Inuyasha: Midori's pack by Mikoangel

Twenty years after the death of Naraku, Inuyasha and his friends have settled down and gone on with their lives, Midori, Inuyasha's oldset child lives with her family in peace. But just beyond the horizon evil lurks, a monster all but forgotten now threatens not just the lives of Midori's family and friends, but all of Japan. And with the birth of the Black Shikon No Tama, ten times more powerful then the original, Midori will find out just how much truth their was in her parents stories.

Categories: Romance, Action/ Adventure Characters: Custom
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Completed: No Word count: 3402 Read: 19437 Published: 08 Oct 2010 Updated: 17 Dec 2010
Return of an old enemy by Mikoangel
Author's Notes:

Ok this in a little later then I hoped sorry that school was in the way. Well I hope you like the next chapter.

I do not own Inuyasha.

Midori continued through the dense forest, her silver hair flowing wildly behind her, she loved the cool, moist air that came from it's depths, and she, like her father used this time to think.

"Whats his problem anyway!? No means no and thats the end of it!" she throught angrily, for two years now her uncle had been trying to convince her to become hie daughter's second in comand once she took her place as the next Inu no Taishou. She had at first declined the offer politely, saying that if his daughter wanted her as her second she would ask her herself, however this did not stop the Lord of the Western lands, he continued to press the issue and at last had used up all of Midori's patience, causing her to explode at a dinner for her cousin's birthday. Because of this she had started to avoid him at all costs, and had every intention of doing just that.

At last the castle came into view, it always took her breath away, the white stone castle stood in the middle of the westren lands, it's towers stood proud as the flags of midnight blue with a white crescent moon flew as her family's crest. The castle was a majestic sybol of her family heritage.

As she reached the outer-limets of the castle she looked around she could smell her cousin, she was near, but where? Just then she heard a tree branch creek.

"Found you!" she called out and a moment later her cousin dropped to the ground gracfully in front of her, she stood in a tie dye white and purple kimono, her silver hair was much longer then her's and it swayed behind her majesticly, Midori watched her cousin as her golden eyes looked around before picking up the pink gym bag that was much like her own.

"Alright then, we can go meet up with Kimi, Naoki, and Toshu." Midori said as she turned to leave. "Kenji will be at the well already." However before they could leave she heard the voice of the very person she had been hoping to avoid.

"What is the matter father?" asked his daughter, concern in her voice.

"what's going on?" asked Midori as she walked back toward her cousin.

"I am simply going to see to a disturbance." Said Sesshoumaru. "A demonic aura has has been found at the edge of our bouder, buy for some reason cannot be traced."

" A demonic aura?" asked his daughter.

"Can you not sense it Mayu?"

Mayu and Midori closed their eyes, and focused their minds, suddently they felt an evil aura, of power they had never felt before. "I sense it!" Said Mayu.

"Wow! That is one powerful aura!" Said Midori.

"Indeed" Said her uncle as he turned to leave.

"Do you need any help?" asked his daughter as if she didn't know the answer.

"I do not require your aid, I am more then capable of taking care of myself."

"Yes father" Said Mayu, Midori tried not to roll her eyes.

They started again to the forest when midori heard her uncle say:

"When I return I wish to speak to you."

"Yes uncle..." Midori said in defeat as he disappeared into the forest.


As sesshoumaru flew on his demonic cloud a look of concern appeard on his usually expressionless face, something was not right but he could not placewhat. He landed at a cave at the edge of the Western borders. The demonic aurs was strongest here, as Sesshoumaru walked through the cave he felt unease, little did he know however of the evil red eyes that followed his every move, as he walked deeper into the cave, the red eyes gave a glance at the cave entrance and a barrior came to be, and it's voice rang through the cave "Sesshoumaru this will be your tomb!"

End Notes:
Read and review please!!!
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