Reviews For Walking Away
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Reviewer: Nile Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13 Sep 2007 5:56:00 AM Title: Just Because I'm Beautiful Doesn't Mean I've Ever Been Creative

Very naughty, but I do like it! :) I am hoping a car sex scene is next or at least somewhere a flashback of

Author's Response:

Oh, don't think the car naughtiness is over yet ;)

Flashbacks are a beautiful thing.

Reviewer: sesshys_jaded_samuri Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12 Sep 2007 1:06:03 AM Title: Just Because I'm Beautiful Doesn't Mean I've Ever Been Creative

Don't be so hard on yourself. That scene in the car was excessivle HOT!

Author's Response: Thank you. I was so nervous about posting that. It's been written for a while and I have been too nervous to post it, hehe.

Reviewer: Nile Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19 Aug 2007 4:09:43 AM Title: Chapter 2

This is a nice stage you have set. I am intrigued on how Sesshoumaru had decided he liked men, but then again perhaps he is instead a bi. It would go well to think that. Trust me, I accidentally at a drunk party made out with a gay man. And he was like Jakotsu... he liked breasts. ;)

Author's Response:

I seem to have made a lot of heads turn with this one. What can I say, I like things a little on the strange side :)

Oh, all of my gay friends have infatuations with some part of the female body. My old roomie loved breasts, the bigger the better. Makes me wonder if it was really the sci-fi element that got him watching Ghost In The Shell...

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