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Chapter 11


The Start


of the




Once on the other side of the well, Kagashe walked up the steps and looked at the well, when she came to the door. Kagashe turned to the door and opened it. A young boy was outside that looked similar to Souta when he was younger; the boy was playing with a soccer ball, and was being chased by Buyo. The boy stopped and turned. “Uh… are… are you Kagashe?” the boy asked. “Yes, I am,” Kagashe said. “I’m Soto, Souta’s son,” the boy said. “Well that makes sense as to why Buyo is following you,” Kagashe said. Kagashe looked at the house, and said, “I guess I better get over there, nice to meet you, even if it was for a second.” Kagashe closed the door, and headed towards the house; inside, Inu stood in the doorway to the kitchen, when he turned his head towards the front door. Hitomi, who now had her hair in a long ponytail looked at Inu, and asked, “Inu, something wrong?” “Somebody’s here, and coming closer,” Inu said. “Oh, it’s probably just Soto,” Hitome said. “No, its not. I’d recognize Soto; I know he’s out there, but there’s someone else out there. Someone with quite a few jewel shards,” Inu said. “Inu, are you sure?” an older Kagome asked. “I believe so,” Inuyasha said, “its Kagashe.” Kagome turned, and said, “I wonder where she came up with so many shards? I only gave her one.” “Who cares, what I want to know, is why she didn’t tell us about that Kenyo,” Inuyasha said. Kagome said, “Just let her explain, I’m sure there was a reason.” After Kagashe walked in, she turned to look at her family who were standing in the doorway. “I take it you’re my brother, Inu?” Kagashe asked. Inu nodded. Inuyasha looked at her, and upon noticing the tear in her shirt, asked, “Kagashe, was Kenyo a priest or not?” Kagashe looked at him shocked for a second, but said, “Yes, he was, but he is now in the past. I was going to bring him the next time I came back, but things happened.” “You aren’t going back, are you?” Kagome asked. “I don’t have a choice, it won’t be long before he knows I’m on his tail, and on top of which, because Inu came to the village, the village is no longer safe. The only chance of keeping the disgusting spider dung away from the village, is for the two of us to lure it away,” Kagashe said. Inu stood there thunderstruck, and said, “You can’t be serious?” “I wish I wasn’t, but this has been dragging on long enough; I knew I should have done something about it years ago. I’ll tell you this much, if “I” find him, dead won’t be a good word for what he’ll look like,” Kagashe said. Inuyasha looked at Kagome, who nodded, and looked back, and said, “Very well, but Kagashe, don’t let Inu get killed.” “Don’t worry, he’ll be fine,” Kagashe said.

An hour later, Inu and Kagashe were prepared to leave, when Kagome walked up to them and said, “Inu, we’ve had the Teesi for a while, and we had always planned to give it to you.” Inu took the sword, the Teesi, from Kagome, and Inuyasha walked up. “Kagashe, here, you’ll need it,” Inuyasha said, giving Kagashe the Firerat cloak. Kagashe nodded, and put it over her green shirt. “You ready, Inu?” Kagashe asked. Inu nodded, and Kagome said, “Good luck!” Kagashe and Inu nodded, and jumped into the well, little knowing about the third member that was about to be known.


Chapter End Notes:
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and characters, Rumiko Takahashi does.  Kagashe, Soto, Inu and Kenyo I created.
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