspects of his life in one way or another. The dog had done everything from chasing off wild animals on his lands to going off to fetch a neighbor when he'd needed help around his farm. But this time; this time the way his furry friend acted frightened him to no end.

It was odd how at times he would know exactly what the dog was trying to tell him; as if he was actually speaking the same language but that wasn't possible right? Was he making it up? Was it all in his head?

From what bits and pieces the young man could make out, if he actually understood his dog at all, something dire was happening at his family shrine and he needed to get there immediately. Tinkerbell told said that there was some sort of fight going on that involved swords and she was scared for her pack. He knew that he and Kagome's dog Tinkerbell had had a connection since she'd been born and that even though Mytonic was eighty percent deaf he could still somehow hear her, but was the alert unfounded? Could what Mytonic be "telling" him actually be true?

After only a few minutes of thought, Kei decided it wasn't worth not investigating. Kei immediately rode up to his house and tried to call his mother via video chat to no avail. He'd even taken a long shot by calling them on the phone knowing that at least Gramps would answer but that didn't work either.

It was then that he started to worry.

Without any further notice the animals in pasture were locked up and fed enough food to last them for a couple days and arrangements had been made to have a neighbor come and water them every day. As fast as humanly possible a bag had been packed, the house locked up, and the motorcycle with sidecar was pulled out of the garage and started up. With the bag in the sidecar and Mytonic seated atop the cycle, Kei jogged back into the barn to retrieve one more companion before heading towards Tokyo.

He just hoped no one caught him with the baby pot-bellied pig, after all they weren't legal to have in Tokyo, but there was no way he was going to leave the little guy alone for who knows how long.

And that's how they got to where the group of three was now; obviously with Kei driving, Mytonic setting behind him, and little Arnold in the sidecar almost four hours outside of Tokyo.

"How much longer until we reach our pack?"Kei heard the large dog bark; God it freaked him out sometimes how the normal dog barks turned into sentences in his mind. There must be something wrong with him – it amazed him how human-like Mytonic could sound whenever he understood what he was saying.

With no way to answer him with his voice, Kei removed one of his hands and signed to his companion how much longer it would be, to which Mytonic repeated the urgency in which they needed to get there…

And he just hoped to God that he got there in time.

"Don't worry sis, I'm coming."

*Somewhere in the mysterious beyond*

Yatsuo was quite happy at this point. His son and his true mate had been brought back together and had now been reunited with their son even if the current situation didn't make it a very happy event. It pleased him to see his final prophecy fulfilled.

"It has not been fulfilled yet."

The youkai turned with a questioning look to the woman behind him.

"What do you mean it hasn't been fulfilled? Has my son not proven how much he loves the woman?"

She shook her head. "No, bringing her back from the grave was not the test; another will soon come to past, the true test, and if your son and his mate are not careful they could be torn apart forever and the world will surely perish."

"Can't we warn them somehow? What is going to happen?"

The woman waved her hand and a bubble appeared beside them, showing them things.

"The details have not been revealed to me, but it involves him."

Both watched as a boy made his way down a road with a large white dog and a little pink pig.

Chapter End Notes:

A/N – Total words – 837

lol I bet you guys hate be right now! Below is a list of names so as not to confuse anyone.

Point of this chap - Well, if any of you remember, a couple chapters back Tinkerbell (the dog with two pups) sent distressing howls into the air just after Inuyasha and Sesshomaru began to fight. Then in the next chapter a different male dog (at that point un-named) somehow, through the wonderful world of magic, heard Tinkerbell's calls waaaaaaay out in the Japan countryside where the dog (Mytonic) lived with his owner (Kei). Being the great dog that he is and sensing danger, Mytonic alerts his master to the potential danger and they make their way back to their former home. (The shrine) Which brings us to the gist of this chapter...

So there are a couple things I have mentioned that are part of the MAJOR plotline to the story. Specifically where Mytonic "talks" to Kei (I'll let you all figure out what I'm planning there) and the last bit surrounding Yatsuo (Touga's father) and the final prophecy he'd made on his death bed apparently not being fulfilled like he thought.

The three main reasons I posted this chap are:
A) - To annoy you all about not finding out what's going to happen to our fave hanyou *evil laughter*
B) - Introduce Kei and Mytonic into the story (Notice where he thought "sis, I'm coming") *SPOILER ALERT*
C) - To give you yet another cliffy regarding Yatsuo's prophecy.

A COUPLE THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW - You might have caught where I mentioned Kei "signs" to Mytonic. Kei is mute, has been since childhood, but sometimes he does (or will I should say) use an electronic larnyx. Also - Mytonic is hard of hearing... though through the magic of fanfiction and fairies he can hear Tinkerbell. And Arnold the pig is there because, well, who wouldn't want a cute pot-bellied pig as a pet?

Kei – young man
Mytonic – Kei's dog (FUNFACT - Mytonic is a breed of goat)
Arnold – Kei's baby pig
Yatsuo – Touga's father

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