Reviews For Life on the Island
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Reviewer: sesshys_jaded_samuri Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Apr 2009 10:32:03 PM Title: Chapter 5

ooooh... the suspense is killing me!

Reviewer: Sessygurl Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27 Mar 2009 11:33:50 PM Title: Chapter 5

I have been throughly enjoying this story. I told my husband about it and even he wants to know what's next.

Author's Response:

Thank you very much.  Now you know that your doing good when you can get the guys interested.  :-)  Hope that you like the next chapter, and your husband too!

Maiko Anna

Reviewer: InuAngel Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Mar 2009 1:37:13 PM Title: Chapter 5

All I can say is AWESOME!  OMG!  This is an excellent story!  I can't wait to read more, this Kogua is more irratating than any other Kogua I have read, excellent!  I always have a bit of a soft spot for the overbearing, slightly psycho, delussional, hardheaded stalker.  He's so cute.  I love this story.  I thought Miroku and Inuyasha would have more sence than to leave her alone in her room after such a drink, I figured it was Kouga who had it set up.  When will Kagome read the manual?  Hey, this was an excellent idea for a story a place where demons can be who they are and still have human interaction.  It's great, I thought at first with the first chapter that the females should be warned about the carnal way they pick women and they should make sure they understand that they give up their human rights in that area on that territory, but, they do get a manual and are urged to read it.  Any way some will still  ignore it, if it was spoken to their faces.  The description of the place makes me want to go there.  This is so awesome and unique, I'm truly blown away by your work!  I can't wait for more, write on!

Much Love


Author's Response:

*Blushing*  Thank you very much.  I am so happy to know that you liked it.  I wasn't sure if I would be able to pull it off but it seems to be coming together and I almost have the next chapter done.  It should be out by tomorrow night.  Sorry that I haven't been able to update as regularly as normal, this week has been hectic with work.  I promise that there will be more of Kouga around, at least until Sesshomaru or InuYasha get fed up with him.  :-)  Now for that darn manual.  Hmmmm.  Anyway thanks again and happy reading.

Take Care,

Maiko Anna

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