Date: 11 Feb 2014 2:34:52 PM Title: Dance Dance
Lovveedddd this
Date: 10 Aug 2008 5:17:52 AM Title: Dance Dance
Heey, i think this is a great story and deffnitly should keep going!
Date: 18 Mar 2008 10:16:23 PM Title: Dance Dance
i need more!!! this was awesome!!

Date: 08 Feb 2008 11:01:10 AM Title: Dance Dance
=D Wonderful story. It was sad, exciting, and stuff... all at the same time.

Date: 21 Jan 2008 5:24:23 PM Title: Dance Dance
Needs work, less sex more drama. needs more secrets. And then I want you too kill Kagome.
Author's Response:
Well, seeming as it was supposed to be a sex one, then hey, what the hell? But for drama, I don't really care to much for that when I'm going for smut. As for killing off Kagome, I don't think so. She's the only pairing that would do well with Sesshoumaru, not to mention, my second favorite character of the show. Number one being Sesshoumaru. XD I'm sorry if you didn't like it to much, but thanks for the flame! I really like them. A lot. I know, weird right? But not, because flames mean that I'm not the perfect writer and there's room for improvement! I love it! Anyway, I hope you enjoy some of my other stories tough. Peace out.
Date: 05 Jan 2008 1:44:05 AM Title: Dance Dance
i think u should write more this story is amazing and i WANT to read more romanic stories from u, now matter what the couple is. lol and yes i am serious.
Date: 17 Oct 2007 1:45:25 AM Title: Dance Dance
I want more please!!!!!!!!1

Date: 27 Sep 2007 11:25:06 PM Title: Dance Dance

Date: 19 Aug 2007 1:02:36 AM Title: Dance Dance
omg you should totally make this into a full story, i say you use thanks for the memories as your next song!!!
good job;
Iicashi Saitou
Author's Response:
Thanks for the idea! I'm not sure I heard it, but yeah! Thanks anyway! Peace out.
Date: 15 Aug 2007 9:53:58 PM Title: Dance Dance
Excellent story and great tie in with the song. Yes I want more!
Author's Response:
Thank you. I'll try to come up with another song fic that ties in with this fic. Peace out.