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Author's Chapter Notes:
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Chapter 11


The Origin of the Firerat


It has been three weeks, since Dandan and Daisuke joined Inuyasha's team, and Dandan, Daisuke, and Narsako were sitting on a hill. “Say, Narsako, that's the Firerat cloak, that Inuyasha wears, isn't it?” Dandan asked. “Yes, I know,” Narsako said. “But, how'd he get it?” Dandan asked. “His father gave it to his mother,” Narsako said. “Yes, but wasn't it yours at one time?” Dandan asked. “Yes, but he needs it now, more than ever,” Narsako said. “Yes, I know, but how'd his father get it?” Dandan asked. “I've been trying to figure that out, myself. Hmmm... Wait a minute, the day I was sealed, it fell upon a three eyed bull. Could that be the same bull that Totosai owns?” Narsako wondered.

Inuyasha walked up, and said, “You two seem to know a lot about the Firerat robe, don't you.” “Narsako was in the forest, where it was skinned,” Dandan said. “Skinned?” Inuyasha asked. “Yep, it was in the Lifeless Forest. My mom was asked to get rid of it. Of course this was before we met Midoriko or Kirara. She couldn't get rid of it, so she skinned it, with her life powers,” Narsako said, “My mom gave it to me, after we left the forest.”

Suddenly a large Kaboom was heard, in the distance. Everyone came out, and Inuyasha said, “It reeks of blood.” Daisuke suddenly ran towards the scent. “We'd best follow him,” Dandan said.

Chapter End Notes:
Disclaimr: I do not own Inuyasha and characters, they belong to Rumiko Takahashi.
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