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Reviewer: MajorOtaku Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09 Jul 2013 10:28:28 PM Title: Chapter 1


Reviewer: Mikoangel Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 01 Nov 2010 8:01:18 PM Title: Chapter 1

Sad but beautiful story. . .

Reviewer: soliea0death Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14 Aug 2010 2:04:47 PM Title: Chapter 1

God! I just couldn't stop crying. T_T It's understandable for the eldest to be angry, that's ususally the case. And how awful is it to have to explain death to a three year old. I almost wanted to grab her and hold her myself. Then with Nemi, I can understand her doing the chores partically to hide her pain. I can't even begin to comprehend how Inuyasha feels. *sigh* my heart just kept turning in knots for him. The stuff you write is so emotional, I can hardly stand it. Keep it up!

Author's Response: Thanks! Sorry for the late response! I know! Bad me! Anyway's this is definitely an emotional story, I always try to put a realistic touch to my stories and I figured that's how three different children of different ages would react to the situation. It's not easy for Inuyasha either of course. He's heartbroken. Poor Inu!

Reviewer: kimakaanna Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09 Jun 2009 11:44:35 AM Title: Chapter 1

well that was mean of Sesshomaru! and here i am, thinkin he's a good guy! -sigh- it's alright, i still luv him! lolz!! but really, nice story. i don't know how i would get through this. i probably would've ran away. thanks 4 the story though! you are just full of ideas aren't you lolz?!!

Author's Response: LOL. I don't always make Sesshomaru a bad guy and in this story he's not really suppose to be bad, just a bastard. :) Out of the Inu brothers Inuyasha is my baby until the end! Heehee! I'm definitely full of idea's though. I have at least 9 story idea's stuck in my head that I haven't had a chance to put to paper yet! I know I would definitely want to run away after all this. But he has the pups to think about. We all know what he'd do if they weren't around. He'd follow after Kagome. I have no idea when I'll be able to update this story since I'm like working on 4 at the same time at the moment and that doesn't include the LJ communities I write for and mod work. But I will finish this story. I always finish my stories no matter what. Teehee!

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