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Reviewer: lilmamma Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 31 Dec 2013 10:20:16 PM Title: Chapter 1

ive just started reading your story and all i have to say is i almost cried readi g this first chapter. its really good and almost seems to be written from experiance.

Reviewer: Vavalicious Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Sep 2011 3:27:59 AM Title: Chapter 21

You deserve that award this story is amazing!

Reviewer: Vavalicious Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 Sep 2011 2:55:26 AM Title: Chapter 15

LMAOOO oohh the embarrassing moments of saying silly things to the guy you like. This story is so intriguing, I love the mystery behind it all. Continuing now ^_^

Reviewer: SilentWriter Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Jun 2011 11:44:11 PM Title: Chapter 30

Um, please finish this! I absoulute adore it!


Reviewer: Surrealian Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Jul 2010 4:24:12 AM Title: Chapter 3

The first part made my heart bleed. =(

That was true pain in words. Perfection. I love. I shall favorite this and finish it tomorrow after my doctor's appointment!

 You. Are. Great! =D


Reviewer: Adelaide Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 May 2010 12:14:19 PM Title: Chapter 1

I just found and read this whole story last night. It is great! So interesting and with lots of twists and turns. I would really like to continue reading it on one of your other sites. Could I get a password? Thanks for such a great story!

Reviewer: CatLover260 Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Aug 2009 8:20:43 PM Title: Chapter 1

Congratulations! Your story has been nominated by the Inuyasha FanGuild for Best AU/AR for the Second Quarter of 2009. If you would like to track the progress of your story through the voting process, or simply find out more about the IYFG and perhaps join yourself, you can find everything you need to know on our website: (Inuyasha Fan Guild dot com)


If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to contact our moderators at (IYFG Moderator at g mail dot com). Congratulations again!


-- IYFG Beta Group

Reviewer: inukagluver4eva Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09 Aug 2009 5:02:49 AM Title: Chapter 26

i love this story. and i love the way u started it. it got my attention imidiatly. =) and truthfuly i thought this story was gunna be about kagome. u really surprised me when i found out it was kikyo. truthfully , if on the beggining of the story you would have mentioned kikyo. i might not have continued reading. but theres just something in the way you dedicate ur time on this storie , that drives me nuts to read more. your an excellent writer , if i may say so my self. im a new member of this website , and i would proudly love to admit , your the first story ive read here (i joined today). well , done. you have truly captured my attention. keep up with the good work. and one lil guess? is the guy that comes to the coffe , that kikyo has dearly falling for , is it inuyasha? im not quite sure , cause inuyasha , well , you no. long sliver hair , golden orbs for eyes. but ive read a few storys that authors change the the original appearance of a certain character. =) keep up the great work, and i hope u would update soon. id love to continue reading this fasinating story of yours. till next time. =) love:*jamy* =)

Author's Response: Thank you for the review, and I am so sorry for the late delay. I am honored that you read my story first when you joined this site. It warms my heart to hear it J. When it was still in the brain child stages, I had originally thought it to be Kagome, but I quickly changed my mind. Kikyo was the better choice for me in the end, and but I knew that I had to draw people into the story first before naming names, for the reasons you mentioned. Aw...thank you! It took me a while to find my niche in writing, but I am happy with it J. Hehe...naturally I can't say if you are right or not, but I appreciate the guess. All of the characters in the story are human though, so his appearance has been altered. Kikyo just doesn't know what he looks like since she has never met him. Thank you for the review, and I hope that you will keep reading!!!

Thanks for the rating too! Big smiley for you :D.

Reviewer: mraestalyn Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 28 Apr 2009 1:12:30 AM Title: Chapter 13

Yay! I come home from work and low and behold-- 2 chapters posted since last I looked! It was a real treat to delve into your tale after a hard day's work. I'm glad to read about Kikyo's bounce back. Now, if only more of the White Rose would be revealed... *winks*

Author's Response: Well...I am trying to post a new chapter everyday if that helps. It is just hard to do sometimes because I still have school work too, even thought I have only 18 more days until I an finished. Anyways...I'm glad that you liked it! we still have a ways to go until I come clean and tell you guys who he is. Till then... :-). Thanks for the review and keep reading! Thanks for the rating too! Big smiley for you :D.

Reviewer: mraestalyn Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20 Apr 2009 4:06:59 AM Title: Chapter 8

Darlin', as always you deliver such fantastic stories. This one has certainly expanded your writing technique. I love how you've changed perspectives-- I believe it really shows growth in a writer to create tales from another character's p.o.v. (Even one who isn't always that popular.) I have to admit, I was surprised at first about who the main character was-- but I read the first chapter over again and was able to see the hints better. In the anime, Kikyo always had more of a soulful/dramatic flare to her soliloquies. The action of blood dripping would be the more morbid feel of Kikyo's words within your story. I really love it, as I have loved all of your stories.

Hope prom was fun! It's been 8 years since mine... EEEP! ;)

Author's Response:

Aw...thank you! I feel so touched! I really wanted to try something different, but I never expected it to come out like this! I was going to change it after I finished the first chapter, but I was very pleased with it and I thought that it would present me with a good challenge to keep everything in this POV, especially since it is something that I have never tried before. When I first came up for this idea in the middle of White Rose (the book, not the man) I knew right away that I wanted Kikyo to be my main character, and have her portrayed not as someone that was out to ruin everyone's life. I'm trying to drop hints along the way and leave them as subtle as possible. There is one hint that no one has picked up on yet, and that hint has something to do with how Kagome met Inuyasha.


It was...but the location could have been better. There was a horrible echo in the room that made it hard to stay and dance in. On the upside, there was another area with lounge music that was fun to hang out in. All in all, it was a good night.


Thanks for the review and the rating! Big smiley for you :D. Keep reading!

Reviewer: xXmika_ookamiXx Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15 Apr 2009 11:43:12 PM Title: Chapter 3

Once again it is a good chapter. I can't wait to read what comes next. I liked this chapter, it was.... how you say.... relaxed? It had a good feel to it. Here's a big smile back :) .

Author's Response: Thanks! I'm glad you like it! I wanna try and keep this tone for a good portion of the story, but we will see. Thanks for the review, smile, and reading! Keep reading!

Reviewer: xXmika_ookamiXx Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14 Apr 2009 10:54:36 PM Title: Chapter 2

I feel confused, yet interested. Keep up the writing, I can't wait to see more.

Author's Response: Feel free to contact me so I can clear up any and all confusion! Thanks for the review, and keep reading! Thanks for the rating too. Big smiley for you :D.

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