Date: 13 May 2012 7:16:26 AM Title: Chapter 6
i absolutely love it and hope to be able to read more.

Date: 07 Jan 2009 7:52:12 AM Title: Chapter 6
this is a good fanfic u have to to finish soon. and rin calling her mama is so sweet. ;)
Date: 26 Oct 2008 3:08:28 PM Title: Chapter 1
I really like this story. And I think that the way sesshy is acting really fits into the character of a man falling in love, especially since he still retains most of the other aspects of his personality, i.e. arrogance, poise, ect...
anyway please update soon, I cant wait to see how they finally tell each other how they feel, and also what antics InuYasha can get himself into trying to get Kags back
congrats on the great story

Date: 22 Jul 2008 2:34:44 AM Title: Chapter 6
I like this story, but honestly I think they fell in love a little too fast. But you're the author so I won't tell you how to write your story.
Date: 05 Jul 2008 3:11:32 PM Title: Chapter 6
i love this story please update soon

Date: 01 May 2008 6:06:23 PM Title: Chapter 6
Please update again soon! I can't wait to read more! This is very interesting!

Date: 01 May 2008 6:01:28 PM Title: Chapter 5
You are a really good author! Love the story so far and I can't wait to read more!

Date: 01 May 2008 5:53:59 PM Title: Chapter 4
I thought Sesshoumaru had one condition if he helped Kagome. Oh well. They were bound to fall in love sooner or later! Great chapter(as always) :)

Date: 01 May 2008 5:50:36 PM Title: Chapter 3
Awww! So cute! I like how Rin asked Kagome if she can call her Mama :) Great chapter!

Date: 01 May 2008 5:47:10 PM Title: Chapter 2
I think Kagome likes Sesshomaru :) Now InuYasha can have Kikyo. Great chapter!

Date: 01 May 2008 5:43:40 PM Title: Chapter 1
Great chapter! I can't wait to find out how InuYasha will react when he finds out!

Date: 28 Apr 2008 6:09:48 AM Title: Chapter 1
i agree with keva as it would go like " Sessshomaru said " This Seeeshomaru says hello." but instead go Sesshomaru siad " Hello"
Author's Response: this was pointed out a LONG time ago and if you'd care to look I don't write Sesshy that way anymore

Date: 28 Apr 2008 6:07:20 AM Title: Chapter 6
o man if this is not done i need to tell you, you sould not waist some of the space like that, and honestly, no effence, i like the story, but your story has sesshomaru so miscarachterized!!!! try to make him more of seshy, and also, he never smiles, good story though.but i think in that condition Inuyasha would yjust go with kikio. hes not really that desperate.
Author's Response: this is fan fiction doesn't mean i have to stick to canon if you don't like the way I write then don't read my stories

Date: 28 Apr 2008 5:56:38 AM Title: Chapter 5
Man i hope IY wins her back.

Date: 28 Apr 2008 5:43:37 AM Title: Chapter 4
er... Man his is good.

Date: 28 Apr 2008 5:39:23 AM Title: Chapter 3
um moreof cathalf demon, realativly, this might be the first sess/kag i lke!!!

Date: 28 Apr 2008 5:33:11 AM Title: Chapter 2
O, no!!!

Date: 28 Apr 2008 5:28:40 AM Title: Chapter 1
Man this dont look good are they gona get back together?
Author's Response: look at the pairing that should tell you I even state in all my author's notes that this is Sess/Kag not Inu/Kag

Date: 02 Feb 2008 6:55:59 PM Title: Chapter 3
i think you should make it a little bit longer but other than that its very good i like

Date: 02 Feb 2008 8:37:00 AM Title: Chapter 3
I believe that Nekoyoukai, Onineko, Nekoyasha, and Neko-hanyou are all correct, I'm not sure about the other two. Love the story!
Date: 22 Jan 2008 3:09:48 PM Title: Chapter 1
It's a good story with a really good premise. I like it.
Just one suggestion, and I have seen this way too many times and it drives me insane.
When you write Sessy, and as much as we all love it when he does this please please please I beg you, don't make him refer to his self in the third person everythime he speaks about his self. It takes away from the story and makes it hard to read.
I really hope you don't take this as a flame for that is not my intention. You have a good writing ability and I just want to help.
Can't wait to see where you go with this, I have been snagged into the web of curiosity. Much love. Keva
Author's Response: Thank you! As I said any tips I can get to make a good story I will welcome!
Date: 22 Jan 2008 4:29:08 AM Title: Chapter 1
omg i love this and its just the first chapter cant wait to read more
Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing