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Reviewer: Taiyoukai_Nile Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15 Mar 2009 11:40:46 PM Title: Fulfillment

Very intense and it just comes at a perfect time.

Reviewer: PitaBread Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03 Mar 2009 4:58:09 PM Title: Our Story

Ah, that was really beautiful, my friend!  I feel like they each have had closure from the things that were troubling them.  Kagome found out about her island time, and Sesshoumaru clarified their relationship.  But I think the next tale is going to be the most interesting - now that they've shared something special, how will that impact the way they fulfill their next role?  And I'm a little uneasy: Kagome was Momotaro in this one, so does that mean that Sesshoumaru is going to be the Moon Princess, Kaguya?  Haha, that would be something.  But if Kagome is the one, then wouldn't that mean she's the main character twice in a row?  Unless Sesshoumaru's character is more important...  Oh, so many questions.  How I love this story.  Great job.

On a more personal note, do you think this has killed your need for writing, or do you think you'll keep going?  I remember when you first started 7FFT and we were talking about ideas over on PD you had some great ideas for AU's.  Will you still do them, or has this stroy satisfied you? 

Author's Response: I think it has killed my desire to do another story surrounding fairytales, like the Arabian Nights fic I mentioned once.  I do have another idea or two rattling around, but they're both twisted canon fics like this one.  I can never pick a universe, but create my own instead.

Reviewer: lillianruno Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 01 Mar 2009 4:28:06 AM Title: Our Story

its such a great story i like how you put the bamboo cutter as the last tale seeing as it was the same one for the 2nd movie thanks for writing

Reviewer: bluedragonkai Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Mar 2009 3:21:02 AM Title: Our Story

Still love the chapter and the story ^-^ ironcally my little sister was reading this as well and I didn't know it. Funny isn't it? She says she loves it too. I'm just wondering if the curse of the scroll will be broken when Sesshomaru and Kagome get out. trust me, I'm dieing to know.

Reviewer: PitaBread Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09 Feb 2009 6:26:52 AM Title: Fulfillment

WOW.  I wasn't expecting a lemon!  Haha, but I'm not complaining!  That was not only a sweltering, citrusy scene, but also very realistic.  Not many take his claws into account - therefore, how could he 'prepare' her?  And the fact that he placed her in the 69 position - that was fabulous!  Very, VERY good.  Believe it or not, though, I'm even more eager to see what happens next.

 I realize the story is almost at an end, but I wonder if you have another Q&A session planned?  And if so... I want to know what Shiro thinks of this chapter!  Hehe.

Reviewer: bluedragonkai Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Feb 2009 12:41:20 AM Title: Fulfillment

So... I'm dieing to know, how in gods name did they go from screaming at eachother to screwing eachother? Dont get me wrong, it was a great chapter justl ike all yoru others, but I'm just sitting here with my head tilted trying to figure this one out.

Author's Response: Anger and passion are not such different things.  The chapter was really about fulfillment and bonds.  Kagome kissed him, because he gave up a piece of his life for her and all because she deserved it.  He kissed her back, because she understood the troubles he was going through and proved that everything he had done for her was cherished.

Reviewer: SesshomarusBitch Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Feb 2009 3:28:35 PM Title: Trial of Heart

this story is so good. i like how sessy shows up just  in time. mon-ki and fe-san are great togetther. their interactions 

Reviewer: Taiyoukai_Nile Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02 Feb 2009 3:19:22 AM Title: Trial of Heart

Very interesting and Sesshoumaru appears right when she needs it. I wonder if he is irate with her? Will he accept her explanation, or will they both just not say anything about her wandering off on her own.

Reviewer: bluedragonkai Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 01 Feb 2009 10:27:35 PM Title: Trial of Heart

The fact that I would stop rearanging my room to actually read the chapter really tells you how much I love this story. Please, keep up the good work!

Reviewer: bluedragonkai Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 30 Jan 2009 4:40:45 PM Title: Trial of Blood

Wow... I mean wow... It took me two weeks to actually finish all that you have written. And all I have to say is wow. I seriously began to doubt that there was no good fanfic's out there and that I've read the best, but I have to admit this is one of the best fics out there so far. I give it an A. Keep up the good work ^-^. The way you have the stories is fantastic. The way you had Shiro-sama's story and turned such a tale to fit Sesshomaru's clan was perfect. The back story of the dragon king even had me thinking about how evil is this man truly. One of those things that I can see how evil he was, but at the same time, he cared for his family both real and not. I actually stayed awak till one in the morning to finish the island arch you had. I cant wait to see what else you will come up with. 

If I had a question though, it would be what is your motivation for you to keep writing a good fanfic? What helps you keep the characters in character? I'm sure there's more questions, I just cant think of any. 

Well, sorry for the long review, but please, keep on writting. I await your next chapter. 

Reviewer: PitaBread Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 28 Jan 2009 2:50:17 AM Title: Trial of Blood

Well!  I hadn't expected this chapter so soon, but it surely didn't disappoint.  Not only was the battle great (although you almost had me thinking that Sesshoumaru was going to save her, but then what would be the point?) but I laghed myself silly at Fe-San's jabs at the ogres.  Insulting their manhood!  Ha!  That was classic.  Who knew the colorful little turkey had it in him?  Awesome chapter!

Reviewer: LadyoftheAsh Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 26 Jan 2009 8:24:51 PM Title: Trial of Blood

this last chapter was amazing of course cant wait for the next. just thought you'd like to know :)

Reviewer: Taiyoukai_Nile Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 26 Jan 2009 5:27:15 AM Title: Trial of Blood

I had a feeling Sesshoumaru would not be happy that he was left to sleep on the boat.

Reviewer: Taiyoukai_Nile Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19 Jan 2009 8:03:10 AM Title: Courage

It is unusual to see Sesshoumaru sleep so much but understandable why. It is good that Kagome found out for herself the reason for his current actions.

I am still with you on this story. :)

Reviewer: PitaBread Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19 Jan 2009 7:32:41 AM Title: Courage

Meh, long or not, it's still incredibly interesting, especially your way of describing things, like the environment or someones actions.  So don't worry, we'll be here.  ;]  As for the chapter itself... Beautiful work.  I, for one, am on the edge of my seat.  I really hope Kagome can pull through on this one on her own.

Reviewer: dirtydogs57 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 31 Dec 2008 11:05:14 PM Title: Proof

Yay! I get so excited when i see this updated. :D


Kagome is a smart cookie, and I can't help but hope that her 'proving' serves to bring them together...I am such a sucker for this pairing when done the right way (and you're doing it!).  

Reviewer: Catzrayz Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 Dec 2008 10:12:15 PM Title: Proof

Very good. So glad to read another chapter. It was really good. I can't wait to see how Kagome will prove to Sesshomaru her thanks. You're doing a wonderful job. -Cat-

Reviewer: PitaBread Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 Dec 2008 1:32:35 AM Title: Proof

Ah, so she finally figured it out.  Haha, that Kagome.  So stubborn.  She thinks Sesshoumaru has too much pride, but she has a lot of pride, too. 

So, I'm not convinced that Sesshoumaru's sudden weakness is that he's unsure of the worth of his 'gift'.  I have the feeling that it's actually because he refuses to tell her, that he's almost ashamed to tell her.  But I've been wrong before, and wouldn't be surprised if I was now.

 By the way, I'm sorry for bumping you out of the top spot.  I did it here AND at Dokuga, haha.  I get annoyed when I update and two minutes later, someone else updates to push me down the list, so I just wanted to say sorry!  ^^

Reviewer: dirtydogs57 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 24 Dec 2008 12:58:59 AM Title: Longing

Eek! I hope the holidays offer you some time to relax (and write *cough*). I love this story and am excited to see it's conclusion. Please don't mind my begging...I just really love what you have done here and hope that you find the drive to finish. Happy holidays! 

Reviewer: SilverRaven Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Nov 2008 9:04:21 AM Title: Longing

This has been a wonderful story so far.  I really have enjoyed reading the fairytales, especially with the spin of adding Sess and Kags to them.  It brings a whole new quality to them.  I cant wait to read more. 

Reviewer: dirtydogs57 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 30 Nov 2008 1:19:23 AM Title: Longing

Kagome sure has matured a lot during their stay. I am very worried about Sesshoumaru, and I wait anxiously for the revelation of his ailment...and for him to be cured! 

Reviewer: PitaBread Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22 Nov 2008 5:14:05 PM Title: Truth

Talk about a cliff-hanger, lol.  But WOW, he pretty much told her.  I wonder what she'll take from it, and what it will mean to her.  I wonder what it means to him.  You've done so wonderfully with this story, and it's sad that there isn't too much left.  But it's a catch-22, since I want to know how it ends.

Happy Holidays and happy writing!

Reviewer: PitaBread Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22 Nov 2008 4:55:04 PM Title: The Wandering Monk

Oh.  My.  GOD!  I don't mean to get fangirly, but if he tells her, I will just DIE.  Of what, I am unsure. 

Mon-Ki and Fe-San's obsession with 'Do-Gu' is too cute.  Good thing Sesshoumaru is too weak to do much about them, lol.

Reviewer: PitaBread Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22 Nov 2008 4:39:45 PM Title: Mon-Ki and Fe-San

This was so cute!  I love these new characters!  I am, however, worried for Sesshoumaru.  What is ailing him?  Could it really be that he's had 30-odd years taken from him?  That seems like such a tiny piece of time for him...  On to the next chapter!

Reviewer: Catzrayz Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Nov 2008 5:26:47 AM Title: Truth

So glad to have read the next chapter. It was great. Keep up the great work. You're a fabulous writer. -Cat-

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