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   " where is everyone I have hardly any blood left but just enough to find the others.." I said trying to exert myself. "you're NOT getting away!!!" Naraku yelled."AH!!! Damn my wound is opened i have 5 hours or less to kill him or that's it for me..." I thought to my self " Blue Kohaku take care of him for me "I'LL send you to hell NARAKU arrow sped into Naraku And Blue came back to his senses..."Tagumon-Nisan" Blue said "Blue-Ototou" i replied "Thank you Kikyo i said while she came closer "put this on you're Wound to close it it'll take about 6 hours though" Kikyo said it's useless to close it while Naraku's here I handed a shard to Kikyo "use this Jewel Shard with You're Sacred Arrow It should Cut through his barrier.." i said handing her the shard while she roped it to a broken arrow It hit Naraku's shoulder Kohaku came back too "HA!!!" Kikyo Noticed Lightning forming around my fist "LIGHT-NING FIST!!!! BLUE PUT IT IN" I said "ICE BALL" Blue replied putting a ice ball into my lightning fist I took rocks too using Psycho-Kinesis. "OMEGA LIGHTNING FIST TIMES 10,000,000 % ODX8 ELEMENTAL BLADE!!!!!!!!" A huge giant wave of energy came out of my hand I smashed it into Naraku. Kohaku chained him up Naraku couldn't Escape IMPOSSIBLE NO!!!!!!!!!!

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