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Chapter 24


Kagome’s Requested Suggestion


Kagashe, Inu, and Kagon were getting ready to leave, when Kagome came in the room. “Kagashe, where did you get all those shards?” Kagome asked. “Oh, Sango’s father gave them to me, and I was supposed to give them to you in that time, but I forgot. I guess I’ll give them to you next time I see you,” Kagashe said. “No, wait until after everyone meets at Mount Hakurei and returns to the village,” Kagome said. “Huh?” Kagashe blinked. “Naraku will get a hold of the Band of 7’s plus the bottle of shards, so I’ll need to find other shards,” Kagome said. “Alright, no problem,” Kagashe said.

Inuyasha walked up, and said, “Kagashe, here it’ll come in handy soon.” Inuyasha handed Kagashe the golden, heart-shaped locket that Kagome had given him years ago. “Uh, sure,” Kagashe said, putting the necklace around Inu’s neck, “Inu, why don’t you wear it.” Kagome smiled, and Inuyasha said, “Good luck!” Kagashe nodded, and said, “Kagon, are you ready yet?” “Yeah!” Kagon said. “Let’s get going then. Our leader is probably waiting,” Kagashe said.

“Wait if you aren’t the leader, then who…” Hitome started to ask, who was in the doorway. “Shanaru, but she is five miles away, and is followed by several demons,” Inu said. They all stopped talking, and Kagashe, Kagon, and Inu headed towards the well-house, and got in the well.

Chapter End Notes:
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and characters, they belong to Rumiko Takahashi.
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