Reviews For Yesterday's Pain
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Reviewer: angel_of_purity15 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Feb 2008 9:03:19 PM Title: Two Life's, One Soul

wow this is very well written u are an excellent writer you put vivid images in my head great job

Author's Response: Wow thanks!  That was one of the things I was worried about!  Thanks for the reassurance

Reviewer: PitaBread Signed starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 14 Feb 2008 11:41:20 PM Title: Two Life's, One Soul

This is really interesting!  You need a little work with comma placement, though.  Many sentances are run-ons.  But your plot is good, and I'm happy that there are others trying to fit their stories into the current manga.  Good work.  I hope to see more!

Author's Response: Comma placement huh?  Well I'll certaintly look out for that in the future. Thanks for taking the time to review and I'll try to update as soon as possible.

Author's Response: Comma placement huh?  Well I'll certaintly look out for that in the future. Thanks for taking the time to review and I'll try to update as soon as possible.

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