Hand Sanitization by love_amber

Why on earth would Sesshomaru want hand sanitizer?!? I mean he thought he was perfect in every way, well until a certain hanyou pointed out quite a few flaws in his interpretations of himself that is….crack fic!

Categories: General, Humor Characters: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 405 Read: 1505 Published: 10 Mar 2009 Updated: 10 Mar 2009
Story Notes:

I do not own inuyasha …never have and sadly never will!

1. Hand Sanitization by love_amber

Hand Sanitization by love_amber
Author's Notes:
reviews are love...and i am bored!



Sesshomaru watched the frustrated hanyou with amused eyes...I mean he had been pacing the room for the past half hour attempting to find something wrong with this Sesshomaru. And guess what, HE COULDN’T …no surprise there. I mean after all this Sesshomaru was a perfect specimen. He had the hair, the body, the voice. the eyes…I mean come on he could go on and on. He had only been defeated once, and that was because of the hilarious being in front of him, and even that wouldn’t happen again. No he didn’t plan on fighting his lowly brother, they were past there differences, but if he ever were to put up a challenge…



“Sesshomaru, I have it… I know how I can beat you in at least one way!” Inuyasha blurted out, surprising Sesshomaru and bringing him back from his musings. “I guarantee I can make you cringe.” Inuyasha stated…he had a plan, a very ingenious plan. Sesshomaru was now interested; there was nothing that his half-brother could do to make this Sesshomaru cringe. “Proceed.” Inuyasha ran out the room and disappeared from Sesshomaru’s hearing range. What had he gotten himself into?



Inuyasha returned quickly with a tub filled with mud and other unsightly matter, it reeked almost as much as his brother himself. Inuyasha’s evil smirk grew larger when he saw his brothers face…it was hilarious. Inuyasha could just imagine what was going on in Sesshomaru’s mind at the moment. Sesshomaru looked at the half-breed with amused eyes; this was supposed to make him cringe. Never. Inuyasha pointed to the brown icky mass of filth, “put you hands in it!” Sesshomaru looked at Inuyasha and elegantly, or as elegantly as you could put your hand in something gross, slipped his hand inside.



He let and uncharacteristic smirk cross his features when the hanyou looked at him expectantly…he thought he would cringe at this…how funny! Inuyasha pretended to be mad, and groaned as he said remove your hand. “Here use this to clean it off.” And he squirted the clear matter into Sesshomarus who abruptly shot his hands out in front of him. “What is this matter of nonsense? It’s burning my nose. UGH!”  Sesshomaru growled….”I won, won…You cringed. I knew it! That awful matter on your hands is Hand Sanitizer….and it made you cringe! YES!” Inuyasha looked at Sesshomarus face which was at first shocked but was now mad….”Inuyasha run, and run fast!”  

End Notes:
love amber
This story archived at http://inuyasha-fanfiction.com/viewstory.php?sid=1101