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Chapter 31


Naraku’s Weakness

At Kaede’s hut, Kagome, Sango, Shippo, and Kirara were with Kagashe’s team. Inu said, “I wonder what my sister meant by “kill Onigumo’s heart?” “You’re right it is curious.” Shippo said.

A few hours later, Inuyasha and Miroku returned, along with Kagashe. “So it worked?” Kagon said, looking relieved. “I take it Onigumo got away?” Kagashe said, sitting down. “Yeah” Inuyasha said, sitting next to Kagome. “Well, that’ll make things more difficult,” Kagashe said. “Say Kagashe, what did you mean by, “Kill Onigumo?” Shippo asked. “(Sigh!) As you know Onigumo was the beginning of what became Naraku…” Kagashe said, “…And now you know that Naraku needs Onigumo as a link.” “Yeah, so what?” Inuyasha asked. “If you kill Onigumo, you will also kill Naraku,” Kagashe said. “That might explain why Naraku reabsorbed Onigumo,” Miroku said.

“Anyways, tomorrow we’re going to have to leave,” Kagashe said. “Why don’t you stay another day?” Kagome asked. “Sorry, but if we stay, we’ll be putting the entire village in jeopardy,” Kagashe said, “We’re trying to lure a demon that acts like manure away, so we can kill him.” “I understand most of you but why are Inu and Kagon here?” Sango asked. “Inu got dragged in, after he appeared in this time, and Kagon is the one responsible for getting us started, so to speak, never mind that he is also the reincarnation of Kenyo,” Kagashe said. “You think of him more than that, though, correct?” Inu asked. “Inu…” Kagashe said.

The next day, Kagashe’s team had left when Kagashe stopped. “What is it?” Kagon asked. Inu said, “If I didn’t know better, I’d say that was Shanaru, but that doesn’t make sense.” “It must be our uncle looking for Naraku,” Kagashe said. “Huh? But why now?” Inu asked. Nobody knows. He just kept following Naraku’s scent, that is until Naraku made him angry,” Kagashe said. “Well let’s get out of the way,” Inu said. Everyone moved, and let Sesshomaru, Jaken, Rin, and Ah-un pass.

Chapter End Notes:
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and characters, they belong to Rumiko Takahashi.
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