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Author's Chapter Notes:
    "Tagumon unleashes a move and a second Tagumon pops up to destroy the enemy not realizing it's Kohaku and his Brother!!! This looks Bad Either Inuyasha does something or We'll all die!!! Tagumon wake up!!!" Kagome said

      "Kohaku!!! STOP IT!!!!" Sango yelled at Kohaku crying.... "Inuyasha,cover me!!! and Shippo i need you to distract the brothers up there!!! keep them busy I'll take the icicle out of Tagumon!!! Kagome yelled over comming to take the icicle out...."No way.... There's no heart beat NO where to late!!! Kagome said upset.... Hey Inuyasha Tagumon's brother has A Jewel shard in his right arm but it's lose just hitting it with a rock would get it out!!!" Kagome Said But all the jewel shards in the room are BLACK WITH EVIL AND IT GET'S STRONGER NEAR TAGUMON!!!!" Kagome said Worried suddenly a Shadow Came out of Tagumon... I'm finally released And I'll KILL ALL OF YOU FOR DESTROYING MY HOST!!! a black beam came out of the dark aura's hand."WATCH OUT KAGOME!!!" Inuyasha yelled grabbing Kagome and moving "BACKLASH WAVE!!!!" a tornado came out of Inuyasha's Sword and reflected the Black hole! "Thanks Inuyasha" Kagome said getting her Arrow ready. "HIT THE MARK!!!" The arrow flung through the shadow... "Don't try it..." another Beam shot out "Ah......"everything stopped.... and was silent....... "KAGOME!!!!!" Inuyasha yelled as Kagome was sucked into the giant black hole.... "NO KAGOME" Inuyasha was stabbed by the sickle Kohaku was Now possesing again Inuyasha fell over and was sucked into the black hole too.... Sango was next then Miroku grabbed her hand. "Sango I'd rather die with you then live alone" then they were both pulled In

Chapter End Notes:
wow that's said
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