Reviews For Life on the Island
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Reviewer: AngelsEnvy Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Jun 2020 4:00:39 PM Title: Chapter 9

Haters are gonna hate kagome

Reviewer: Sessygurl Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 24 Apr 2009 6:03:05 PM Title: Chapter 9

Well that's just great, I wonder what sesshomaru will think of both of the news.

Author's Response:

Mmmm... What will he think?  Thanks for taking the time to review.  I must apologize for my slow updates, I usually don't let anything keep me from writing, but this has been an especially hectic time.  Sorry all, I promise I am working on the next chapter.

Much Luv

Maiko Anna

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