Curiosity - Chapter 3 - "Same Fight, Different Day"
Once again, yelling came from the middle of a forest far to the north of the land called Musashi. To a normal person, it sounded like a horrible yelling match between two people, or perhaps even a dispute between a married couple. But to the three people, and one cat, watching from the sidelines, it was nothing but. All it was was the same ol' fight on a different day.
"PLEASE INUYASHA! I am just asking to have four days to go home! You know that my mid-terms are important if you want me to stay here and search for jewels all summer. Just please let me go home and I'll be able to stay for a whole month."
Kagome tried to reason with the hanyou, as she always did. All she wanted to do was go take her mid-terms to hopefully raise her grades a bit. She had been studying so hard whenever she had the chance, so since the past few days had been fairly quiet; Kagome kept staying up late into the night attempting to catch up. Which, in turn, made her extremely tired and very short tempered.
"Come on Inuyasha, just this once agree to let me go. I've got all these essays to turn in as well, and I don't want to loose them again in another fight against some rogue demon."
"No wench! We have to find the damn jewel shards, you yourself said that there were only five left. And we know where three of them are, so there are two still out there that need to be found." Inuyasha yelled.
"I know her schooling is important and that she'll have to go to that 'summer school' if she doesn't pass. But damn it we're so close!"
Kagome sighed and glanced up at Inuyasha through her bangs, "I told you about this two months ago that I had to return! I even promised to bring back two times the ramen that I usually bring to make up for it!"
Three onlookers, four if you include the two-tailed cat, watched with all knowing eyes from the edge of the clearing.
"How long do you think this argument will last?"
Sango looked down at the little fox in her lap, "I would say it would be shorter than last time. Kagome has been staying up awfully late these past few days trying to catch up on her learning. What do you think Miroku?" Sango glanced up to the monk standing beside her. His eyes were closed in concentration, like when he was sensing the whereabouts of a demon.
"Miroku? What is..." Before she could finish, she felt a small tingling of an extremely strong aura, which made Shippo and Kirara quiver in her lap. Within seconds it was gone.
"So you feel it too Sango?" Miroku opened his eyes and looked down to the slayer, when he did, Shippo piped up.
"Kirara and I felt it too. Didn't you Kirara? And boy, was it scary." Kirara agreed with a resounding "meow" but when she went to put her head back in her mistress' lap, something caught her eyes in the forest. About a hundred foot from where they were, were two sets of eyes watching them. One of the sets being amber, and the other brown. Kirara was about to alert her mistress, but stopped as she felt a dominant presence fill her mind.
"No little neko, do not tell them of our hiding place. We will reveal ourselves in due time." She then looked backed into the shadows, as a way to say she wouldn't tell a soul.
Miroku looked out towards the fighting miko and hanyou, "It surprises me that they did not feel such a presence."
As the three still looked on, they noticed that their miko had started balling her hands into fists at her sides. Sango, Miroku, and Shippo simultaneously started the mental countdown, "Five, four, three, two, one. Que pounding."
"INUYASHA SIT! SIT SIT SIT SIT!" And once again, Inuyasha was introduced to his friend dirt, about four feet worth of it. Kagome then pointedly walked straight for Sango and she, already knowing what was about to be asked of her, had Kirara go ahead and transform so that she could take Kagome back to Musashi country, to the village of Edo, and to the Bone Eaters Well.
"Thank you Sango, I'll make sure to send her back as soon as I get there. Thanks a bunch!" Kagome said as she boarded Kirara and took off.
"Don't forget my candy and suckers Kagome!"
Miroku walked up to the Inuyasha shaped crater and looked down to the hanyou inside.
"My friend, when will you learn to just let Lady Kagome go when she asks it of you? You would save yourself a lot of time and pain if you just agree with her and get it over with. Like she said, she did tell you that there would need to be a trip back to the well at this time so that she would be able to take these "mid-terms" of hers."
As the others joined Miroku they stood, well, in Inuyasha's case, laid, there for a few minutes before finally having Inuyasha peel himself out of the ground and glare at the monk.
"Look bouzo, if I'd a wanted your opinion, I would've asked for it! Now lets get going, we're gonna have to walk double time to make it to the old hag's before the wench gets back." When he stopped talking, he noticed that everyone had already left the clearing, without him. "Oi! Get back here damn it! Who said that you could go ahead and walk off!"
When the gang was just inside the tree line leaving the clearing, no one had looked back when they heard the bushes move and the twigs snap, figuring that it was just a deer or a boar. Inuyasha did shift his ears back, to check the noises, but didn't find anything out of the ordinary. Never did he notice that the smell of animal wasn't in the air as it should be if it was a deer or boar. Nor did he sense a small bit of strong aura that was let out again to possibly provoke him. But, if one of them did look back, they would have seen the figures that the sets of eyes belonged to. Oh, if only they had looked...