Reviews For Golden Ashes
Reviewer: Cristin Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Aug 2008 6:03:54 PM Title: Befriending The Fire
Date: 10 Aug 2008 6:03:54 PM Title: Befriending The Fire
I have created a sight deticated to this fanfic. There you will find character info, dates of release (of chapters and the sequals that will follow this story), and more! I am NOT trying to compete with this site, just give you all a place to find info on the story. So please visit
Reviewer: Lorisa45 Signed 

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Date: 09 Aug 2008 10:47:08 PM Title: Befriending The Fire

Date: 09 Aug 2008 10:47:08 PM Title: Befriending The Fire
LOved it ,you got to update this story it's one of my favorites!
Author's Response: Well thank you! And don't worry Chapter 5 will be up soon!
Reviewer: Pooba Signed 

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Date: 09 Aug 2008 3:59:53 AM Title: Befriending The Fire

Date: 09 Aug 2008 3:59:53 AM Title: Befriending The Fire
I loved the flashback,especially the kiss....Nice lullaby,by the way....but why would you be thankful for enemies???
Author's Response: All life is sacred. That and it was the only thing I could think of ^_^"
Reviewer: Dark_Author Signed 

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Date: 09 Aug 2008 1:46:24 AM Title: Befriending The Fire
Author's Response: Thank you! ^_^ I loved your story too! Can't wait for your sequel! (hope i spelled it right lol)

Date: 09 Aug 2008 1:46:24 AM Title: Befriending The Fire
Wonderful chapter! I am anticipating the next!
Author's Response: Thank you! ^_^ I loved your story too! Can't wait for your sequel! (hope i spelled it right lol)