Shippo's first taste of sugar by unicorn740
Summary: When Kagome brings back something new from her time, Shippo's curious nature causes him to decide to try it. Unaware of the kit's actions, the group is subjected to hilarious pranks.
Categories: Humor Characters: Shippo
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 8 Completed: Yes Word count: 5222 Read: 42815 Published: 07 Jun 2012 Updated: 08 Jun 2012
Snacks by unicorn740

"Kagome!" Shippo said sniffling as she gave him a hug.

"It's ok. Let me get you all cleaned up and you can pick a snack out of my bag." She said. His eyes lit up. After cleaning him she unzipped her bag so he could climb in and get his snack. He came out holding a container with some strange powder.

"What's this Kagome?"

"That's sugar."

"Shooger? What's shooger?" He asked.

"No. Not shooger, it's sugar. It's a sweetner that you put on cereal and tea and other stuff."

"Oh. Can I try some?"

"'re not really supposed to eat it but I guess just a taste wouldn't hurt."

She sprinkled a little on his finger. She watched as he sniffed it and then slowly licked it from his finger. She couldn't help but smile at the look on his face. His eyes widened in delight.

"Wow! That tastes really good! Can I have some more?" He asked.

She laughed. "No silly! Didn't you hear what I said? You're not supposed to eat it. It just makes stuff a little sweeter. Besides too much sugar will make you sick."

"Oh. Well I guess I'll just take a sucker then." He said pouting.

She handed him his sucker and then handed out everyone else their snacks. She gave Miroku his pepsi and skittles and Sango greedily accepted her chocolates. That's when she saw a clawed hand in front of her face.

"May I help you Inuyasha?" She said not looking at him.

"You know what I want wench! Give me my chips!"

"You mean these?" She said holding up a bag of chips. She smirked and opended them and started eating them.

"Hey! Those are mine wench!"

"Not anymore. They're mine now."

"But, but, that's not fair!" Inuyasha said pouting.

"Life's not fair." She said.

Watching them from a tree he was leaning on, Sesshomaru smiled. She loved getting Inuyasha going and he loved the entertainment.

"You know, she is right. We don't always get what we want little brother." He said smirking.

"Hey! Who are you callin little? I ain't little!" Inuyasha yelled.

Sesshomaru lifted a brow. "This Sesshomaru begs to differ. Right now you are actin like a spoiled child who's not getting his own way. I must say that the kit is more mature than you." He taunted. Before Inuyasha lost it, Kagome took out another bag of chips.

"Oh here you big baby! I was only teasing you!" she said and he snatched them out of her hand.

"Thanks wench."

Kagome looked over at Sesshomaru. She took a few things out of her bag and walked over to him and smiled.

"Would you like something too Sesshomaru? You can have whatever you want." At first he only stared at her.

"Don't even bother Kagome. He's too good to accept anything from a human." Inuyasha said rolling his eyes.

"Inuyasha stop it! Now what would you like Sesshomaru?"

"This Sesshomaru shall try what the kit has." His reaction to the sucker when he tasted it was comical. He looked like he was in heaven.

She giggled. "I take it you like it?"

"Indeed. You will keep stock of these at all times." He said. 'Oh boy another Inuyasha! I already have to carry around tons of ramen, now I'll have to lug around even more weight with tons of suckers.' She thought to herself.

"Sure thing big brother!" She said kissing him on the cheek. Ever since Inuyasha told everyone they were going to be mates she'd treated Sesshomaru like a brother. It didn't really bother Sesshomaru when she would call him big brother. He explained to her that inus are a pack so when her and Inuyasha mate she'd be his pack sister. He was still getting used to her affections though. He knew it was just the type of person she was.

"Thank you...little sister." He was happy to call her sister. He'd always wanted a sister but he never told anyone.

During all these distractions, nobody noticed Shippo sneaking off with something in his hands.

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