Date: 15 Nov 2009 5:10:55 PM Title: Hanyou
why don't you write anymore?
Date: 26 Feb 2009 1:54:57 AM Title: Hanyou
you need to write more chapters about what the snake did and inuyasha and even kagome finally finding inuyasha at least i would

Date: 30 Dec 2008 5:01:48 AM Title: Hanyou
Update this Please! Oh, and 10!
Date: 14 Dec 2008 5:00:26 PM Title: Hanyou
please continue whenever you're able to. i love this story.
Date: 22 Nov 2008 6:56:23 PM Title: Hanyou
Cool! I like your characters especially Akako and I love the nick name that Kagome gave her, Miss Kitty. I can't wait till Kagome finds Inuyasha and will we know who Akako's father is? Is it someone we know from the future? Which I think is a great idea, Kagome has a kindred spirit, someone who has a sort of connection to her time. Akako seems like so much fun! I love the grocery store scene when Akako opted to stay outside when the teen boy walked by and winked at her. Like her I have to touch everything, I also used that line once, when I was with my aunt, I opted to stay outside when some tasty guys walked by, my aunt jerked me by the arm inside the shop, muttering about teenage hormones or something, she still talks about that. That was funny and brought back a few memories for me. I'm so loving your story, I hope you continue it I have a million and three questions waiting to be answered. Poor Koga and his kids. It was sweet to see him and Inuyasha get along, you can tell they are some sort of friends on the show because they are always saving eachother, never really striking eachoter to cause any real damage, in the name of Kagome. I think it's just male pride for them to just come out and say they are just friends. Your story is awesome and I truly hope you continue it, you deserve to as an author, you owe it to your fans and to your story. AWESOME! Write on!
Much Love
Author's Response:
Well thank you! ^^ I was really worried no body cared about Akako... Looks like I was wrong! XD Anyways I am so happy you like the story too, and I can't wait for those million and three questions! ^^