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Reviewer: LadyyT013 Signed [Report This]
Date: 22 Apr 2012 5:53:01 PM Title: Aggravating Factor

so realistic lol

Reviewer: NameOnTheSpine Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05 May 2010 2:09:48 AM Title: Don't Make Me Explain

Hilarious XD I absolutely love them. This is one of the few SesshKags I actually like. It's seriously great, and i hope you update whenever you can!

You know, I'm an Alexandra, and I don't like my name too much. It's too old-fashioned and way too girly. *shrugs* If it's any consolation.

Reviewer: sesshoumarusprincess Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 29 Mar 2010 8:18:14 PM Title: Not Now

She is going to drive him insane until she has the baby!!! LOL I love it!!!!!!!

Reviewer: lover_of_inuyasha_n_kagome Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 29 Mar 2010 8:06:22 PM Title: Don't Make Me Explain

wow!! They really need to go ahead n have this baby

Reviewer: lover_of_inuyasha_n_kagome Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22 Mar 2010 10:09:41 AM Title: Baby's First Picture


Reviewer: lover_of_inuyasha_n_kagome Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22 Mar 2010 10:07:34 AM Title: Flame

Kagome and Sesshomaru just get funnier and funnier

Reviewer: lover_of_inuyasha_n_kagome Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22 Mar 2010 10:06:50 AM Title: Hurdle

this is the funniest story yet...i LOVE it..UPDATE SOON!!

Reviewer: figarra0217 Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Mar 2010 4:57:50 AM Title: Not Now

Oh, it is near! I hope your next drabbles involve your little one, if you will have time to write new ones. I bet your husband is excited too!

Reviewer: figarra0217 Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Mar 2010 12:22:33 AM Title: Still Your Fault

I love it. I was reading this on mediaminer but i will have to review here! Keep up the good work! When is the baby due?

Author's Response: Due date is April 8th, but I'll be having a C-section probably on or around March 31st if all goes as planned.

Reviewer: sesshoumarusprincess Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Mar 2010 11:47:11 PM Title: Still Your Fault

Oh my this just get funnier and funnier everytime I read it because I am reminded heavily of my own memories of being pregnant and the torture I put my own husband through!  Hope you are feeling well and I can't wait for the next little adventure!!

Reviewer: Ashuri Signed [Report This]
Date: 11 Feb 2010 7:48:47 AM Title: Timetable

Ah. If only it were two months. That'd be nice~Ash

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