Reviews For Beneath It All
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Reviewer: Taiyoukai_Nile Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12 May 2009 7:27:09 AM Title: Kanna

I cannot believe she would tackle the challenge... what a brave girl!

Reviewer: Taiyoukai_Nile Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12 May 2009 7:19:37 AM Title: First Day

Have you actually known a waitress to make $30/ hour. Most waitresses make below minimum wage per hour (a couple years ago it was only $2.90 per hour plus tips) and plus tips, but also have to give 10% of tips to the house. At least some restaurants do that.

The only way she could seem to be making tips is a waitress or a bartender in a popular club. When I was growing up, the mother of one of my best friends made $500 a night and only worked 3 days a week as a bartender in a bar in downtown St. Louis.

Just giving you an idea. For $30 an hour, she would have to have a sturdy degree under her belt or as I said, be a waitress or bartender in a popular club.

I know this is your story, but the figures for it are not plausible figures even in an AU story built on real world situations.

Regardless of wages earned, bills and such... it is still good. :)

Reviewer: Taiyoukai_Nile Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12 May 2009 6:58:47 AM Title: Bankotsu

Sesshoumaru is really sadistic. I find it odd to see Bankotsu be nice, but he does have this quirkyness to him that screams "I can be nice although I am a bad boy." lol

Reviewer: Taiyoukai_Nile Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12 May 2009 6:52:28 AM Title: Sesshoumaru

Very good... minor part in water bills. Usually a normal household is under $60 a month for water and trash bills. At least from my personal experience. I do believe it would not be much different even if it were Tokyo Japan. Most people end up going to public bath houses and pay very little.

I am still hanging in here. I like it. :)

Reviewer: Taiyoukai_Nile Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12 May 2009 6:49:30 AM Title: Hope

$59,000 or yen??? That is a lot per month... usually even schools in other countries do per semester. Some of the minor colleges are $16,000 a year here in the U.S.


Plot wise, I think this is a very good start.

Reviewer: xXmika_ookamiXx Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 May 2009 12:06:47 AM Title: Soda Fight

I love this story. It has me laughing a lot, but it's sorta serious too. Hmm, anyways, update as soon as you can

Reviewer: red14lilli Signed starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 03 May 2009 9:10:56 AM Title: Soda Fight


Reviewer: Anime queen 14 Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 Apr 2009 12:50:41 AM Title: Cold Sweat

this one was awsome i loved the butt print cloth thing it was so funny to imagen. i could only imagen sesshomaru turning red great job. write on!

Reviewer: Anime queen 14 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 18 Apr 2009 8:41:43 AM Title: Unexpected

i agree sesshomaru is being a spoiled prick.*sigh*mr high and mighty needs to stop being a jerk. lol. Write On! Great job

Reviewer: Anime queen 14 Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Apr 2009 2:44:58 AM Title: Hope

awe thanks for the chapter but why did it have to end i wanted to know what happened. lol i hope sesshomaru and kagome are ok

Ps: great job with the last aac chapter it was very good. i just hope that kagome is ok with that creep.

Reviewer: xXmika_ookamiXx Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12 Apr 2009 11:41:44 PM Title: The Innocent Prank

LOVE IT. I absolutely love your story. I can't wait to find out what happens! Update as soon as you are able to, please! I would have reviewed each chapter, but I didn't feel like stopping, the story was just so good.

Reviewer: Anime queen 14 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06 Apr 2009 5:27:51 PM Title: Hope

I love it write on! i love how sesshomaru and inuyasha's dad in the principle. how often do you post?

Author's Response:

between two stories, As A Courtesan and Beneath it All... i'd say i post once every week. Sometimes BIA is updated earlier than AAC, or AAC earlier than BIA.

thank you for reviewing! and supporting!

Reviewer: KogasWoman Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Mar 2009 4:13:57 AM Title: First Day

love it update soon


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